March 2025 37:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: The Kansas City Area and Kansas Ethnic Groups - 150 Years of Czech History in Wilson, Kansas, 1874–2024, Cherilee Shiroky Ward
- From Olmütz, Moravia to Olmitz, Kansas: A Community’s Journey, Jim Phillips
- Standard Oil and the Slavic Community of Sugar Creek, Missouri, Terry Smitka
- Honorary Consul Installed in Kansas City
- The Czech and Slovak Club of Greater Kansas City: Connecting Cultures, Kathy Johnson
- This Land is My Land: Czechs in Republic County, Kansas, Deb Hadachek
December 2024 36:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Neighborhoods in Chicago - Chicago Czech Communities Overview, Wesley Johnston
- Immigration and Settlements of Chicago’s Slovaks, Kevin Hurbanis
- Denní Hlasatel, Carol Jean Smetana
- The Little Girl from Little Village: Growing up Czech in Chicagoland, Anna Ramirez
- Chicago’s Grand Crossing Czech Community, Wesley Johnston
- CGSI’s 2025 Kansas City Conference Program, Paul Makousky
- Remembering Helmuth Schneider, Jr., a Texas Czech, Paul Makousky
September 2024 36:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: What I Did on My Summer Vacation - Exploring Slovakia: Six Weeks of Family Research and Language Immersion, Julie Michutka
- Our Best Trip Ever: Unexpected Discoveries and Experiences in the Homeland, Kathy Jorgenson and Pamela Kotval
- The Events of the XVII All-Sokol Slet in Prague, Joseph S. Bielecki
- My Genealogy Vacation: Tracing My Paternal Roots in the Czech Republic, Linda Chambliss
- The 1st Czech Festival in Brazil and the 12th Festival of Czech & Slovak Culture in Latin America, Wanderson de Araujo Beneš
- The Hillebrand Mill and Sawmill in Nova Petrópolis, Brazil, Wanderson de Araujo Beneš
- My Great Grandfather Introduced Me to Two Slovak Intellectuals, Robert “Bob” Pavelka
- The Event of a Lifetime: Stepping into My Ancestral Villages of Kozojídky and Kněždub, Moravia, Barbara Ann Rahn
June 2024 36:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Germans from Bohemia & Moravia Articles include: - German-Bohemians and Czechs: A Shared History, Robert J. Paulson
- The Connection Between Valdivia, Chile, and Brannan (Broumov), Böhmen (Czech Republic), Petr Bergmann
- Report on National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library Events, May 2-4, 2024 “Economic Summit - Understanding the Past to Build the Future”, Mark Dillon
- German-Speaking Immigrants from the Altvaterland District, Northern Moravia, to Nebraska, Tina Wells
- The Carpatho-Rusyns of Lenartov, Bob Pavelka
- Unveiling Ceremony of American Sokol Organization Donation to NCSML, Anna Cooková
- In Memory of Slovak Genealogist, Juraj Cisarik, Compiled by Paul Makousky
- CGSI Partners with NCSML for Memorable April Symposium, Mark Dillon
March 2024 36:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Updates on CGSI Projects - Preserving Our Heritage: Updates on Previous CGSI Projects, Kevin Hurbanis
- Combing CGSI Certificate Applications, Jerry Martinek
- 2024 Cedar Rapids Symposium
- Denni hlasatel No Longer Out of Reach, Jerry Martinek
- Genealogists of the Present Preserving News of the Past, Stephen Baluch
- CGSI GEDCOM Family Tree Project, Pete Landry
- Connecting People, Places, and Resources: "Our Villages" and Theme Pages, Kevin Hurbanis
- CGSI Cemetary Project - What Can You Learn?, Kathryn Nunvar Palmquist
- The Family Histories Project & 300 Ways to Document Your Own Family Story, Jerry Martinek
- Tourist photos of Slovakia, 2018
December 2023 35:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Immigration Stories of Our Ancestors - Manor House in Fintice, Slovakia, Michal Razus
- The Potštejn Feudal Estate, Eugene Aksamit
- Lowland Registers Are Getting Closer to Descendants, Michael J. Kopanic, Jr.
- The Estate Gross-Lippen and the Estate Netschenitz, Ginger Simek
- Robot Obligations of a Peasant Farmer in Bohemia, Thomas D. Hovel
- The Grand Opening of Kasigarda, the Museum of Emigration from Slovakia to North America, Mark Dillon
- CGSI 2023, What a Conference!, Lori Berdak-Miller
- Traveling Library Chair Hits the Bullseye: Comments from Iveta Blahútová
- Expansion of an International Influence in Naše rodina, Paul Makousky
- Kingdom in the Kingdom? Třeboň and other South-Bohemian Feudal Estates, Laděna Plucarová
September 2023 35:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Immigration Stories of Our Ancestors - Born in Pennsylvania, raised in Slovakia, and return to the US, Tom Waseleski
- From Moravia to Minnesota: The Journey of the František Kadlec Family, Tony Kadlec
- Milwaukee Holiday Folk Fair International, Ann Vojta Cramer
- Wenzel’s Trunk, Linda Schelbitzki Pickle
- Wrestling with Eastern European Ancestry and Pinning Down Your Family, Daniel F. Stramara, Jr. Ph.D
- A Kotval Family’s Adventure from The Kutná Hora District to New York City to Vesta, Minnesota, Pamela Kotval
- How I recovered the Lost Story of My Great-Grandmother’s Immigration, James E. Bridgman
June 2023 35:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovak and Czech Census Data - Using Census Data as a Guidepost to Further Research: The Austria-Hungary Census of 1890, Pete Landry
- The 1869 Slovakia Census and the Data It Provides, Kevin Hurbanis
- Look What we Have to Look Forward to!!!, Karen J. Nielsen Lorence
- Finding Maria Demko: An Overview of the Slovak Census of 1930 and Brief Demonstrative Case Study, Kevin John Stefan Duska Jr.
- Online Census Data for Moravia and Silesia, Martin Pytr
March 2023 35:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: 35th Anniversary of CGSI - CGSI’s 35 Years of Service to Genealogists, 1988 – 2023, Paul Makousky
- Remembering the Life and Contributions of Garnet Bina, Paul Makousky
- Easter Reminiscence, Iveta Blahútová
- Memories of a Czech Family in Argentina: Music as a Bridge to Slavic Culture, Dr. Nancy Edith Rutyna
- CGSI and the Collaborative Genealogy Experience, Kevin Hurbanis
- From the Mississippi to Maine to the Morava: An International Genealogy Focus, Mark Dillon
- A St. Paul Minnesota Dairyman, Candy Novak
December 2022 34:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech & Slovak Mills and Millers’ Guild - The Power of Water - The Water Mills of Slovakia, Ron Matviyak
- Family Mills in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, Richard J. Maresh
- Unravelling Occupational Threads, Jean Svoboda
- Czechs in the Northwest US, Review by Evelyn Funda
- The Liebezeit Family’s 200 years at the Water Mills of the Mšec Area, Wesley Johnston
September 2022 34:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Resources on the CGSI’s Members’ Only Section - Czech Immigration Passenger Lists Can Help Find Collateral Relatives and More, Paul Makousky
- CGSI’s Collection of Family Histories: Revealing Culture and Offering Models, Evelyn Funda and Jerry Martinek
- Hark the “Herald” Answers Bring, Paul Makousky
- Hidden Gems in the CGSI Website, Anton Soukup
- Accessing CGSI Conference Presentations Recordings from 1991 to Present, Evelyn Funda and Jerry Martinek
- Slovak Origin of Dave Grohl, Marek Rímsky
- New Edition of ‘Homestead’ Book Details the Struggles of Slovak Immigrants, Tom Waseleski
- Jan M. Častek Biography (Translation of article from the Amerikán národní kalendář)
June 2022 34:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs and Slovaks Participation in World War I - World War I in Slovakia, 1914-1915, Michael J. Kopanic, Jr., Ph.D.
- Reflections of WW I in the Documents of South Bohemian Archives, Laděna Plucarová (translation by Miroslav Koudelka)
- The First World War Experiences of Juraj Danko and Peter Vasko, George Danko
- How Wars and Politics Affect Lives of Common People, Alena Tuláčková (translation by Miroslav Koudelka)
- Martin: A Center of Slovak Culture, John Palka
- The Ethnically Ambiguous Results Surrounding the Post-War Trianon Treaty, Autumn Mozeliak
- Czech Arrivals from Mexico, Leo Baca
March 2022 34:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: The Hospodář Czech Newspaper and its Publishers - Omaha’s National Printing Company: Jan and Rose Rosický’s Prominence in Czech American Publishing, Jennifer Kroft
- Jan Vaculik and the Hospodář in West, Texas, Jana Riley
- Antonín Piskač, Final Editor of the Hospodář in Omaha, Nebraska, Paul Makousky
- Martin, Slovakia and Independence/Sugar Creek, Missouri Sister City Planning, Paul Makousky
- CGSI Has a Genealogical Tool Found Nowhere Else: Here’s How the Project is Developing, Jerry Martinek
- Handwriting Aids for the Czech Genealogist, June M. Sommer
- Slovak Genealogy Reading Aids, Paul Makousky
December 2021 33:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Reading & Deciphering Dates in Liturgical Calendars - The Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendar in Czech Catholic Church Records, June M. Sommer and Mary Petersen
- Two Christmases, Submitted by Mary Lukacs
- Crowning Glory, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- 2021 Virtual Conference Connections
- What Date Did You Say That Was?, Ilene Kanfer Murray
- Holiday Reminiscences, Iveta Blahútová
- Slovak Christmas Food Customs in our Family, Michael J. Kopanic, Jr., Ph.D.
September 2021 33:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Jews - Milan Strnad: How a Humble Czech High School Teacher Has Been Preserving Jewish Memories, Tina Scott Edstam
- Between Budapest and Prague: Jews in Eastern Slovakia and Transcarpathia Before and After 1918, Dr. Peter Švorc
- Recipes Rescued from the Holocaust, Eva Moreimi
- Further Reading on Jewish Genealogy and History
- Language Aids for the Czech Genealogist, June M. Sommer
- Your Family Surname May Be Maternal, Derek Hartley
- Jews in the Rožnov Climate Spa, Vojtěch Bajer and Daniel Drapala
- Terezín Ghetto and Hana Kleinová Frištenská, Frank Fristensky
- The Frištenský Family in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Frank Fristensky
- Leo Brill – The Jews in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
- The Obscured Impact and Influence of Early Czech Jewish Settlers in Nebraska, Jennifer Kroft
- Projekt KORENE, Renata Calfa
- An Immigrant’s Story, Evelyn M. Cherpak
- A Recatholization of Bohemia Story, Gene Aksamit
June 2021 33:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs, Slovaks and German-Bohemians in South America - Czech Immigration to Brazil, Petr Polakovič
- Bohemian Immigration to Brazil: Meeting Minutes from 1900, Franz Oppitz (Transcribed by Ovidio Hillebrand and Translated to English by Maria Betânia Ferreira Champagne)
- Života Praca v Argentini (Life and Work in Argentina): Memoirs of the Slovak Ethnographer Jan Onuška in South America, Nancy Rutyna
- Argentina – About Czech Compatriots, Štěpán Zajac (Translation assistance by Iveta Blahútová)
- Slovaks in Federative Republic of Brazil, Office of Slovaks Living Abroad
- Immigration of German-Bohemians in Southern Brazil, Marcio Vinicius Scheibler
- How My Moravian Great Grand-Mother Got Married in NY Weeks Before She Arrived in America - And How I Have Tried to Figure It Out, Christopher Barina Kaiser
- Legacy of a Family in Small Town USA: River Falls, Wisconsin, Charla Kusilek
March 2021 33:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs, Slovaks, & German-Bohemians in Milwaukee/Racine - From The “Coasts of Bohemia” To An “Island” In Wisconsin: The Landskroner/Lanškrouner Settlement of Waterloo Township, Wisconsin, Edward G. Langer
- Slovaks of Milwaukee and Racine Counties, Gerald Novotny and Štěpánka Korytová-Magstadt, Ph.D.
