
CGSI Conference Presentations


For more than thirty years, CGSI conferences provide a chance to learn, share, and connect with the genealogy, history, and culture of those from the Czech and Slovak ancestral lands of Central Europe.

Each conference syllabus contains a variety of useful information for genealogists contained in the speaker notes that accompanied their presentations. Topics include history, geography, resource options, and lots of useful information Czech and Slovak genealogy quests.

2021 CGSI Conference Syllabus



2023 CGSI Conference (Milwaukee)

The presentations below were part of the 2023 CGSI Conference held outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2023 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

PresentationA Crash Course in Practical Genetic Genealogy
Speaker(s)Adina C. Newman
PresentationAdministrative Divisions of the Czech Lands from the Middle Ages to the Present
Speaker(s)Marek Blahus
PresentationAll You Should Know before Visiting Your Ancestral Village
Speaker(s)Jan Dus
PresentationBeer in Czech and Slovak History
Speaker(s)Jan Dus
PresentationBefore the Boat—Exploring the Practicalities of Tickets, Train Travel, Ports and Steamships at the Turn of the 20th Century
Speaker(s)Joe Gayetsky
PresentationBeginning Slovak Genealogy
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationCase Endings of Czech Language
Speaker(s)Anna Cookova
PresentationChristmas Crafts and Traditions—Workshop
Speaker(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
PresentationConversational Czech—Who wants to be a Millionaire Style (Chcete být milionářem?)
Speaker(s)Anna Cookova
PresentationCrowd-Sourcing Carpatho-Rusyn Places in the US
Speaker(s)Christine Hrichak
PresentationCzech Immigration and the Americanization Debate, 1880-1930
Speaker(s)Evelyn Funda
PresentationDecorating Eggs Using Blue Ink and Ribbon Methods
Speaker(s)Daniela Mahoney
PresentationDiscovering and Interpreting Family Artifacts
Speaker(s)Evelyn Funda
PresentationDNA is Digital—Understanding Blocks and Segments
Speaker(s)Kevin Borland
PresentationEarly Wisconsin Czechs
Speaker(s)Kate Challis
PresentationExploring New Frontiers in Genealogy
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationFarmers of Lanškroun Manor (Desmesne)
Speaker(s)James Kleinschmidt
PresentationFind It Yourself—Genealogical Resources Available On-line
Speaker(s)Jan Dus
PresentationFinding Bohemia by Way of England
Speaker(s)Joan Naomi Steiner
PresentationFutures Trading: Emigration and the Changing Economy of 19th Century Lanškroun
Speaker(s)Diana J. Bigelow
PresentationGerman and Czech Emigration from Landskron/Lanškroun, Bohemia to the Midwest
Speaker(s)Edward G. Langer
PresentationGet Organized with Research Logs
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationHigh Tide of High Hopes and Unlimited Opportunities: The Population Shift from Tepl/Tepla Monastery Villages in Western Bohemia to Calumet County, Wisconsin, Beginning in the 1850s
Speaker(s)Joan Naomi Steiner
PresentationHomes of Our Czech Ancestors in the Old Fatherland
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
PresentationHow Computers Can Help Us Understand Czech
Speaker(s)Marek Blahuš
PresentationHow to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet—A Practical Lesson
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
PresentationHow to Use Czech Land Records
