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Genealogy (event calendar)

Genealogy is the most complete, entirely free, online calendar of genealogy conferences & events
Check out Genealogy website

Track all genealogy and family history related conferences, events, calls for papers, contests, and volunteer opportunities in one simple website.

  • When is the next major genealogy conference?
  • What family history events are coming up in my area?
  • Who is accepting speaker proposals right now? can help with all of these questions! Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Calls for Papers, and even genealogy contests! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter @ConfKeep, and Sign up to receive our email newsletter from our website!

What Can You Find Here?
  • A traditional Calendar with all genealogy events for every location listed by date
  • A page listing just Conferences
  • Genealogy event pages by location – by specific areas of the US or Canada, as well as other world countries
  • The US location pages include helpful links to state-level archives websites, and a list of genealogy societies for that state
  • The Virtual page lists virtual conferences and online learning opportunities
  • Travel, Tours & Cruises lists those that are specifically for genealogy research and vacation
  • Call for Papers page listing opportunities for genealogy speakers
  • Contest page, with genealogy-related giveaways
  • The Grants & Scholarships page lists opportunities for just that, within the genealogy community
  • Genealogy Volunteer opportunities – if you have a minute or an hour to spare

All for free! provides these services completely free of charge as a service to the genealogy community. Updated weekly!

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Our Mission

The mission of ConferenceKeeper is to curate details of genealogy events and freely share the information on a single, organized website, and across various social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Our goal is to help individuals increase their knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of genealogical research by sharing details of genealogy events of all kinds.

Submit Genealogy Conferences & Events! welcomes submissions for genealogy and family history-related events, including meetings, conferences, seminars, festivals, calls for papers, contests, educational and volunteer opportunities. Submissions are shared via website, Facebook, Twitter, and possibly other social media channels at no cost and at our discretion. is a free service to the genealogy community, created by Jen Baldwin, and currently operated by Eowyn Langholf and Tami Osmer Mize. New submissions and contact may be made through our website, or by email.

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And one more thing…  Please share with your Genealogy friends and societies!