- The Early Czechs In Caledonia, Jack Makovsky
- Discovering The Lorenc Family Trails, Karen Nielsen Lorence
- The Czech (Bohemian) - English Dictionaries Written By Karel Jonáš, June M. Sommer, Translation by Marcella Milcic
- A Chance Meeting And A Full Circle Journey, Dick Pohorsky
- Czech, German-Bohemian And Slovak Passengers To Milwaukee And Racine, Wisconsin
- Legacy Of A Family In Small Town U.S.A. River Falls, Wisconsin
December 2020 32:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Genealogy and Culture Websites - Exploring CGSI’s Website, Kevin Hurbanis
- A Journey Through Blanka’s Genealogy Blog, Mary Sramek-Levesque
- Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors With MyHeritage, Lisa A Alzo
- A Tribute to Jiří Ošanec 1947-2020, Miroslav Koudelka
- Slovak Pride: Connecting Families Here and Abroad for the Past 30 Years!, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Polička Networking Group
- Using Facebook as a Genealogical Tool, Robin Selvig
- Forging a New “Czech” Community, Jann Crock
- History, Lost and Found, Christy Banks
September 2020 32:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs and Slovaks in Massachusetts - From Bohemia to Bay State, The Struggles of One Czech Family in Western Massachusetts, James E. Bridgman
- A Tale of Two Crossroads of Slovak Culture, Mark Dillon and Virginia Flynn
- Natick Massachusetts Slovak Immigrants, Virginia Flynn
- A Wonderful Gift, Russ Neydl
- The Spanish Influenza Pandemic in Slovakia, 1918-1919, Michael J. Kopanic, Jr., Ph.D.
- Potpourri of Czechs and Slovaks in Massachusetts, Paul Makousky
- Genealogy and the Coronavirus, A Learning Experience, Bernard Michael Servais
June 2020 32:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Austrian/Hungarian Genealogical Records - The Keeping of Church Registers By the Roman Catholic and Protestant Parishes in Austria, Felix Gundacker
- Lincoln Post-Conference Genealogy Break-Through, Paul Makousky
- Inheritance Law in Hungary Until 1918, Erik Dirbák
- Chicago Czechs, Country Cottages, and the 1929 Crash: A Personal Story (Part 2), Kenneth Janda
- The Milan R. Štefánik Statue in Paulhan, France (Part II), Michael J. Kopanic, Jr., Ph.D.
- The Righteous Among the Nations, Paul Makousky
- Donation of Rich Historical Collection, Mark Dillon
March 2020 32:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Genealogists’ Most Interesting Findings - A Path of Coincidences Leads to the Genealogy Jackpot, Paul Makousky
- Intriguing Items from Slovak Church Records, Kevin Hurbanis
- The Groom’s Grandfather is the Brother of the Bride’s Grandmother, Blanka Lednická
- Some of My Interesting Findings as a Genealogist, Michal Razus
- Gen-Team is Celebrating Its Tenth Anniversary!, Felix Gundacker
- Final Summation of Lincoln Conference Keynote Address, Mila Šašková-Pierce
- Grandmother Marie Čermák Kubát and the Superlative Obituary, K.A. Kubat-Martin
- Czech Last Name Changes, Czech-American TV
- Chicago Czechs, Country Cottages, and the 1929 Crash: A Personal Story (Part 1), Kenneth Janda
- Czechoslovakia: Behind the Iron Curtain: A History of Communism, Michael J. Kopanic, Jr., Ph.D.
- Pursuing History of Battles in WWI Rusyn Carpathians, Ron Matviyak
- A Key Resource for Moravian Research: The Lánový rejstřík, Kevin Kittilson
December 2019 31:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak DNA Studies - Sundays At Grandma’s, Karen A. Melis
- Connecting with Collateral Cousins Using DNA, Karen A. Melis
- Czech DNA Project: Current Status, Leo Baca
- A Life Revealed: Reconstructing a Czech Father’s World War II Legacy, Tina Scott Edstam
- Hundreds of Surnames Available for Genetic Matching in a Unique Czech Database, Marek Blahuš
- Regional Network Session Success Stories and More, Paul Makousky
- Genealogists Receive Royal Treatment in Lincoln, Paul Makousky
- Czech: The Biggest Barrier in Czech Genetic Genealogy, Kate Challis
- Finding Family is a Real Discovery of Heart Connections, Kathy Bouchard
September 2019 31:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Bohemian Glass and Its Uses - History of Bohemian Glass, Daniela Šipková Mahoney
- A Brief History of the Potash Industry in Bohemia and Moravia in the 18th and 19th Centuries, Kate Challis
- The Milan R. Štefánik Statue in Paulhan, France (Part 1), Michael J. Kopanic, Jr., Ph.D.
- Information about Vassalage, Charles L. Crespi
- Traditional Glass Bead Ornaments by Rautis Company in Northern Bohemia, Daniela Šipková Mahoney
- 2019 Miss Czech-Slovak US Pageant, Alexandria Cerveny Sandall
- Anna Tombazzi, Crowned 2019-2020 Miss Czech-Slovak US
- 1933 Silver Lake, Minnesota Visit, Ron Pulkrabek
June 2019 31:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Tourist Attractions in Eastern Slovakia - A Hidden Gem on the 49th Parallel, Branislav A. Švorc, PhD.
- Bardejov – Pearl of Slovakia: Hidden Gem of UNESCO World Heritage, Michal Razus
- Following in the Footsteps of Good Soldier Švejk, Ron Matviyák
- Tokaj Wine Region, Ronald Matviyak
- The Česká Družina Monument in Medzilaborce, Ronald Matviyak
- A CGSI Member’s Maiden Journey to East Slovakia, Paul Makousky
- History of the Czechs in Du Bois, Nebraska, Albert Panec
- History of the Czechs in Freeborn County, Minnesota, Susan Cherney
March 2019 31:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs and Slovaks in Nebraska - History of Czech Settlement in Verdigre and Vicinity in Knox County, Paul Makousky
- Slovenská Prisťahovala: A Journey to America, ZitaAnne Reno
- How Did the Early Czech Immigrants Travel to Saline County, Nebraska?, Gene Aksamit
- A Golden Moment in Family Tree Building, Joanie Holzer Schirm
- Featuring the Town of Wilber, Nebraska, Cody Sperl
- Spiš County, Slovakia: Class and Cultural Differences that Shaped My Family Tree, Alice Mann
- Territorial Extent of Valach Colonization in Moravia During Second Half of the 17th Century, Dr. František Dostál
December 2018 30:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: CGSI’s 30 Years of Service to Genealogists - 30 Year Chronological History of CGSI, Paul Makousky
- The Advancement of Genealogy Resources, Suzette Steppe
- How Do I Love Thee, CGSI! Let Me Count the Reasons Why, Melda Boyd
- Genealogy Bites, Jerry Martinek
- Profiling CGSI's Board Members, Melda Boyd
- On the Life of the Old Shepherds from Radhošť and Surroundings, Bohumír Strnadel
- A Life Well Taught: Martin Votruba +November 23, 2018
- Royal Cities of Bohemia, Gene Aksamit
- Historic Central Kansas Czechs, Steve Parke
September 2018 30:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Unexpected Communities of Slovak Settlement in the U.S. - The Early History of South Elmdale Congregational Church, Milton Reimer
- The Slovaks in Roslyn, Washington, Rosie Bodien
- Slovak (Prairie County), Arkansas, Jamie Metrailer
- Hooks Farm Through the Generations, Beth (Hooks) Lewis
- Visiting Clergy From Oklahoma to Slovactown 1916, translated by Ron Matviyak
- Our Czech History, Jaromir Strumfa
- CGSI Loses Two of Its Prominent Volunteers, Paul Makousky
- Profiling CGSI’s Board Members, Mike Kudlac
- Following Papa to America, Margaret Nasta
- A Look Ahead to the 2019 Lincoln Conference, Paul Makousky
June 2018 30:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs in South Dakota - Bon Homme and Yankton County Czech Migration: Troubles, Trials, and Triumphs, Dennis L. Povondra
- Czechs Settling in Brule County, South Dakota, Wayne Woodraska
- Wonders Never Cease, John Adam
- Autobiography of John J. Yirsa, Translated from Hospodář Vol. XLIII No.1 January 5, 1933
- Slovaks in the Diocese of Harrisburg, Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Kujovsky
- What Tales Those Pages Can Tell!, Jerry Martinek
- A Life-Long Journey, Fred Simon
March 2018 30:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Meanings and Sources for Czech and Slovak Surnames/Village Names - Surnames in Slovakia, Michal Razus
- Names of the Czech Villages and Towns They Came From, Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
- Collecting Church Histories, a 30-Year Passion, John Schweich
- Household Surnames in the Czech Past, Blanka Lednická
- Historic Northeast Kansas Czech Settlements, Steve Parke
- Tips on How to Write to Your Czech Relatives, Nancy Anderson
- Slovak Cemeteries with Completed Transcriptions of Tombstone Inscriptions, Milan Šišmiš
December 2017 29:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Cemeteries - Among the Gravestones: My Quest for Family in Prague, Carol Jean Smetana
- The Living Celebrate the Dead in Slovakia’s Cemeteries, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- The Final Resting Place of the Nation’s Finest, Marie & Tom Zahn
- Czech Cemeteries, Now and Before, Martin Pytr
- How to Search On-Line Cemeteries in Slovakia, Barb Golias
- Unique Hand-Drawn Family Trees from Slovakia, Martin Cubjak
- Following the Kansas Czech Trail: Research Resources for the Historic Kansas Czech Settlements: Part I – Sources with a Broad Stroke, Steve Parke
- Mother of Nations, Hana Koudelková
September 2017 29:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Noble Families and Peasants/Serfs - Bohemian Noble Families, Gene Aksamit
- Nobility in Upper Hungary (Slovakia), Michal Razus
- Bohemian Serfs, Gene Aksamit
- Bohemian Serfs – The Village Headman, Gene Aksamit
- Bohemian Serfs – Social Disciplining (Or So Every Subject Knows How to Behave), Gene Aksamit
- Slovak Peasants in Hungary Prior to World War I, Kenneth Janda
- A Viewpoint from Across the Table: Judging the Miss Czech-Slovak US Pageant, Paul Makousky
- From Myjava to America: A Slovak Journey, Louis Baum
- Oldest Bohemian?, James J. Kallal
- Civil War Pension File Tells the Story of a Marriage, Mary Lee Chivetta
June 2017 29:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech Settlements in Idaho - Czechoslovakian Culture in the Buhl–Castleford Area, James R. Gentry
- My Slovak Grandfathers in Pennsylvania, Jean Ivanco Cook
- Little Falls – “Second” Myjava, Michal Maliarik
- Education in Early Bohemia, Gene Aksamit
- Czech and Double Czech of Idaho II – Z.Č.B.J. / W.F.L.A. Lidice – Lodge No. 208 Nampa and Surrounding Area, Matilda Machacek
- Profiling the Village of Chmeľová (formerly Komloša), Slovakia, Paul Makousky
March 2017 29:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovaks, Rusyns, and Czechs of Western Pennsylvania - Rusyn Roots, A History of Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church in McKees Rocks, PA, Dean Poloka
- The Protestants, Catholics, and Freethinkers of Bohemian Hill, Carol Hochman
- Milan Alexander Getting and the Czechoslovak Concept, Carol Hochman
- My Dad's Journey to Western Pennsylvania, Carol Rumisek Noel
- Staré zločiny / Old crimes, Jan Ebert
- Discovering Duquesne's Slovak and Rusyn Cluster Communities, Lisa A. Alzo
December 2016 28:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Genealogical Repositories in Prague - American Czechs and Vojta Náprstek, Milena Secká / translated by Marcella Milcic
- A Guide to the National Archives Collections for the Family Researchers, Lenka Matušíková
- Genealogical Resources in the Prague City Archive, Tomáš Biskup
- Family History Research in the Fonds of the State Regional Archives in Prague, Martin Sovák