Speaker(s)Kate Challis and Greg Nelson
PresentationHow to Use the Austrian Military Personnel Sheets for Genealogy Research
Speaker(s)Kate Challis and Greg Nelson
PresentationInteresting Stories Both of Famous and Obscure Sights in the Czech Republic
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
PresentationInterpreting History of Rusyn Villages Based on Church Schematismus Data
Speaker(s)Christine Hrichak
PresentationIntro to Czech for Genealogy Research
Speaker(s)Kate Challis
PresentationJakob Sternberger—The Story of an Immigrant from German-Speaking Bohemia to Wisconsin
Speaker(s)Antje Penny
PresentationJewish Genealogy 101
Speaker(s)Adina C. Newman
PresentationKoláče Baking
Speaker(s)Ann Vojta Cramer
PresentationLearning to Decipher the Old German Script—An Introduction
Speaker(s)Antje Petty
PresentationMaking Your Own Fashion Jewelry from Czech Glass Beads
Speaker(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
PresentationMore Than Manifests—A Baker’s Dozen of Immigrant Ancestor Records
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationMy Little Town: An Overview of the Social and Political History of the Villagesof Zboj and Nová Sedlica, Slovakia
Speaker(s)Bill Tarkulich
PresentationNo More Excuses: 10 Family History Writing Tips for Procrastinators
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationPopulation and Urbarial Census of Hungary from the 1600s-1930
Speaker(s)Bill Tarkulich
PresentationPrecious Wooden Churches and Magnificent Icons Precious Wooden Churches and Magnificent Icons of Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationRacine, the Czech Bethlehem
Speaker(s)Janis Douglass
PresentationReconstructing Clara Dzyban
Speaker(s)Kevin Borland
PresentationRooted in Ancient Legacy: Rooted in Ancient Legacy: Seasonal Traditions in Slovakia
Speaker(s)Gabriela Bereghazyova
PresentationSearching for Czech Cousins Using Autosomal DNA
Speaker(s)Marek Blahuš
PresentationSedlák, Pasekář, Fleischhacker or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
PresentationSettlement and History of Lanškroun Manor Settlement and History of Lanškroun Manor (Desmesne) — Prehistory to End of World War I
Speaker(s)James Kleinschmidt
PresentationStrengths of Local Bonds: Czechs in Milwaukee, 1880-1918
Speaker(s)Stepanka Korytová and Gerald Novotny
PresentationSurrounded by Beauty - Czech and Slovak Folk Dress... What Our Ancestors Wore, Why They Wore It and What It Meant
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationThe Civil Code of Austria and Why It Matters for Czech Researchers
Speaker(s)Kate Challis
PresentationThe Cycle of Life in Bohemian, Moravian, and Slovak Villages
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationThe Ghetto without Walls—The Holocaust in the Nazi Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
Speaker(s)Benjamin Frommer
PresentationThe Moravian Field Register
Speaker(s)Marek Blahuš
PresentationThe Old Country and The New World—Recovering Severed Ties
Speaker(s)Zuzana Palovic
PresentationTime Machine: How Did They Live?
Speaker(s)Jan Dus
PresentationTips for Writing about Family Artifacts
Speaker(s)Evelyn Funda
PresentationTraditional Glass Bead Ornament Workshop
Speaker(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
PresentationWhat Can We Learn about Freedom What Can We Learn about Freedom from Communist Czechoslovakia?
