
Cadastral Map Reading, 1833 Kozlovice

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Is anyone familiar with or can better explain the numbering system, colors, etc that appear on 19th century Cadastral maps?  I'm looking specifically at the 1833 Kozlovice map.  Wish I could provide a link but that function does not seem to be working.



Hi, Mark!

Welcome to CGSI.  Not sure if you have visited the Digital Library yet, but there are some very good videos and articles to help you understand how the Cadastral maps work.  Blanka Lednicka did a nice video a couple years ago that is a great starting point, and Helmut Schneider did a 4 part video series a couple years before that which will be really helpful.  In addition to that there are articles from Nase rodina.  Just go to the Digital Library under the Resources tab and type in Cadastral in the Key Words box.  Good luck!

Hello, Mark:

The information you are inquiring about is posted on Blanka Lednicka's Blog titled "Czech Genealogy for Beginners."  The specific blog which discusses the numbers and colors on the cadaral maps is titled:  Stabile cadaster maps, Part II at…

For information on how to use this website see the following article: Sramek-Levesque, Mary. “A Journey Through Blanka’s Genealogy Blog.” Naše rodina “Our Family,” v. 32, no. 4 (December 2020), 179-185. 

June Sommer, St. Louis, Missouri