- The Construction and Development of Hessoun Orphanage - Part II, Hynek Dostál
September 2016 28:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Land Records - Land Records In Slovakia, Michal Razus
- In Search of My Ancestors’ Lives in Muráň, Muránska Dlhá Lúka, and Murány Lehota, Slovakia: Part II – The Search for Living Relatives, Marianne Booms Szabo
- Czech Land Registers (Pozemkové knihy), Martin Pytr
- Hessoun Bohemian Catholic Orphanage in Fenton, St. Louis County, Missouri, Mary Petersen
- The Construction And Development of Hessoun Orphanage, Hynek Dostál
- Kevin J. McNamara, Dreams of a Great Small Nation: The Mutinous Army that Threatened a Revolution, Destroyed an Empire, Founded a Republic, and Remade the Map of Europe [Review], Kenneth Janda
- The Population of Czechia Has Slightly Grown, Miroslav Koudelka
- The People of Slovakia, Michal Razus
- A CGSI Tribute to Czech Genealogist Pioneer Margie Sobotka, 1922-2016, Paul Makousky
June 2016 28:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Families and Geography of the Polička Region - Polička, an Important East Bohemia Market Town, Al Kranz
- List of Inhabitants of Villages on the Municipal Domain of the City of Policka From 1829, Karel Kysilka
- Telecí, Village of My Ancestors, Past and Present, Katherine Roushar Jorgenson
- The Pouls of Korouhev, Patricia Novak
- The History of a Bohemian Village: Borová, Paul Makousky
- In Search of My Ancestors’ Lives in Muráň, Muránska Dlhá Lúka, and Murány Lehota, Slovakia: Part I – Brick Walls and Village Histories, Marianne Booms Szabo
- Lukasova Lípa (Singing Linden Tree) and our Dvořák’s of Telecí Story, JoAn Ferguson and Sharon Broman
- History of the Village of Široký Důl near Polička, František Flídr and Miloslav Brokl Jr. / Translated by Jaroslav Fiala
March 2016 28:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Carpatho-Rusyn Settlements in Eastern US - The Rusyn Communities of Pottstown and Mont Clare, PA, Dr. Michele Parvensky
- Seigniorial Registers at the Třeboň Archive, Lee A. James
- Carpatho-Rusyns in Connecticut: High Drama in a Small State, Richard D. Custer
- Carpatho-Rusyn Fraternals: Their Origins, History, and Present Present State, John T. Schweich
- Hints for reading records in Church Matriky, Judy Nelson
December 2015 27:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Passenger List Search Sources - Beyond The Arrival Date: Examining Other Clues in US Passenger Lists, Lisa A. Alzo
- A One-Step Portal for On-Line Genealogy, Paul Makousky
- Chods – The Border Guards, Gene Aksamit
- Nanticoke, Pennsylvania Slovaks, Christine Antolik Miller
- Czech and German Surnames of Czechs, Jan “Hansi” Ebert
- U.S. Immigration Via Quebec, Gene Aksamit
- Using Lesser Known Passenger Arrival Sources to Locate Your Ancestor(s), Judy Nelson and Paul Makousky
September 2015 27:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Introduction to the Slovak Archives - The State Archives in Prešov, Milan Belej
- Possibilities of Genealogical Research in Košice Regional Archives, Marek Rímsky
- The Slovak National Archives – Eight Centuries of Slovak History Knowledge, Daniela Tvrdoňová and Jana Kafúnová
- The National Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague in Prague, OK, Claude and Helen Duchon
- Pilsen, Marion County, Kansas, Judith Biehler Pasch
June 2015 27:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Folk Art and Artisans - Where there’s a Slovak, there’s a Song! Master Folk Instrument Maker Tibor Koblicek, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Learn to Play the Fujara & Koncovka, Connect with your Roots, & Have the Best Vacation of Your Life!, Bohuslav “Bob” Rychlik
- Slavia, Florida and a Famous Slovak Founder
- Czeching Out the Art of Bobbin Lacemaking, Carol Hilliger
- Henryville Township, Renville County, Minnesota Czech Civil War Soldiers, Marcie Dworshak
- A Snip here, a Snip there Scissor Cut Glory! Kornelie Němečková and the Art of Vystřihovánky, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Kraslice: Colorful decorated eggs reflct richness of Czech & Slovak Folk Art, Daniela Šipková Mahoney
- History of Czech Settlement in Iowa Part II – Northern Iowa, Mike Prohaska
March 2015 27:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs in Iowa - History Of Czech Settlement In Iowa: Part I – Southern Iowa, Mike Prohaska
- Bugas Family in Frontier Wyoming, Joseph J. Hornack
- Reflections of a Descendant of Iowa Czech Immigrants, Judy Nelson
- Czech It Out... in Cedar Rapids, Judi Pohorsky
- Nový Hrozenkov – History, Miroslav Koudelka
- District Hradisch Valuation District – Number 15 Taxation District – Wsetin (Vsetín) Cadastral – Appraisal - Record Of the Village Hrosenkau Neu (Nový Hrozenkov)
- Autobiography of František Šwehla (Švehla), Francis J. Swehla
December 2014 26:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs, Rusyns, and Slovaks of Alabama - The Czechs of Gulf Coast Alabama, Melda H. Boyd and Gary M. Boyd
- Brookside, AL; An Early and Improbable Slavic Outpost in the Deep South, John Schweich
- Václav Mildorf: From Bohemia to Alabama, Melda H. Boyd and Gary M. Boyd
- Language Aids for the Czech Genealogist, June M. Sommer
- Fašiangy (Shrovetide Prelenten Carnival Time), Michael J. Kopanic, Jr., Ph.D.
- Bethlehem Bohemian Congregational Church in St. Louis, Missouri, June M. Sommer
- Keeping Czech Culture Alive: The Baldwin County Polka Band, Melda H. Boyd and Gary M. Boyd
September 2014 26:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak History - Wallachs and the Great War, Zdeněk Pomkla
- Anti-Habsburg Nobility Uprisings 1604-1711, Michal Razus
- Basic Reading of Czech Church Records – Part II, Wesley Johnston
- The Making of a National Hero: A Book Review, Carol Jean Smetana
- Tombstone Project in Butler County, Nebraska, Carolyn Rejda Dvorak
- The Altar of Our Freedom: Czech-American Service and Sacrifice in the American Civil War
June 2014 26:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Key Websites for Czech and Slovak Genealogy - Databases, Documents, and DNA Matches: New Online Resources for Slovak Genealogists, Lisa A. Alzo
- Basic Reading of Czech Church Records – Part I, Wesley Johnston
- Story of a Civil War Photo, David Pavelka
- Websites Useful for Czech Genealogical Research, Judy Nelson
- Peasantry Levels, Occupations and Personal Descriptions found in Czech Records, Judy Nelson
- Beginning Czech Genealogy Research: Oh The Sites You Will See!, Scott Phillips
March 2014 26:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs, Slovaks, and Rusyns of Colorado - Czech Settlers in Colorado – The First Half Century, Nancy K. Prince
- Ancient Gold Mines in Jeseníky Mountain Area, Czech Republic, Martin Pytr
- Slovaks and Carpatho-Rusyns in Colorado: Miners, Mill Workers, Ranchers, Nancy Prince
- The Nonat Healing Salve Returns, Paul Makousky
- History of the Jews in Bohemia, Petr Husták
- History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Slovakia, Part II, Carol Cikanek Claybaker
- History of the Byzantine Catholic Church in the Western U.S., Father Christopher Zugger
December 2013 25:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: DNA and Genealogy - Finding Your Genetic DNA Cousins One Geographic Location at a Time, Karen A. Melis
- Oral Histories Can Enhance Family Research, Bruce A. Vlk
- Ruthenian (Rusyn) Immigrants in Missouri’s Lead Belt, June M. Sommer
- An Unexpected Cousin Connection at Chicago Conference, Dottie Kokes Speidel
- Blahník Family Genealogical and DNA Research, Lori M. Dollevoet
- History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Slovakia, Part I, Carol Cikanek Claybaker
September 2013 25:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Ancestral Occupations in Slovakia - Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker... What our ancestors did to earn their daily bread, Helene Cincebeaux and Andrej Stelmak
- From Flax to Linen: Pre-Industrial Textile Production in the Czech and Slovak Lands, Kevin Hurbanis
- Searching the 1891 Industry and Trade Directory of Hungary, Kevin Hurbanis
- Occupations of the Landless Peasantry in Slovakia, Diana L. Druback
- World War II Stories Emerge From the Chinese Lacquer Boxes, Dottie Speidel
- The History of Firefighting in Slovakia, Kevin Hurbanis
- Chicago’s Worst Tragedy Occurred in the Chicago River, Alberta Adamson
- Ruthenian (Rusyn) Immigrants in St. Louis, Missouri, June M. Sommer
June 2013 25:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs in the Civil War - Czech Soldiers in the American Civil War: Previous Research and New Perspectives, Marek Vlha
- Pro Novou Vlast – Bohemian Civil War Veterans and Their Monument at Chicago’s Bohemian Nat’l Cemetery, Carol Jean Smetana
- St. Louis Czechs First in Action, June M. Sommer
- Becherov, Slovakia – History, Demeter Kokosh
- Steele County Czechs in the Civil War, Michael Wolesky
- Lidice Monument in Need of Repair, Toni Brendel
March 2013 25:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: CGSI’s 25th Anniversary - 25 Years of Accomplishments of CGSI, Paul M. Makousky
- How Genealogy and CGSI Has Changed My Life, Mark Vasko Bigaouette
- My Experiences in Slovak Genealogy, Joseph J. Hornack
- CGSI Family Certificate Program
- Reflections of a Czech Genealogist, Leo Baca
- My Reflections on CGSI and Genealogy, Gene Aksamit
- A Call for Volunteers – Slovak Electronic Resources in FamilySearch, Mike Servais
- Tribute to Fellow CGSI Member Karleen Chott Sheppard, Paul Makousky
- Researching in Genealogy, Margie Sobotka
- A Multi-generational Slovak American Saga: Review of “A Country Lost, Then Found: Discovering My Father’s Slovakia” by Rick Zednik, Ann Johnson
- From Malcov to Charleroi, PA, L. Charles Westervelt
- Traces of the Bednasek Family Lodge Trail, Steve Parke
December 2012 24:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs and Slovaks in Chicago - A Historical Look at Czech Chicagoland, Frank S. Magallon
- Moving to Chicago, One Family’s Story, K.A. Kubat-Martin
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Dr. Martin Luther, Chicago, IL, Chris Bohus
- Early Slovaks in Chicago, Paul M. Nemecek
- The Church of St. Mary of Bechyn (MN) Book Review, Jeanne Wertish
- Chicago’s Grand Crossing Czech Community, Wesley Johnston
- St. Peter’s Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Monkey Run, Missouri, June M. Sommer
- Meeting Jan Hus in Praha, Janet Vrba
September 2012 24:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Using Online Czech and Slovak Archive Records - Researching Czech pre-1900 Church Records Online, Wesley Johnston
- Slovak Archives Research for Dummies, Terri Simco DiCarlo
- Interview of Oľga Glosíková on the Rusyn Museum in Prešov, Michal Razus
- Wilber, Nebraska’s Czech Cultural Center Nears Completion, Sherry Marks
- Research in the Zámrsk Regional Archives – From the Comfort of Home, Lisa Minogue
- Finding Your Slovak Roots Online: Super Sources and Search Secrets, Lisa A. Alzo
June 2012 24:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovaks and Rusyns in New Jersey - The Slovaks of Newark, New Jersey, Diana L. Druback
- I Remember Grandpa, Maryann Andrascik Forster
- Carpatho-Rusyn Immigrants’ New Homeland – and Their Own City!– In New Jersey, Richard Custer
- Slovaks in New Jersey: An Overview, Michael J. Kopanic, Jr.