Speaker(s)Zuzana Palovic and Gabriela Bereghazyova
PresentationWhat Did Baba (and Everyone Else) Do during the War? 1938-1945
Speaker(s)Bill Tarkulich
PresentationWives, Widows, and Daughters: The Working Women of 19th Century East Bohemia
Speaker(s)Diana J. Bigelow
PresentationWorking with Old German Documents
Speaker(s)Antje Petty
Presentation Speaker(s)
A Crash Course in Practical Genetic Genealogy Adina C. Newman
Administrative Divisions of the Czech Lands from the Middle Ages to the Present Marek Blahus
All You Should Know before Visiting Your Ancestral Village Jan Dus
Beer in Czech and Slovak History Jan Dus
Before the Boat—Exploring the Practicalities of Tickets, Train Travel, Ports and Steamships at the Turn of the 20th Century Joe Gayetsky
Beginning Slovak Genealogy Lisa A. Alzo
Case Endings of Czech Language Anna Cookova
Christmas Crafts and Traditions—Workshop Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Conversational Czech—Who wants to be a Millionaire Style (Chcete být milionářem?) Anna Cookova
Crowd-Sourcing Carpatho-Rusyn Places in the US Christine Hrichak
Czech Immigration and the Americanization Debate, 1880-1930 Evelyn Funda
Decorating Eggs Using Blue Ink and Ribbon Methods Daniela Mahoney
Discovering and Interpreting Family Artifacts Evelyn Funda
DNA is Digital—Understanding Blocks and Segments Kevin Borland
Early Wisconsin Czechs Kate Challis
Exploring New Frontiers in Genealogy Lisa A. Alzo
Farmers of Lanškroun Manor (Desmesne) James Kleinschmidt
Find It Yourself—Genealogical Resources Available On-line Jan Dus
Finding Bohemia by Way of England Joan Naomi Steiner
Futures Trading: Emigration and the Changing Economy of 19th Century Lanškroun Diana J. Bigelow
German and Czech Emigration from Landskron/Lanškroun, Bohemia to the Midwest Edward G. Langer
Get Organized with Research Logs Lisa A. Alzo
High Tide of High Hopes and Unlimited Opportunities: The Population Shift from Tepl/Tepla Monastery Villages in Western Bohemia to Calumet County, Wisconsin, Beginning in the 1850s Joan Naomi Steiner
Homes of Our Czech Ancestors in the Old Fatherland Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
How Computers Can Help Us Understand Czech Marek Blahuš
How to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet—A Practical Lesson Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
How to Use Czech Land Records Kate Challis and Greg Nelson
How to Use the Austrian Military Personnel Sheets for Genealogy Research Kate Challis and Greg Nelson
Interesting Stories Both of Famous and Obscure Sights in the Czech Republic Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
Interpreting History of Rusyn Villages Based on Church Schematismus Data Christine Hrichak
Intro to Czech for Genealogy Research Kate Challis
Jakob Sternberger—The Story of an Immigrant from German-Speaking Bohemia to Wisconsin Antje Penny
Jewish Genealogy 101 Adina C. Newman
Koláče Baking Ann Vojta Cramer
Learning to Decipher the Old German Script—An Introduction Antje Petty
Making Your Own Fashion Jewelry from Czech Glass Beads Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
More Than Manifests—A Baker’s Dozen of Immigrant Ancestor Records Lisa A. Alzo
My Little Town: An Overview of the Social and Political History of the Villagesof Zboj and Nová Sedlica, Slovakia Bill Tarkulich
No More Excuses: 10 Family History Writing Tips for Procrastinators Lisa A. Alzo
Population and Urbarial Census of Hungary from the 1600s-1930 Bill Tarkulich
Precious Wooden Churches and Magnificent Icons Precious Wooden Churches and Magnificent Icons of Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia Helene Cincebeaux
Racine, the Czech Bethlehem Janis Douglass
Reconstructing Clara Dzyban Kevin Borland
Rooted in Ancient Legacy: Rooted in Ancient Legacy: Seasonal Traditions in Slovakia Gabriela Bereghazyova
Searching for Czech Cousins Using Autosomal DNA Marek Blahuš
Sedlák, Pasekář, Fleischhacker or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
Settlement and History of Lanškroun Manor Settlement and History of Lanškroun Manor (Desmesne) — Prehistory to End of World War I James Kleinschmidt
Strengths of Local Bonds: Czechs in Milwaukee, 1880-1918 Stepanka Korytová and Gerald Novotny
Surrounded by Beauty - Czech and Slovak Folk Dress... What Our Ancestors Wore, Why They Wore It and What It Meant Helene Cincebeaux
The Civil Code of Austria and Why It Matters for Czech Researchers Kate Challis
The Cycle of Life in Bohemian, Moravian, and Slovak Villages Helene Cincebeaux
