
Eastern Slovak Republic


Vychodoslovenskej Kraj (East Slovakia Region)

Any person interested in inspecting archival documents is required to prove his/her identity by showing an identity card or other document of similar validity (e.g. passport); to register each visit in the visitor’s book, and at the beginning of research fill out a research form (badatelsky list). The research form is to be recompleted whenever the subject of inspection or the subject of research are changed, and at the beginning of every calendar year.

There may be a limit of five (5) books that may be researched in any one day. These books often must be reserved at least a day in advance at the archive. Most of the archives do have photocopy machines, but there are restrictions on what books you may copy from, due to the fragile state of the old matriky (church registers).

The records may be written in Slovak, Hungarian, German, or Latin depending on the priest or minister who kept the records.

The listings for the Slovak Republic were updated August 2010.

State Archives (formerly Regional Archives)

There are three state archives (Statny archiv) located in Eastern Slovakia. The state archive contains the matriky (church records), which include baptismal, marriage and death. It also contains tax records, deeds, charters and nobility records.

Statny archiv v Kosiciach (Kosice) Bacikova ulice c. 1 post. priecinok C-26, 041 56 Kosice
telefon: 055/622 24 15 fax: 055/729 32 45
e-mail: archiv@sale.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Milena Ostrolucka

Statny archiv v Levoci (Levoca) Majstra Pavla 7,054 45 Levoca
telefon: 053/ 451 24 24, fax: 053/451 44 11
e-mail: archiv@sale.vs.sk
director: PhDr. Frantisek Zifcak

Statny archiv v Presov (Presov) Presov-Nizna Sebastova, Slanska 31,080 06 Presov
telefon: 051/746 0052, fax: 052/776 40 59
e-mail: archiv@sapo.vs.sk
director: Dr. PhDr. Miloslava Bodnarova, CSc.

Archiv Mesta Kosic (Archive of City of Kosice) Kovacska ulice c. 20/1 040 01 Kosice
telefon: 055/622 18 25
director: JuDr. Jozef Kirst

Branch Archives (formerly District Archives)

These smaller district archives contain such information as passport applications, letters requesting permission to emigrate, certain land records, marriage contracts with register of bride’s dowry, school records, and town records, including government records, and the town chronicle (history of events from the town/village).

pobocka archiv v Bardejov, Miskovaska 1, 085 01 Bardejov
telefon: 054/472 57 55, fax: 054/472 56 73
e-mail: archiv@sapo-pbj.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Jozef Petrovic

pobocka archiv v Poprad, Sobotske us. 18.20, 058 01 Poprad
telefon: 052/776 93 24, fax: 053/789 49 02
e-mail: archiv@sale-ppp.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Bozena Malovcova

pobocka archiv v Levoca, nam Majstra Pavla 60,054 01 Levoca
telefon: 053/451 19 66, fax: 053/469 92 82
e-mail: archiv@sale.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Elena Dzurillova

pobocka archiv v Presov, Slovenska ulice c. 40, 080 01 Presov
telefon: 051/773 30 05, fax: 051/773 11 84
e-mail: archiv@sapo-ppo.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Lubica Kovacova

pobocka archiv v Roznava, Zakarpatska 12, 048 01 Roznava
telefon: 058/732 41 54, fax: 058/732 80 51
e-mail: archiv@sake-prv.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Jan Liptak

pobocka archiv v Humenne, Sturova ulice c. 1, 066 80 Humenne
telefon: 057/775 27 70, fax: 057/778 33 17
e-mail: archiv@sapo-phe.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Maria Novosadova

pobocka archiv v Kosice, Juzna trieda 82, 040 01 Kosice
telefon: 055/685 57 23, fax: 055/685 58 34
e-mail: archiv@sake-pke.vs.sk
director: PhDr. Margita Krajnakova

pobocka archiv v Michalovce, ulice Stefana Tuceka 4, 071 01 Michalovce
telefon: 056/642 44 27, fax: 056/642 44 81
e-mail: archiv@sake-pmi.vs.sk
director: Mgr.Valeria Molnarova

pobocka archiv v Spisska Nova Ves, Letna ulice c. 67, 052 80 Spisska Nova Ves
telefon: 053/446 43 39, fax: 053/ 429 75 86
e-mail: archiv@sale-psn.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Nina Palkova

pobocka archiv v Stara Lubovna, Obrancov mieru 22, PO Box 19, 064 01 Stara Lubovna
telefon: 052/432 19 83, fax: 052/428 19 42
e-mail: archiv@sale-psl.vs.sk
director: PhDr. Joseph Harcar

pobocka archiv v Svidnik, Partizanska ulice c. 625/12, 089 01 Svidnik
telefon: 054/752 23 02, fax: 054/752 23 02
e-mail: archiv@sapo-psk.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Richard Pavlovic

pobocka archiv v Trebisov, M. R. Stefanika ulice c. 201, 075 01 Trebisov
telefon: 056/672 35 00, fax: 056/668 68 41
e-mail: archiv@sake-ptv.vs.sk
director: PhDr. Anna Zadanska

pobocka archiv v Vranov nad Toplou, Budovatelska 1277/ 093 01 Vranov nad Toplou
telefon: 057/446 49 08, fax: 057/446 49 08
e-mail: archiv@sapo-pvt.vs.sk
director: Mgr. Daniela Jackanicova