- Experiences of a Bohemian Emigrant Family, Ferdinand F. Doubrava
March 2012 24:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Probate Records and Wills - When there’s a Will, there’s a Way, Paul Makousky
- How to Find Your Ancestors in Probate Records and Wills, Lisa A. Alzo
- Emigration Story in 1850s from Hamburg to America, Rebekka Geitner
- The Treasures That Await Us, Scott Phillips
- Gross Île, Quebec as an Immigration Point, Paul Makousky
- First Summer in South Dakota, Chapter VII, Rev. František (Francis) Pokorný
- Makota Surname Project, Daria Valkenburg
December 2011 23:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: LDS Resources for Genealogists - The ABC’s of, Glenn Schmitt
- Czech and Slovak Resources at the Family History Library (except digitized), Sylvie Pysnak
- History of the CGSI Website, Bob Bina
- Czech and Slovak Electronic Resources in FamilySearch, Shon Edwards
- The History of the Czech and Slovak Baptists in North America, Natasha Laurinc
- Finding Semon/Simon/Symon Family in Northeast Bohemia, Dee Semon
September 2011 23:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs in North Dakota - 46°4’29” N 97°8’59” W: How Did Genealogy Ever Bring Me Here?, Scott Phillips
- Czech Settlements in North Dakota, Paul Makousky
- Gustav Frištenský, 1879-1957, Preserving the Czech Legend, Frank Fristensky
- Professor Jozef Novák’s 80 Year Anniversary, Marek Rimský
- History of Sokol Saint Louis, Marcella Milcic
- The Beginning of Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church of Bechyně, North Dakota, Paul V. Švercl
June 2011 23:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs and Slovaks of St. Louis - Bohemian Literary Society of St. Louis, June M. Sommer
- Holy Trinity Slovak Parish in St. Louis, Missouri, June M. Sommer
- Roslyn, Washington Cemeteries, Richard “Dick” Watts
- Remembering Our Mutual Friend, Franz “Frank” Soural, 1932-2011, Paul Makousky
- A Bohemian Family Comes to Jefferson Count, Missouri, Charles Nahlik
- A Pipe in a Trunk, Joseph Krenik
- Czech Peasant and Emigration Museum of Kojákovice, Robert Dulfer
March 2011 23:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Guilds: Masters and Apprentices - Sweet Story: The Honey-cake Makers’ Guilds, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Craft Guilds in North Moravia, Jan Štěpán
- Czech Guilds and Genealogy, Eduard Kovalda
- Czech and Slovak Research at St. Louis County Library: Online Resources, Larry D. Franke
- Czech and Slovak Research at St. Louis County Library: Print Resources, June M. Sommer
- Warmth & Style: Furriers Dressed Nobles and Peasants, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Guilds in Pentapolitana, Michal Razus
- Lakewood, Ohio’s “Birdtown” – an Early Slovak Enclave, Marianne Booms Szabo
- Using Facebook for Genealogy Research, Tony Kadlec
December 2010 22:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovak Lutherans in America - St. Lucas and Affiliated Slovak Lutheran Churches, Joyce Kolnik
- Jaroslav Vajda: Poet Laureate of the Hymn World, Carol Cikanek Claybaker
- A History of the Holy Emmanuel Slovak Lutheran Church, Paul Makousky
- Ss. Peter & Paul Church Serving Slovak Lutherans in Chicago for More Than 100 Years, Kevin Hurbanis
- A Complicated Example of a Changing Bohemian Surname, Lee A. James
- St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cudahy, Wisconsin
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish in East St. Louis, Illinois, June M. Sommer
September 2010 22:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Family History and Documentation - Finding “Michael Finch” – Part I, Lisa A. Alzo
- The Emigration Saga of the Family of Tomáš Kohou, Lee A. James
- Aleksander Dukhnovych, Priest, Historian, Publisher, Milan Belej
- The Bohemian Jews of St. Louis, June M. Sommer
- The Roma of Moravia and of Silesia, 1740-1945, Ctibor Nečas
June 2010 22:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Glass Production Industry - History of Bohemian Glassmaking, Donna Prepejchal
- Czech Republic Archive Records Available On-line
- Hennepin County Minnesota Marriage Records, Paul M. Makousky
- History of Glassworks in Slovakia, Czechoslovak Glass Review
- Made in Czechoslovakia, Rosie Bodien
- Czechoslovakian Perfumes 101, Rosie Bodien
- My Chodsko, Václav Mls
- Slovglass Poltár, a Tradition in Glass Production, Slovglass Poltár, S.r.o
- Five Strategies for Finding Female Ancestors, Lisa A. Alzo
March 2010 22:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Surnames - A Genealogist’s View of Czech Family Names, Miroslav Koudelka
- Etymology of Selected Slovak Surnames and Their Latin and Hungarian Variants, Michal Razus
- St. Peter and St. Paul Orthodox Church in Burr Ridge, Illinois
- The Name Game: Five Tips for Researching Slovak Ancestors, Lisa A. Alzo
- Recording Voices and Documenting Memories of Czech and Slovak Americans, Rosie Johnston
- Recipe for Finding a Cousin: How a 3 x 5 Card Helped Me to Find a Relative at the 2009 CGSI Conference, Annette K. Thompson
- Tips for Searching the New CGSI Databases, Al Kranz
- Bostonians Finally Succeed in Discovering Their Czech Roots, Stephen Hrones
- The Surprise of Genealogy, Kristine Kadlec
December 2009 21:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Earliest Slovak and Czech Fraternals in the USA - Since 1854: America’s Fraternal Benefit Societies Start with the Czechs in St. Louis, Deborah Zeman
- Baba and Bobálky: A Slovak Family Christmas, Lisa Alzo
- Wedding Contracts in 19th Century Bohemia, Gene Aksamit
- Finding Bala, Joanie Holzer Schirm
- The Beginnings of Slovak Fraternal Societies in the U.S.A., Michael J. Kopanic, Jr.
September 2009 21:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovak Personalities in America - Albert Paul Mamatey (1870-1923), Gregory Ference
- Jozef Murgaš (1864-1929), Gregory Ference
- For God and Nation: The Reverend Štefan Furdek, 1855-1915, Michael J. Kopanic, Jr.
- Jan Pankuch’s Book and Life Events’ Role in Documenting High Impact People, Joseph J. Hornack
- Ambassador of Women to the World: Betka Papánek (8 Feb 1900 – 30 Nov 1995), Katarína Michálková
- Super Slovaks and Remarkable Rusyns, Lisa A. Alzo
- Information on Two Rusin Societies from Cleveland, John Sabol
- Peter Vitazoslav Rovnianek: the Tenacious Slovak-American Nationalist, Michael J. Kopanic, Jr.
June 2009 21:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Immigration of South Bohemians to the Midwest - “. . . this place . . . “ Spillville, Iowa Přichá zeli Zdaleka: A South Bohemia Connection, Michael F. Klimesh
- Stories from the dusky hour: When Czech Villagers talked about those who left, Olga Černá and Robert Dulfer
- Chicago Settlers from Třeboň area Villages, Diane K. McClure
- Beckoned to a New Land, Marlene Flory
- The Founding of the Group Libuše, Anna Machovská
March 2009 21:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Ethnic Churches’ Role in Genealogy - Divine Intervention: A Tale of Three Ethnic Churches and a Flock of Ancestors, Lisa A. Alzo
- Faith Presbyterian Church of Minnetonka: “The Friendly Church on the Hill”, David L. Pavelka
- “A Cleveland Legacy - Immigration History at the Western Reserve Historical Society”, John J. Grabowski
- Viktorka, Nadia Grosser Nagarajan
- V Pittsburghů, Študujem po Slovenský: Summer Slovak Studies in Pittsburgh, Susan Casey
December 2008 20:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Bohemians and Moravians in Kansas - The Voda Road People: The Trego County Kansas Czechs (1878-1930), Steve Parke
- The Czech and German Pioneers of the Big Timber Community, Harwood G. Kolsky
- Visualizing SIL; the Slovak Institute and Reference Library Homepage, Joseph J. Hornack
- Slovak-Americans in the Great Steel Strike, M. Mark Stolarik
- Finding Your Elusive East European Ancestors: 10 Myths Busted, Lisa A. Alzo
September 2008 20:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: U.S. Land Records Used for Genealogy - Learning About Your Family History in Homestead Records, Gene Aksamit
- Perusing Pennsylvania Land Records: Printed Sources and Web Sites, Lisa A. Alzo
- Baltimore Česka vesnice (Czech Village), Margaret Supik
- Mapping Your Family History through Land Records, Paul Makousky
- Where our Heritage was born: Czechs in Virginia find their ancestral village, Marie Blaha Pearson
June 2008 20:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: 20th Anniversary Issue - 20 Years of Accomplishments of CGSI, Paul M. Makousky
- A 20 year history of and why the Society got started, Mark (Vaško) Bigaouette
- Remembering Your Roots: The Role of Ethnic Genealogical Societies in Family History Research, Lisa A. Alzo
- Discovery of My Family in Slovakia, Timothy B. Lyons
- Genealogy Themes Can Assist You in Your Research, Paul M. Makousky
- The Power of DNA, Ugo Perego
- CGSI’s Family Certificate Awardees 1996-2008
March 2008 20:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: German Ports/ Shipping Companies - Bremen and Hamburg: The Ports, Shipping Companies, and Agents, Maralyn A. Wellauer-Lenius
- Using the Hamburg Passenger List Database at, Lisa A. Alzo
- Locating Immigrant Ship Pictures, Leo Baca
- Chronological History of the Hamburg Amerika Line and its Ships, 1847-1906, Paul Makousky
- German Terms Found on Passenger Ship Manifests, Paul Makousky
- The 1715 Tax List in Slovak Family History Research, Margo L. Smith
- Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary, Clair Haberman
February 2008 Special Edition Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech Archives - The Czech Network and its less well-known holdings for Genealogical Research, Dr. Lenka Matušíková
- Bohemia after the Thirty Years War: Historical sources Deposited in the National Archives in Prague, Dr. Lenka Matušíková
December 2007 19:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Advice to Genealogists Traveling to the Homeland - Plans and Surprises: The Perfect Balance for an Unforgettable Trip to Slovakia, Susan Casey
- Independent Travel to the Czech and Slovak Republics, Dave Pavelka
- A Short Biography of Thomas Michael Becvar, 1881-1966, Vlasta Bečvářová Barber
- Driving in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Mark Vaško Bigaouette
- After the Interview: Beginning Genealogy Column, Lisa A. Alzo
- How to Avoid the Cultural Shock in Czechia, Miroslav Koudelka
- Božena Nĕmcová, Nadia Grosser Nagarajan
- A Family Reunion With a Different Twist, Kevin Belka
- A Marathon Visit to Bohemian Villages, Debra Minář Driscoll
September 2007 19:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs and Slovaks in the Pacific Northwest - The Bohemian Settlement of Malin, Oregon, Paul Makousky
- Oral History Made Easy, Lisa A. Alzo
- Scio - Where Czech is Good as Cash, Bob Frolik
- The Czechs and Slovaks in Washington State, Rosie Bodien
- The Slovaks in Roslyn, Washington, Rosie Bodien
- Eastern Canadian Ports of Entry for Immigrants as the multitude of Europeans experienced them in the 19th Century, Franz Gerhard Soural
June 2007 19:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Gazetteers and Maps as Research Tools - Using The Ortslexikon Sudetenland to Find Village Names, Paul Makousky
- Where Is That? Utilizing Place Name Guides to Find Your Ancestral Village, Lisa A. Alzo
- Gundacker’s Online Gazetteer of Austria, Czech Republic and Slovenian Republic, Paul Makousky
- The Story of Josef Morawetz, Michal Morawetz
- What’s Available in the Zemĕpisný Lexikon ČR?, Paul M. Makousky
- St. Wenceslaus’s Bells Ring Once Again, Margaret Supik
- The Early History of Litomyšl, Minnesota, Michael Wolesky
March 2007 19:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Ethnic Minorities in the Czech and Slovak Republics - The Tatra Highlanders: The Górale of Galicia and Slovakia’s Orava, Liptov and Spiš Counties, Paul K. Bingham
- Minorities in Slovakia, Vladimir Bohinc
- The Kingdom of Bohemia (Das Königreich Böhmen), Ginger Simek
- Village Life in Old German Bohemia, Karen Hobbs
- “If You Don’t Want Them, Shred Them”, Lisa A. Alzo
- František Válek, A Moravian Potter and Farmer, Soňa Švancarovál
December 2006 18:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Jewish Genealogy - There Once Was A World: Brief history of former Jewish communities in the towns of Loštice, Mohelnice and Úsov, Ludĕk Štipl
- The Cultural Heritage of the Jewish People in the Czech Land, Nadia Grosser Nagarajan
- Prešov – Centre of Northeastern Slovakia and its Past, Milan Belej
- Czech Students Honored for their Essays, Dottie Speidel
- John Kerry’s Family History as an example of Search for Jewish Ancestry, Jiří Ošanec
- My Family History (Slovak Essay), Viktória Tóthová
- Celebrating Our Heritage, Rosie Bodien
- Ready, Set, Research!, Lisa Alzo
September 2006 18:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Language and Cultural Camps and Schools - Passing The Torch: Rekindling the Flame of Czech & Slovak Heritage, Louise Jansen Wessinger
- Všude Čech bratra má: Czech Language Course for Krajani at Dobruška, Margaret Supik
- Out of This Furnace, Pavel Tyrpak
- Wisconsin Historical Society: A Treasure Chest of Genealogical Resources, Lori B. Bessler
- Bohemian Land Records of the Krajnik Family, Paul Makousky
- Folk Dress in the Czech Republic: Its Roots, Evolution and Present State, Hana Konečná and Milan Konečný
- Studia Academica Slovaca – Forty Years of Teaching Slovak, Michael J. Kopanic, Jr.