The Ghetto without Walls—The Holocaust in the Nazi Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Benjamin Frommer
The Moravian Field Register Marek Blahuš
The Old Country and The New World—Recovering Severed Ties Zuzana Palovic
Time Machine: How Did They Live? Jan Dus
Tips for Writing about Family Artifacts Evelyn Funda
Traditional Glass Bead Ornament Workshop Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
What Can We Learn about Freedom What Can We Learn about Freedom from Communist Czechoslovakia? Zuzana Palovic and Gabriela Bereghazyova
What Did Baba (and Everyone Else) Do during the War? 1938-1945 Bill Tarkulich
Wives, Widows, and Daughters: The Working Women of 19th Century East Bohemia Diana J. Bigelow
Working with Old German Documents Antje Petty
2021 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2021 CGSI Conference (Virtual)

The presentations below were part of the 2021 CGSI Conference held virtually.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2021 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

Presentation170-Year History of Czech New York
Speaker(s)Martin Nekola
Presentation50 Years of Traveling the Backroads of Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia and Ruthenia
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationAccessing and Acquiring the Records of the Czech Republic and Slovakia— FamilySearch Efforts 2009-2021
Speaker(s)Greg Nelson
PresentationAn Overview of the Old German Script
Speaker(s)Antje Petty
PresentationBefore the Boat—Exploring the Practicalities of Tickets, Train Travel, Ports and Steamships at the Turn of the 20th Century
Speaker(s)Joe Gayetsky
PresentationBehind the Iron Curtain
Speaker(s)Zuzana Palovic & Gabriela Bereghazyova
PresentationBohemian Forest to Tallgrass Prairie: German-Bohemian Chain Migration
Speaker(s)Molly Schweinfurter
PresentationBohemian Freethinkers in the United States
Speaker(s)Carol Jean Smetana
PresentationBohemian National Cemetery in Chicago
Speaker(s)Carol Jean Smetana
PresentationBuilding Czechoslovakia 1919-1929
Speaker(s)Mark Dillon
PresentationCircle of Life in Slovakia
Speaker(s)Michal Razus
PresentationCorn Husk Crafts
Speaker(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
PresentationCreating a Family History Legacy Project: Your Blueprint for Success
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationCzech Cadastral Maps Online and How to Use Them in Your Research
Speaker(s)Blanka Lednická
PresentationEast European Research
Speaker(s)Iveta Blahútová
PresentationEaster Traditions and Egg Decorating in the Czech Republic
Speaker(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
PresentationEmigration from Slovakia to the USA in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Speaker(s)Michal Razus
PresentationFighting for the Right to Speak Czech
Speaker(s)Anna Cooková
PresentationFinding Your Ancestor’s Path Back to Europe
Speaker(s)Bob Heck
PresentationFrom South Bohemia to the Capitol: The Life of Czech-American Congressman Adolph J. Sabath
Speaker(s)Martin Nekola
PresentationFrom the Bohemian Heartland to Southern Minnesota: The Czechs Who Settled Bechyn, Minnesota
Speaker(s)Molly Schweinfurter
PresentationGetting to Know Your Ancestral Hometown from Parish Records
Speaker(s)Diana Bigelow
PresentationHolidays in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Speaker(s)Daniela Mahoney
PresentationHouse Research in Europe
Speaker(s)Bob Heck
PresentationHow They Lived— A Year in the Lives of Our Czech Ancestors
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
PresentationHow to Know Just Enough Slovak to Get By
Speaker(s)Dennis Ragan
PresentationHow to Locate those Elusive Military Records for Ancestors Who Served in the Austro-Hungarian Army
Speaker(s)Carl Kotlarchik
PresentationHow to Make “Real” (i.e.,  Potato) Halušky
Speaker(s)Dennis Ragan
PresentationHow to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet—A Practical Lesson
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
PresentationHow to Use Czech Land Records
Speaker(s)Kate Challis
PresentationIdentifying and Interpreting Meaningful Family Artifacts
Speaker(s)Evelyn Funda
PresentationIdentifying and Locating Czech-American, Slovak-American and Rusyn-American Serial Publications and Archival Materials
Speaker(s)David Muhlena
PresentationIvan Lived in 5 Different Countries and Never Moved
Speaker(s)Karen Varian
PresentationJumping over Hurdles in Eastern European Research
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationKey Slovak Words for Genealogical Research
Speaker(s)Michael Kopanic, Jr.