- Studia Academica Slovaca – A Current Perspective, Melanie Kopanic and Erika Kopanic
- Doane College Czech Studies Elderhostel, Janet Jeffries Beauvais
June 2006 18:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovak Genealogical Research - Slovak Records in the Family History Library – Salt Lake City, Geri Vojvoda Harris
- Hungarian 1869 Census, Vladimir Bohinc
- Fraternally Yours: Finding Clues about Your Ancestors in Fraternal Records, Lisa A. Alzo
- Chodove Memorial – Remembering the Czechs Who Established This Village in Galicia, Evzen Topinka
- The Slovak Pride Database Reaches 24,000 Surnames, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- ...and a lovely life the flowers lived... (The life and work of Veronika Golianová), Soňa Smileková
- Persistence of Memory: Recalling Texas Valachs, Kevin Hannan
- Look what a little networking did!, Rosie Bodien
March 2006 18:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: The Thirty Years War and Its Impact On Genealogical Records - Bohemia after the Thirty Years War: Historical Sources Deposited in the National Archives in Prague, Lenka Matušíková and Sheilagh Ogilvie
- The Longest War in Czech History and Its Effects, Miroslav Koudelka
- The 1651 "Register of Subjects According to Their Religion" (Soupis poddaných podle víry), Alena Pazderová
- Examples from the Soupis Poddaných Víry z Roku 1651 and Berní rule, Gene Aksamit and Wayne Sisel
- Berní rula map of 1654
- Coping With Destrucion of Bremen Passenger Lists, Genealogical Publishing Company
- From My Family Tree, Barbora Slabáková
- From the Eagle Mountains to Oklahoma, Cyril and Marie Michalička
- The Difficulties Concerning Research in Prague Directories, Tomaš Biskup & Jan Pařez
Ročenka 2006 7 Digital Library | - The Valachs of the Carpathians, Kevin Hannan
- The Celts in Moravia and the Vestiges They Left Us, Frank Soural
- Czech American DNA Study: Applying Genetic Genealogy, Leo Baca
- Czech Emigration to the Russian Empire
- Immigration to Crimean Czechs to North Dakota, Bern Pavlish
- Historical Family Structure in Slovakia, Marta Botíková
- Hovĕzí Land Survey from 1st Half of 19th Century
- Čermná, a Summary of its History, Jaroslav Jansa
- History of Emigration from Čermná, Jaroslav Jansa
December 2005 17:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Passports and Permission to Emigrate Records - Emigration Information from the Litomyšl District Archive, Paul Makousky
- Passport Documents in the Slovak Archives and Their Use, Milan Belej
- Permission to Emigrate Records from Northern Moravia, Leo Baca
- Passport Requests to the USA from Austrian Silesia (1850-1909), Martin Pytr
- Reisepass of František Kálal (Or The Passport’s Story), Jim Kallal
- The Regional State Archives in Prague and Genealogy, Jiří Vichta
September 2005 17:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Musical Instruments from the Czech and Slovak Lands - Zadudej Dudáčku!! Bagpiper, Play!!, Michael Cwach
- An Overview of Violin Making in Egerland (Chebsko), Arian Sheets
- Anton Simek: The Czech Pioneer’s Role in Owatonna’s Early History, Michael Wolesky
- A History of the Trombone in The Czech Lands, Pavel Göpfert
- The Czech Cimbál or Dulcimer, A Moravian Folk Instrument from its Past to the Present, Hana and Milan Konečný
- A Recollection of Grandma’s Zither, Lorene Lederer-Decatur
June 2005 17:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Occupations and Employers of Slovak Immigrants - What Slovak and Slavic People Contributed to Mining Industry?, David Kuchta
- Finding Slovak Vital Records, Gene Aksamit
- Life of Subjects in Tekov County in the 18th Century, Vladimir Bohinc
- Hat City Slovaks – The Hatting Industry and the Slovak Community of Danbury, CT, Diane C. Hassan
- Mayoral Visit from Rusyn Village in Slovakia, Paul M. Makousky
- Which Way E-J? The Shoemaking Company That Gave Immigrants A Break!, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Surfing for Slovak Ancestors, Lisa A. Alzo
- New York’s Sokol Legacy from 1867, Edward Chlanda
March 2005 17:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovak and Czech Settlements in Cleveland, Ohio - Slovak and Bohemian Parishes of Cleveland 1942, Carolyn Corcoran
- Czech Settlements in 19th Century Cleveland, Ohio, Michael A. Kukral
- Wisdom built a home for herself: The Strahov Library in Prague, Jan Pařez
- Czech and Slovak Wedding Traditions, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Nativity BVM Parish lives on as part of Cleveland’s Slovak Community, John Sabol
December 2004 16:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Sokol Halls and Organizations in the USA - Bohemians on Broadway, Betty Hosticka
- Sokol Karel Havlíček Borovský Ennis, Texas, Sylvia Laznovsky
- Slovak Catholic Sokol, Jennifer Romine
- Wilber’s Sokol Auditorium, Beatrice Daily Sun
- A Brief History of Sokol South Omaha, Vojmir Benak
- The Building of Lodge Čech #12, Kvìty Americke
- Selo Moje! Šariš County Cousins Connect in Cyberspace, Lisa Alzo, Diane Hassan, and John Matviya
- Simplified Czech and Slovak Character Support in Genealogical Applications, Chris Mikšánek
September 2004 16:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Some Czech-born Personalities in America - The Reymershoffers - Early Texas Czech Entrepreneurs, Jan Johnson
- Tomáš Čapek, A Great Literary and Historical Figure, Hospodář
- Václav František Severa, Druggist and Philanthropist, Amerikán Národní Kalendář
- Jan Rosický, Noted Czech Newspaper Publisher, Amerikán Národní Kalendář
- Nelahozeves, a zámek reclaimed, David Pavelka
- František Korbel, from Cigar boxes to Wine maker, Amerikán Národní Kalendář
- Slovaks of Bridgeport, Connecticut, The Bridgeport Sunday Post
June 2004 16:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Settlements in Eastern Wisconsin - The Czechs in Caledonia, Wisconsin, Štěpánka Korytová-Magstadt
- Rosemary Lindlan Remembered
- Slovak Immigrants to Southeastern Wisconsin, John J. Hosmanek
- Characteristics of Wisconsin as a "Mini-Europe", Joel Blahnik
- The Wagon Trail: Following Caledonia Czechs Westward, Paul Makousky
- My Little Czech Glass Family, Rosemarie Bodien
March 2004 16:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Kroje (Folk Dress) of the Czech and Slovak Republics - Traditional German-Bohemian Tracht, Karen Hobbs
- Bohemian Kroje - The Ultimate Celebration of Personal and Cultural Identity, Carmen Langel
- A Feast for the Eyes - Moravia's Magnificent Folk Dress, Helene Cincebeaux
- Ethnic Folk Dress Centerfold, National Czech and Slovak Museum & Library
- Treasures of Embroidery, Beading, Leather and Lace - Slovakia's Varied and Splendid Folk Dress, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
Ročenka 2004 6 Digital Library | - The Chicken Soup Connection: My story of researching and finding my Slovakian family, Mark Westphal
- The Austrian Kriegsarchiv in Vienna and its records
- The Garden Party, Tomas Biskup
- Searching for Your Slovak Immigrant Ancestors in the Ellis Island Database, Lisa A. Alzo, M.F.A.
- Czech American DNA Study: Some Early Results, Leo Baca
December 2003 15:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Military History - The Kingdom of Bohemia During the Thirty Years' War, Eduard Kovalda
- The Turks are Coming!, Vladimir Bohinc
- 1866 War Story, Karen Hobbs
- St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, Baltimore, Maryland, Charles Supik
- The Battle of Three Emperors at Slavkov (Austerlitz) in 1805, Jana Džúrová
- The Battle of Austerlitz (The Fight of Signals 1805), Evžen Zámečník
- Antonin and Josefa Sykora History, J. Scott Sykora
September 2003 15:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Museums in USA - Czech and Slovak Heritage is Alive and Thriving in Oak Brook, Illinois, Deborah Zeman
- About the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library
- Origin of the Texas Wedding Song, Kevin Hannan
- Wisconsin Slovak Museum and Heritage Center, Darinka Majka-Kohl
- How vital are those "Vital Records"?, Sandra K. Hynek
- Wilber's Czech Museum - A Treasure of Culture, Larine Mares
- The Oxford Junction Iowa Heritage Museum Tells a Story, Marlene Flory
- Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center (TCHCC), La Grange, Texas, Woody Smith
- Serfs, Villeins, Nobles, et al., Anna Ošancová
- Haugen Area Historical Museum
June 2003 15:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Minnesota's Ethnic Settlements from the Czech/Slovak Lands - German-Bohemian Immigration to St. Paul, Minnesota, Linda Therkelsen
- The Slovaks and their settlement of the "Bohemian Flats" in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Don Pafko
- A Survey of Czech Settlements in Minnesota, Paul Makousky
- The Rusins of Minnesota, Karen Varian
- Early Immigration and Settlement Patterns of German-Bohemians to New UIm and Brown County, Minnesota, Robert J. Paulson
- The Czech Settlements in Montgomery and New Prague, Minnesota, Blanche Havel Zellmer
March 2003 15:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Moravians, Silesians, and Bohemians in Texas - My Silesian Heritage, Kevin Hannan
- Czech and Czech-Moravian Footsteps in the Bluebonnet Fields of Texas, Susan Rektorik Henley
- Naša Babka, Agnes J. Pelachik Robinson
- One Hundred Years Ago in Bastrop County, Texas, Mat. Zimmerhanzl
- How vital are those "Vital Records?", Sandra K. Hynek
- Czech Immigration to Texas 1896-1906, Statistically Speaking, Paul Makousky
December 2002 14:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Hrady, Zamky, a Tvrze (Castles, Chateaux, and Fortresses) - The History of Czech Castles in the Work of August Sedláček, Eduard Kovalda
- The Best Known Castles in Moravia, Martina Bernatíková
- The Trials and Tribulations of Anna Jaroš, Anna Jaroš
- Holíč - Summer Residence of the Imperial Royal Habsburg Family, Vladimir Petrovič
- The Miramare of Slovácko - A History of Svetlov Castle, Alena Kováříková
- Big Bang in Czech Telephone Numbers, Mirek Koudelka
- The Slovak Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, Reopens to the Public, Frank M. Stipkala
- Castles, Chateaux and Country Estates in Slovakia, Paul Makousky
- A "tvrz" in Unčovice, Moravia, Jiří Ošanec and Jana Martínková
September 2002 14:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Women in America - In Quiet Pursuit of the Good: A Profile of Alice Garrigue Masaryk, Carol Jean Smetana
- Rose Rosický, Margie Sobotka
- Serfdom in Bohemia, Richard G. Long
- Among the Emigrants, Božena Pavlíková
- Generation to Generation: The Slovak Women's Role in Preserving Culture and Traditions, Lisa A. Alzo
- Newspapers ...Can you read between the lines?, Sandra Hynek
June 2002 14:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czech and Slovak Republic Archives - Professional Genealogists' Experiences With the Work At Czech Archives, Miroslav Koudelka and Jiří Ošanec
- The Most Important Sources for Family Research in the Slovak Archives, Milan Belej
- Prince's and Baron's... are the stories true?, Sandra K. Hynek
- My Czech Roots, Joseph J. Krenik
- System of Slovak Archives and Their Use, Milan Belej
- Genealogical Resources at the State Central Archives in Prague, Eduard Kovalda
March 2002 14:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs, Slovaks, Germans from Bohemia in Michigan - Czech and Slovak: Roots in Mid-Michigan, Tom Bradley
- Crossing Borders: Czechs and Germans in Menominee, Michigan, Ken Meter
- Someone's Trash Can be a Genealogist's Treasure, Sandra K. Hynek
- Czech, Slovak & German-Bohemian Immigration to Michigan, Paul Makousky
- Recollections of František Slavík, born in Region of Příbram, Amerikán Národní Kalendář
- Origin of Immigrants Settling Near Bannister, Michigan, Tom Bradley
Ročenka 2002 5 Digital Library | - The Passage from Home to the Sea, Josef V. Polišenský
- Genealogical activities in Slovakia and Slovakia related foreign countries, Milan Šišmiš
- Jewish Pioneer Settlers from the Czechlands and Slovakia in America, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
- Slovaks of Streator and Their Progress, Ignác Gessay
- We are Valachs!, Zděnek Konečný and František Mainus
- War, Famine and Economic Depression in the Early 19th Century, Karen Hobbs
- Find Your Slovak Roots Online, Lisa A. Alzo, MFA
- Czech Society of the 19th Century: Social and Professional Structure, Ivan Dubovický
December 2001 13:4 Digital Library | - Identifying and Locating Your Ancestral Village, Gene Aksamit
- So... What's in a Name?, Sandra K. Hynek
- Discovering Mother's Family in Slovakia, Donald F. Sole
- Reconnect with Family Using Czech/Slovak Phone Directories, Ginger Simek
September 2001 13:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Jewish Settlements and History in Czech/Slovak Lands - Sučany - A Rock, A Hill A Brook - A Little Town in Slovakia, Nadia Grosser Nagarajan
- Immigration Through Canada to the U.S., David E Kosanda
- Bohemian Jews - Chicago and Kolin, Rabbi Mark S. Shapiro
- Doudleby nad Orlici, Eytan Lederer
- Sources for Jewish Genealogical Research in Bohemia, Eytan David Lederer
- Jewish Genealogy Potpourri, Paul Makousky
June 2001 13:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Transportation Used by Immigrants - 19th Century Travel in the Homeland, Frank Soural
- Trans-Atlantic Migration: The Routes, the Ports, the Ships, Paul Valasek
- A Journey Through Time, Fred (Bedrich) Simon
- Genealogical Sources in Bohemia: Part VII, Parish Records, Jan Pařez
March 2001 13:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovaks, Czechs, and Rusyns of Pittsburgh and Vicinity - Western Pennsylvania: The New "Homeland" for Carpatho-Rusyns, John Righetti
- Historian Josef Polišenský Remembered, Ivan Dubovický
- Western Pennsylvania Slovak Cultural Association
- From North of the Danube, to Southwestern Pennsylvania, Karen A. Mesaros
- A Thousand Years Ago in the Czech and Slovak Lands, Mark Vasko-Bigaouette
- The Pittsburgh Czech Community of Bohemian Hill and Spring Garden, Joan McGuire Mohr and Carol Hochman
- The Carpatho-Rusyn Society - Young and Dynamic, John Righetti
- Immigration to Pittsburgh 1880-1899, Paul Makousky
December 2000 12:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: The Moravians of North Moravia - History of Studená Loučka, Jiří Ošanec
- Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Wallachian Open Air Museum, Jaromír Kalus, Jiří Pernes, and Vladimír Tkáč
- Toleration Churches, Helene Cincebeaux
- Grandpa Worked Here, Thomas A. Hruska
- Northeast Moravia Through My Eyes, Robert H. Roesner
- History of Music in Silver Lake, Minnesota, Wallace Oliva
- Moravian Brethren from the Czechlands, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
September 2000 12:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovaks and Czechs in Canada - Early Slovak Immigration to Canada: Slovaks of Fort William, Ontario, Angela Mikita Meady
- Indexes to 1901 Census of the NWO District of Thunder Bay, Rainy River, Kenora, Microfilm Reel #TO 6458
- A Short History of the Czechs in Canada, Frank G. Soural
- History of Esterhazy and Area Settlements, Paul Makousky
- The Czechs in the Province of Manitoba, Canada, Ted Reznowski
- The First Slovak Settlement in Canada - Hun's Valley, Denise Kolesar
- The Morning and Afternoon of My Life, Jan Heidmueller
June 2000 12:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: U.S. Ports of Immigration - Castle Garden- America's First Immigrant Receiving Station, Gene Aksamit
- The Southern Route: New Orleans and Galveston Arrivals, Leo Baca
- Baffled by Old German Script?
- Resources on the Emigration from the area of Kutná Hora to America in the Second Half of the 19th Century, Eduard Kovalda
- South Bohemia to Southern Minnesota:Discovering 1860s Baltimore Link, Debra Minar Driscoll
- On Discovering A Stranger's Sad Story, Dottie Kokes Speidel
- Sources for Czech Arrivals in New Orleans and Galveston, Leo Baca
March 2000 12:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: The Czechs and German-Bohemians in the Banat - Czechs in the Romanian Banat, Milena Secká
- Small Carpathians are a Wonderful Escape into Nature, Daniel J Stoll
- František Znamenáček, First Czech Public School Teacher in Saline County, Nebraska, F.J. Sadílek
- Bohemians in the Banat, Ed Brandt
- A Ticket to Success, Dorothy Cvach Overgaard
- The Peasant Museum Kojákovice, Robert Dulfer
Ročenka 2000 4 Digital Library | - Czech Emigration Patterns - European View, Ivan Dubovicky
- The Occurrence of Hungarian (Magyar) Surnames in the Stropkov Area of Upper Zemplin, Miles Lambert
- Three Slovak Women: Excerpts, Lisa Alzo
- Genealogical Jigsaw, Charles Ryant, Jr.
- Czech/Slovak Internet Radio and TV Stations, Leo Baca
- Genealogical Resources on the World Wide Web, Paul Makousky
- The Germans of Czechoslovakia and Using German Heimat Literature for Genealogical Research, Karen Hobbs
- My Journey from Prague to Hamburg: Diary of Anton Topinka, Anton Topinka
December 1999 11:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: The Rusyns (Ruthenians) in Slovakia - What is a Rusyn?, Richard D. Custer
- Some Reflections on the Future of CGSI in the New Millenium, Steven G. Potach
- Finding Your Carpatho-Rusyn Ancestral Village, John A. Hudick
- Looking for Jan Žižka, Thomas C. Babcock
- Rusin Emigration to the U.S. from Slovakia, Karen Varian
- Slovakia's Far East, Robin Rigg
- Who are the Ruthenians?, Robin Rigg
- The Slovak History and Culture Conference, Ruth Chovancek
- Comments on the Glassheim review of "One Hundred Tales from Sudetenland", Christel Krause Converse, Ph.D.