PresentationKeynote Address
Speaker(s)Cecilia Rokusek
PresentationKoláče Baking
Speaker(s)Ann Vojta Cramer
PresentationOld Czech Maps Online
Speaker(s)Blanka Lednická
PresentationPractical Applications of DNA in Genealogy
Speaker(s)Kevin Kittilson
PresentationPrinciples of Autosomal DNA Testing Regarding Czech Ancestry
Speaker(s)Marek Blahuš
PresentationPrinciples of Y-DNA Testing with Regard to Czech Ancestry
Speaker(s)Marek Blahuš
PresentationResearching Czech Census Records
Speaker(s)Greg Nelson
PresentationResearching Eastern European Archives from Your Easy 
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationRoma in Central Europe: Past and Present
Speaker(s)Stepanka Korytova Magstadt
PresentationRusyn (Rusin) Story of Survival
Speaker(s)Michal Razus
PresentationSedlák, Pasekář, Fleischhacker or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka
PresentationShipping Lines—Their History, Growth, and Influence on Immigration
Speaker(s)Joe Gayetsky
Speaker(s)Ann Vojta Cramer
PresentationSlovak Genealogy Research
Speaker(s)Iveta Blahutová
PresentationSlovak Land Records and Maps
Speaker(s)Michal Razus
PresentationSlovak Strong: Tales of Everyday Life during War, Illnesses, and Political/Social Change
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo and Renata Calfa
PresentationSurviving the 19th Century in East Bohemia
Speaker(s)Diana Bigelow
PresentationThe Cycle of Life in Bohemian, Moravian, and Slovak Villages
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationThe Moravian Field Register
Speaker(s)Marek Blahuš
PresentationThe Odyssey of the Czech and Slovak Legion in Siberia from 1918–1922
Speaker(s)Joan Mohr
PresentationThe Researcher’s Guide to the Czech Land Books
Speaker(s)Lukáš Svoboda and Kate Challis
PresentationTraditional Glass Bead Ornaments
Speaker(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
PresentationUsing Traditional and Digital Sources to Write the History of Pennsylvania’s Carpatho-Rusyn Immigrants
Speaker(s)Richard D. Custer
PresentationWheat Weaving Decorations for Christmas
Speaker(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
PresentationWho Are These Mysterious Wallachians/Vlachs in Our Ancestry?
Speaker(s)Ron Matviyak
Presentation Speaker(s)
170-Year History of Czech New York Martin Nekola
50 Years of Traveling the Backroads of Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia and Ruthenia Helene Cincebeaux
Accessing and Acquiring the Records of the Czech Republic and Slovakia— FamilySearch Efforts 2009-2021 Greg Nelson
An Overview of the Old German Script Antje Petty
Before the Boat—Exploring the Practicalities of Tickets, Train Travel, Ports and Steamships at the Turn of the 20th Century Joe Gayetsky
Behind the Iron Curtain Zuzana Palovic & Gabriela Bereghazyova
Bohemian Forest to Tallgrass Prairie: German-Bohemian Chain Migration Molly Schweinfurter
Bohemian Freethinkers in the United States Carol Jean Smetana
Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago Carol Jean Smetana
Building Czechoslovakia 1919-1929 Mark Dillon
Circle of Life in Slovakia Michal Razus
Corn Husk Crafts Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Creating a Family History Legacy Project: Your Blueprint for Success Lisa A. Alzo
Czech Cadastral Maps Online and How to Use Them in Your Research Blanka Lednická
East European Research Iveta Blahútová
Easter Traditions and Egg Decorating in the Czech Republic Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Emigration from Slovakia to the USA in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries Michal Razus
Fighting for the Right to Speak Czech Anna Cooková
Finding Your Ancestor’s Path Back to Europe Bob Heck