September 1999 11:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovaks and Czechs in New York State - Gateway to America, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
- "Bohemia": A Czech Settlement on Long Island, New York, Josef F. Túma
- Reflections on Ethnicity in a Texas Community, Kevin Hannan
- New York, New York: Oh Those Memories!, Lillian Furek
- A Genealogical Success Story, G.M Nemecek
- Slovak Immigration to Upstate New York, William C Wormuth
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Other Czech and Slovak Churches in New York, Paul Makousky
June 1999 11:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Research via Census - Early Censuses in the Czech Lands (Before World War I), Miroslav Koudelka
- Census Records and Genealogical Research, Clair Haberman
- Experiences with the Census
- Czech Immigration to the U.S.A. 1848-1918, Eugene Aksamit
- A Brief History of the Censuses in the U.S., Clair Haberman
- Cadastral Maps Can Find Your Home, Tom Hruska
- Levoca and Kezmarok: Two Medieval Slovakian Cities, Evelyn M. Cherpak
- 1869 Hungarian Census, Paul M. Makousky
- Take A Census of Your Family, Clair Haberman
March 1999 11:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Czechs in Nebraska - Growing Up In Old South Omaha: Life In A Bohemian Immigrant Community, Steven G. Potach
- My Haba Family's Pioneer Life in Nebraska, Helen Kaplan
- Wayside Shrines, David Kuchta
- Discovering Historically Important Places in Slovakia, Thomas C. Babcock
- The First Czech Inhabitant of Nebraska, Hospodář
- Reminiscences of Mrs. Augusta Nešpor, Amerikán Národní Kalendář
- CGSI Volunteer Meets Enthusiastic Genealogists, Elaine Hernandez
- Slovaks in the Cornhusker State, Steven G. Potach
December 1998 10:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Birth and Baptismal Records - Archdiocesan Baptismal Research in the U.S., Paul M. Makousky
- Examining Ancestral Baptismal Records, Paul M. Makousky
- Czech America in the Struggle for Independent Czechoslovakia, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
- Ležáky, A History Not Forgotten, Ležáky Commemoration Society
- Using State Records for Searching Births, Paul M. Makousky
- Reminiscences About Life in New York City, Lillian Zinck Oprava
- Visiting Valaškovce, My Ancestral Village in Eastern Slovakia, Suzanne Bubnash Walker
September 1998 10:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Slovaks in Pennsylvania - A Guide to Slovak Genealogy Resources in Eastern Pennsylvania, John Gabuzda
- Retracing the Steps of Jan Hus, Thomas C. Babcock
- The Slovaks of South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: A Brief History, Monica Zabrecky Chuhna
- Nový Hrozenkov Will Celebrate, Miloslav Stibor
- From Coal Mines and Steel Mills to Farming: Employment of Slovaks of Pennsylvania, Renee Henry
- The Slovaks of Patton, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, Carolyn Senyitko Corcoran
- Slovaks of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Dorothy Knafla
- Genealogical Sources in Bohemia: VI. Confessional Registers and Register of People by Denomination, Jan Pařez, Lizanne Hart
- A Saint from Bohemia: The Ancestry of St. John Nepomuk Neumann, Raimund Paleczek
June 1998 10:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Folk Festivals - Moravia's Festivals - Archaic to Modern, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Experiences in Attending Czech and Slovak Festivals, Paul M. Makousky
- Prešov: Overlooked Keeper of Historical Treasures, Robin Rigg
- History of Czech Heritage Festival in Libuse, Louisiana, Frances Hazmark
- Festivals in Slovakia - Folk to Ghost, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- The Jewish Community of Sobědruhy, Julian H. Preisler
- Austrian Military Recruits and Their Records, Karen Hobbs
- American Czechoslovak Social Club of North Miami, Robert J. Petrick
March 1998 10:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: CGSI's 10th Anniversary - A Decade of Volunteerism: 1988 - 1998 CGSI Celebrates its 10th Annniversary, Dave Pavelka
- Newly Found Relatives Through Phone Directories, Carol Ann Kusky
- German-Bohemian Research Assistance, Ginger VogI Simek
- A Ten Year Chronology of CGSI History, Paul M. Makousky
- Special Colored Pictorial History
- Part 2: List of Jews Deported From Velké Meziříčí to Concentration Camps and Prisons in the Years 1940-1942, Marie Ripperová
- How to Put Together a Traditional Easter Basket, Rev. Basil Kraynyak
- Visiting Hertník, Slovakia, Dorothy Knafla
Ročenka 1997-1998 3 Digital Library | - The Osturňa Odyssey, Megan Smolenyak
- Baltimore's Czech Community: The Early Years, Eva Slezak
- Bringing Your Ancestors Back to Life, Steven G. Potach
- Philadelphia Steamship Arrivals, Leo Baca
- Northeast Bohemia Project (NEB), James Kleinschmidt and Kathryn Dankowski
- Historical Development of Parish Registers, Stanislav Lapcik
- In Moravian Footprints in America, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
- Metzenseifen is now Medzev, Duncan B. Gardiner
- Finding Genealogical Information in the Czech Republic and Vienna, Karen Hobbs
- Census of Bohemia in 1651, Historical Atlas, Slovak and Czech History, Books in Czech and Slovak, Genealogy On-line: Internet Notes, Bohemian Germans in Eastern Galicia, Census Materials in County Archives, Biographies, Duncan B. Gardiner
December 1997 9:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Potpourri - Reflections On 1997 Genealogical/Cultural Conference, Paul M. Makousky
- A Ruthenian Christmas, Robb Walsh
- My Maiden Journey to Slovakia, Paul M. Makousky
- Nový Hrozenkov, Jiří Ondrak
- Genealogical Sources in Bohemia: Part V. Czech Cadastres, Jan Pařez, Tom Zahn
- Slovak Personalities in the National Cemetery, Martin, Slovakia
- List of Jews Who were Deported from Velké Meziříčí to Concentration Camps and Prisons in the Years 1940-1942, Marie Ripperová
- KOSMAS, Czechoslovak and Central European Journal, Miloslav Rechcigl
September 1997 9:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: U.S. Research Centers - A Guide To Using U.S. Research Centers, Paul M. Makousky
- Božena Němcová (+ 1862 Prague), Petra Nečemdslá
- Komárno is the most Hungarian of Slovak Cities, Jim Gladstone
- Chod Families - Make Trek Across Europe to America, Roy J. Rushka
- Detailed Maps of Slovakia Now Available
- Genealogical Sources in Bohemia: Part IV. Land and Duties Registers, Jan Pařez, Tom Zahn
- The Jewish Community in Velké Meziříčí, Lenka Prudková
- Czech Pioneers in Wisconsin, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
June 1997 9:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Architecture - Žudr - A Special Item of Haná Folk Architecture, Miroslav Koudelka
- Slovak Folk Architecture, Paul M. Makousky
- Midwifery in the 18th Century, Marie Zahn
- Pride and Preservation: Prague's Artisans Restore City Monuments, Leslie Farmer
- Bohemian Porcelain Production, James D. Henderson, Jr.
- Searching Slovak Heritage, Dorothy Knafla
- Appearing in Court: Records Found in Courthouses, Paul M. Makousky
- Epilogue: A Youthful Quest Fulfilled, Robert Paulson
- Stories of Jewish Cemeteries - Podmokly Springs, Milan Pokorný
- Our Fellow Countrymen in Space, Jiří Ošanec
- Folk Artist at Work Today, Lillian Kuryliw
March 1997 9:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Occupations/Trades - The Difficulty of Defining Occupations: Changes in the Meaning of Early Czech Words Describing Trades, Tom and Marie Zahn
- Are You Interested in South Bohemia?, Alena Němcová
- The History of Millcraft in Bohemia, Ladislav Blahník
- Kutná Hora and its mining history, Věra Roweová
- The Třeboň Jewish Cemetery is Reviving, Miroslav Koudelka
- Czech American Tradesmen - Masters of Their Profession, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
- Naturalization Records: More Than a Record of Citizenship, Paul M. Makousky
- The First Pennsylvania Settler from the Czechlands, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
December 1996 8:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Hobbies/Interests - Slovak Surnames: What They Can Tell A Family Historian, Milan Šišmiš
- Genealogical Sources In Bohemia, Jan Pařez, Tom Zahn
- Alien Registration Records And Declaration Of Holdings, Paul M. Makousky
- Frequently Asked Questions, Paul M. Makousky
- The Moravian Town of Znojmo, Paul M. Makousky
- Czech Texans to Get New Center, Carolyn Meiners
- Euchre: A card game which might be used to encourage an interest in genealogy, Clair Haberman
- The Lost Community of Bohemia Hill, Joan McGuire-Mohr
- My Grandpa Taught Me Mushroom Hunting, Miroslav Koudelka
- Cemeteries with Completed Transcriptions of Tombstones' Inscriptions, Slovak Genealogical-Heraldic Society at the Matica Slovenska
September 1996 8:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Cemeteries - A Cemetery By Any Other Name..., Paul Makousky
- Slovak Cemeteries - Valuable Open-Air Databases, Milan Šišmiš
- Czech Victims of the EASTLAND Catastrophe of June 24, 1915 - Part II, M-Z, Joseph Mach, Sr.
- The Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago, Robert Baumruk
- The First American Settler From Slovakia, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
- Roots of Instrumental Folk Music, Jiří Luska
- Pearls and Curiosities From Slovak Cemeteries, Milan Šišmiš
- A Cemetery in the Slovak Press, Nový Život Turca
- The Crosses of Andera, Loren N. Horton
- Prague's Jewish Cemeteries, Silvia Procházková
- The Cemetery of Moravská Třebová, Jana Martínková
- The Role of Cemeteries in Your Genealogical Quest Thru The Republics, Mark Vaško-Bigaouette
June 1996 8:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Music - Slovakia's Unique Fujara, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Making The Most Of The Census, Paul M. Makousky
- The Czech Brass Bands of Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, Joel Blahnik
- The Folk, "old time" Music of German-Bohemians, La Vern J. Rippley
- Old Time Music of Bohemian American Concertina Association, Clair Haberman
- A Short History of Trojanovice from its origin up to the year 1900, Jiří Ošanec
- What's In A Name: The Importance of Having Correct Town Spellings, Paul M. Makousky
- The First Czech In Chicago, Miloslav Rechcigl, Jr.
- Chronological Order Of The Foundation Of Slovak Parishes In The Diocese Of Scranton, PA, Msgr. John P Gallagher
- Looking For Traces Of Antonín Dvořák, Thomas C. Babcock
- History Of Music In Silver Lake, Ellie Makovsky
- Famous Composers From The Czech Lands, Jiří Ošanec
March 1996 8:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Education - Education in the Czechoslovak Region, Clair Haberman
- Jan Amos Komenský: Moravian Philosopher, Theologian and Educator, Clair Haberman
- Czech Victims of the EASTLAND Catastrophe of June 24, 1915 - Part I, A-L, Joseph Mach, Sr.
- Pinnacle of Networking Success, Paul Makousky
- The Contributions of Maria Theresa to Education in Czechoslovakia, Clair Haberman
- School Days in Old Bohemia, Karleen Chott Sheppard
- Northeast Bohemia Project Update, Jim Kleinschmidt and Kathryn Betlach Dankowski
- The First Czech Colonist in Kansas, Tomáš Černý
- Two Experiences with Education in the Early Years of the Twentieth Century, Clair Haberman
- Questions and Answers about Education in Slovakia and The Czech Republic, Milan Brzo
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Czech & Slovak Fonts, Chris Miksanek
- The Sorbs (Wends): The Smallest Slavonic Nation, George R. Nielsen
Ročenka 1995-1996 2 Digital Library | - Oskar Schindler: One of our Fellow Countrymen . . . ., Miroslav Koudelka & Jiri Osanec
- Czech Migration Patterns to Cleveland, 1865-1940, Gregory M. Stone
- Landskroner Emigration to the American Midwest, Edward G. Langer
- The Beginnings of Emigration from the Eastern Czech Lands..., Frantisek Silar
- Slovenskys of Steelville, Missouri, Len Slovensky
- Czech Land Registers and Auxiliary Books, Rudolf Melichar
- The Great Native of Moravia: Dr. Sigmund Freud, Jiri Osanec
- Johann Gregor Mendel, Native of Silesia, Jiri Osanec
- Glimpses of the Cycle of Life in Slovak Villages..., Helene Cincebeaux & Helen Baine
- Slovak Ancestry Shown in the 1990 U.S. Census, Joseph J. Hornack
December 1995 7:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Newspapers and Periodicals - Newspapers And Periodicals: Tracing Our Immigrants And Their Lives, Paul M. Makousky
- Czech And Slovak Press In America, Jiří Král
- For Your Slovak Itinerary: Martin, Miroslav Koudelka
- The Slovaks of Chicago, Dr. Peter P. Hletko
- Slovak Newspapers And Periodicals Published In The United States 1930
- Catastrophe on the Chicago River, Joseph Mach, Sr.
- Archivex Praha
- Lives Of The Oldest Settlers in The Kewaunee Area, Kewaunské Listy
- Czechs In The American Civil War, Paul Makousky
- Recollections of Antonín Aksamit, Amerikán Národní Kalendář
- The Christmas Carp, Karleen Chott Sheppard
- Christmas Customs, Joyce Fagerness
September 1995 7:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Arts and Crafts - Kraslice- Czech Egg Decorating, Marjorie Kopecek Nejdl
- Art For All Time, Fred Noer
- Clarification On Rusyn Religions
- A Visit To Two Bohemian Glassworks, Steve Potach
- Genealogical Sources In Bohemia, Jan Pařez
- History of Lace, Paula Koza
- Emigrants To America Please Take Notice, Jan Ekstein
- Tourist Maps and Genealogy, Paul Makousky
June 1995 7:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Religion - A Brief Look At Our Religous Roots, Paul Makousky
- Correspondence Works, Miroslav Koudelka
- Slovak Churches in America, Paul Makousky
- The Parish Church as a Treasure Trove of Information, Kenneth Dzugan
- Cook's Corner, Teresa Ridgeway
- The Wide-Spread Influence of one small Lutheran Church in one small village in Slovakia, Ruth Chovancek
- The Oldest Bible In Czech, Libuše Koudelková
- The Denni Hlasatal, Janet Zavoral
- Welcome to Velké Meziříčí!, Marie Ripperová, PhD.
- The Moravian Church, Paul Makousky
- Czech & Slovak Roman Catholic Churches in Chicago, Janet Zavoral
- St. Jan Nepomuk, First Czech Catholic Church In America, Paul Makousky
- History of SS. Peter & Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Janet Zavoral
- Searching for Military Records Made Simple, Beth L. Mullinax
- Climbing the Family Tree In The Czech Republic & Slovakia, Tom Zahn
March 1995 7:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Folk Dress - Folk Dress of Our Ancestors, Patricia Williams
- What's in a Name? To Czechs and Slovaks, Name Days are as Important as Birthdays, Jan Stojaspal
- Ceremonial Cloths of Slovakia and Moravia: How Village Women Celebrated Life's Passages, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Mushrooms Cloud Over Moravia, Thomas Magstadt
- Velikonoce (Easter)
- Mladá Boleslav, Bohemia, Paul M. Makousky and Dr. Jan Ludviček
- The Czechoslovak Volunteers, Ben Franklin Press
- Speaking of Computers, Chris Miksanek
- St. Paul Czechoslovak Folk Dancers, Dave Stepan and Bob Vanyo
December 1994 6:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Ancient History - In Search of the Lost Tribes: The Ancient Peoples of the Czech and Slovak Lands, Steven G. Potach
- Czech Christmas Customs in 1994, Dora Slabá
- Christmas Carp is Czech Classic, Prague Post
- An Invitation to Learn About the Celts, Clair Haberman
- Slovak Christmas Traditions, Slovak Heritage Live
- Mikulčice, Mikulčice Guidebook
- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, John T. Sabol
- Surnames of Czech Immigrants in the USA, Ivan Lutterer
September 1994 6:3 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Fraternal Societies - History of the Western Fraternal Life Association, Fraternal Herald and Western Fraternal Life Association
- Rye Bread: A Hearty Basket
- CSA Fraternal Life - A Brief History, Joseph Martinek
- Liver for Lovers: A Czech Favorite
- One in a Million Computer Contact Locates Czech Relatives, Bill Veselik
- What is the Jednota?, John J. Yencik
- Živena - Beginnings and Early History, Anthony X. Sutherland
- A Mirror of Moravian History, Miroslav Koudelka
- East Bernard Czech Singers
- Catholic Workman, Catholic Workman's Centennial History
- The National Slovak Society
- Czech Texans: A vanishing breed is at home on the range, Sean Gallup
- History Through Adjectives, Karen von Kunes
- Slovak Catholic Sokol, Slovak Catholic Sokol
- Slovak Geography: Simple as ABC, Ray Plutko
- Czech Catholic Union, Czech Catholic Union Convention Handbook
- Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas (SPJST), SPJST Library
- List of ZCBJ Lodges from 1899-1901
- Border People - The Bohmisch (German-Bohemians) In America [Review], Clair Haberman
June 1994 6:2 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Language - Now ...About the Language, Dave Pavelka
- Resources for Learning Foreign Languages, Clair Haberman
- Slovak and Czech Languages, Ján Šefčík
- Czech Names in American Records, Margie Sobotka
- A Little Humor Helps to Learn Czech, Steve Wencl
- A Youthful Quest Fulfilled, Bob Paulson
- I Found the House, Karleen Chott Sheppard
- German Dialects of Bohemia and Moravia-Silesia, E. Schwarz
- Spillville Celebrates the Bily Brothers, Juanita J. Loven
March 1994 6:1 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Immigration - Why They Came, Ivan Dubovický
- Migration Patterns of Czechs and Moravians Into and Out of Nebraska, Margie Sobotka
- Where to Find a New Home?, Hospodář
- Slovak Emigration and America's Immigrants, Paul Makousky
- Galveston's Missing Passenger Lists, Lawrence H. Konecny
- They Came Very Far From the East - The Czech Settlers of Knox County, Nebraska, Ron Dobry
- Doing Genealogical Research at the State Regional Archive in Třebon, Třebon Archive
- Košice, David Stepan
Fall 1993 5:4 Digital Library | Issue Theme: Travel - Traveling to the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Pat Reynolds
- Ten Tips for Visiting Bohemian, Moravian, or Slovakian Homes, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Přerov nad Labem - Open-Air Museum, Pat Reynolds
- Oravský Castle, Pat Reynolds
- Folk Jewels - Precious Wooden Churches of Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- The Bishop's Town, Paul Makousky
Summer 1993 5:3 Digital Library | - Basics of Genealogical Research, Paul Makousky
- Publishing a Family Newsletter, Chris Miksanek
- My Heritage in the Sub-Carpathian Ukraine, Victoria Nied
- Važec - A Charming Village in Slovakia, Ruth Chovancek
- Tracing Family Histories in Chicago, Shirley Faran
- When Minnehaha Falls Inspired Dvořák, Lionel B. Davis and Kenneth Carley
Spring 1993 5:2 Digital Library | - Acquiring Czech Republic and Slovakia Phone Books, Douglas P. Holmes
- Locating Living Relatives in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
- Visiting Czechoslovakia in May 1992, Louise Leonard Bradshaw
- Dr. Mestenhauser Speaks about the Current Situation in the Czech and Slovak Republics
- Typical Profiles in the Geographical Dictionary of Hungary, William E. Duff
- Český Krumlov 'Old Town Keeps its Bohemian Past', Pat Reynolds
- Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Domazlice, Bohemia, Grace Horne Green
- Searching for Records of Family Members, Carol Kovarik West
Winter 1993 5:1 Digital Library | - Listing and Organization of Archives in the Czech Socialist Republic, Rudolf Melichar
- Map Resources for the Genealogist at the U.S. Library of Congress - Part 3, Edward David Luft
- Bohemian Catholics in Chicago - Revisited, Shirley Vilim Farano
Fall 1992 4:4 Digital Library | - Map Resources for the Genealogist at the U.S. Library of Congress - Part 2, Edward David Luft
- M.M. Secor, Anne Nicol Gaylor
- The Czech Kroj, John Marvin
- Bohemian Memories, Albyna Krysko
- Z.C.B.J Lodges in the State of Minnesota, Fraternal Herald
- Translations
- An Example of Folk Festival as Vehicle to Create, Recreate and Maintain Ethnic Identity, K. Andreah Briarmoon
Summer 1992 4:3 Digital Library | - House Name or Surname?, Staff of The Czech-American Historical Documentation Center, Spillville, Iowa
- Map Resources for the Genealogist at the U.S. Library of Congress - Part 1, Edward David Luft
- Postage Stamps and Genealogical Research, Clair Haberman
- Names Which We Have Brought From Our Old Country, Vladimir Makovsky
- Bohemian Catholics in Chicago, Eunice C. Semple
- The Greatest of Czech Exiles, Miroslav Koudelka
Spring 1992 4:2 Digital Library | - Czech and Slovak Genealogy Societies, Duncan Gardiner
- Independent Order of Odd Fellows
- Where Is My Home?, Mildred V. Waller
- Czech Hero From Pardubice, Gayle Zajicek
- Using A Loose-leaf Notebook/binder For My Family History, Kathryn Betlach Dankowski
- Visit to a German-Bohemian Ancestral Village, Cecilie Gaziano
- Churches in Czechoslovakia, Otakar Svoboda and Sona Svoboda
- Ancestor Hunt in Veseli nad Luznici, Karleen Chott Sheppard
Winter 1992 4:1 Digital Library | - Old Cadastral Maps, Milan Coupek
- The Case of the Non-Existent Town, Bob Kraus
- Should It Be A Hardbound Genealogy?, Al Kranz
Ročenka 1992 1 Digital Library | - Networking ... A Story of Our Society, Dave Pavelka
- The Bohmisch (German-Bohemians) in America, Ken Meter and Robert Paulson
- Documenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals, Leo Baca
- Genealogical Research in Slovakia: A Short History, Milan Šišmiš
- Researching our Ancestors from Moravia and Silesia, Jiří Ošanec
- A Moravian Family: Thirteen Generations, Helene Baine Cincebeaux
- Early Slovak Communities in America, Louise Hammer
- Proudly Czech and Irrevocably Texan, Robert Janak
Fall 1991 3:4 Digital Library | - Old Czech Measures and Weights, Ivan Dubovicky
- Our Czech ancestors knew how to recycle..., John Marvin
- Musical Roots Discovered and Celebrated, Anita Smisek and Joel Blahnik
- I Located My Ancestral Village, Kathryn Betlach Dankowski
- Let's Talk Family History: Tips On Oral History Interviewing, Kurt Kragness
- What Can You Expect To Find When Your Ancestors Left Czechoslovakia 130 Years Ago?, Helene Cincebeaux
Summer 1991 3:3 Digital Library | - C.G.S. Members Experience CSFR Archives, Paul Makousky
- "Rolník," "Sedlák" and the Others, Ivan Dubovický
- My Bohemian Ancestor, Rita Reichardt
- Rusin History In A Nutshell
- Success in Svaty Jur, Richard Chrappa
- The Kolac, Evelyn Chernik
- St. Wenceslaus Church, Waterloo, Wisconsin, Kate Radke
- Photographs For Your Family History, Dolores Jorgenson
- Slovak Phonebook Research, Andrew G. Fabula
Spring 1991 3:2 Digital Library | - Eight Weeks in the Czechoslovak Archives, Duncan Gardiner
- VITAME VAS (Welcome) to the CZECH & SLOVAK Museum and Library
- Ceske Opera Foundation, John H. Marvin
- Laddie's Naked Geese, John Marcin
- What is there after the vital statistics?, Dolores Jorgenson
Winter 1991 3:1 Digital Library | - Slovakia, Identify To The Past, Joe Hornack
- Experiences With The Czech Archives, Donald Zak
- The Czech Settlement of Steele County, Minnesota, Steve Wencl
- While Digging For Roots, John Marvin
Fall 1990 2:4 Digital Library | - Glasscutters, Eliska Stroblova Schoenfeld
- Why Whole-Family Genealogy?, Duncan B. Gardiner
- Minnesota German-Bohemian Heritage Society, Robert J. Paulson
- LC G&M Austria-Hungary 1:75,000 Map Series, Andrew Fabula
- Slovak Speaking Lutheran Churches In Chicago In Early 1900's, Elisabeth Wittman
Summer 1990 2:3 Digital Library | - On Our Age-Old Homeland of Bohemia and Moravia, Vladimir Makovsky
- Treasures of Slovak Folk Dress, Helene Cincebeaux
- Hlasatel - A Czech Language Newsletter, Frances Besserman
- Dejiny Spolku Sv. Vojtecha, Andrew G. Fabula
Spring 1990 2:2 Digital Library | - Return to Langendorf, Frances Barrow
- What's In A Name???, John H. Marvin
- Kutna Hora, Dolores Jorgenson
- Bohemian National Cemetery, Braidwood, Illinois, E. Semple
- Kutna Hora - From There to Here!, Dolores E. Jorgenson
Winter 1990 2:1 Digital Library | - Czech Tidbits, Joseph Polisensky
- Moravsky Den 50, Jan Marvan
Fall 1989 1:3 Digital Library | - Digging Up Dirt, Jan Marvan
- Immigrants from Spiš County, Slovakia, Thomas A. Peter
- Folk Costume Seminar, John H. Marvin
Summer 1989 1:2 Digital Library | - The History of a Bohemian Village: Borova, Paul M. Makousky
- Some Unexpected Luck In Vienna, Bill Chapman
Spring 1989 1:1 Digital Library | - Broadway Avenue Historic District Cleveland, OH
- St. John Nepomuk Catholic Church St. Louis, MO
- Treasurer’s Report 1988
- C.G.S. grows to 370 members
- Board of Directors announce a genealogical newsletter