From South Bohemia to the Capitol: The Life of Czech-American Congressman Adolph J. Sabath Martin Nekola
From the Bohemian Heartland to Southern Minnesota: The Czechs Who Settled Bechyn, Minnesota Molly Schweinfurter
Getting to Know Your Ancestral Hometown from Parish Records Diana Bigelow
Holidays in the Czech Republic and Slovakia Daniela Mahoney
House Research in Europe Bob Heck
How They Lived— A Year in the Lives of Our Czech Ancestors Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
How to Know Just Enough Slovak to Get By Dennis Ragan
How to Locate those Elusive Military Records for Ancestors Who Served in the Austro-Hungarian Army Carl Kotlarchik
How to Make “Real” (i.e.,  Potato) Halušky Dennis Ragan
How to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet—A Practical Lesson Miroslav Koudelka and Hana Koudelková
How to Use Czech Land Records Kate Challis
Identifying and Interpreting Meaningful Family Artifacts Evelyn Funda
Identifying and Locating Czech-American, Slovak-American and Rusyn-American Serial Publications and Archival Materials David Muhlena
Ivan Lived in 5 Different Countries and Never Moved Karen Varian
Jumping over Hurdles in Eastern European Research Lisa A. Alzo
Key Slovak Words for Genealogical Research Michael Kopanic, Jr.
Keynote Address Cecilia Rokusek
Koláče Baking Ann Vojta Cramer
Old Czech Maps Online Blanka Lednická
Practical Applications of DNA in Genealogy Kevin Kittilson
Principles of Autosomal DNA Testing Regarding Czech Ancestry Marek Blahuš
Principles of Y-DNA Testing with Regard to Czech Ancestry Marek Blahuš
Researching Czech Census Records Greg Nelson
Researching Eastern European Archives from Your Easy  Lisa A. Alzo
Roma in Central Europe: Past and Present Stepanka Korytova Magstadt
Rusyn (Rusin) Story of Survival Michal Razus
Sedlák, Pasekář, Fleischhacker or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors Miroslav Koudelka
Shipping Lines—Their History, Growth, and Influence on Immigration Joe Gayetsky
Šišky-Making Ann Vojta Cramer
Slovak Genealogy Research Iveta Blahutová
Slovak Land Records and Maps Michal Razus
Slovak Strong: Tales of Everyday Life during War, Illnesses, and Political/Social Change Lisa A. Alzo and Renata Calfa
Surviving the 19th Century in East Bohemia Diana Bigelow
The Cycle of Life in Bohemian, Moravian, and Slovak Villages Helene Cincebeaux
The Moravian Field Register Marek Blahuš
The Odyssey of the Czech and Slovak Legion in Siberia from 1918–1922 Joan Mohr
The Researcher’s Guide to the Czech Land Books Lukáš Svoboda and Kate Challis
Traditional Glass Bead Ornaments Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Using Traditional and Digital Sources to Write the History of Pennsylvania’s Carpatho-Rusyn Immigrants Richard D. Custer
Wheat Weaving Decorations for Christmas Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Who Are These Mysterious Wallachians/Vlachs in Our Ancestry? Ron Matviyak
2019 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2019 CGSI Conference (Lincoln, NE)

The presentations below were part of the 2019 CGSI Conference held in Lincoln, Nebraska.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2019 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

Title‘People of a Very Superior Type:’ Willa Cather’s Portrayal of the Bohemian-American Character
Presenter(s)Evelyn Funda
TitleA Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918
Presenter(s)Steven G. Potach
TitleAccessing and Acquiring the Records of the Czech Republic and Slovakia: FamilySearch’s Efforts 2009-2019
Presenter(s)Greg Nelson
TitleAfter the Roof—Specifics of Czech Surnames
Presenter(s)Blanka Lednická
TitleBeginning Slovak Genealogy
Presenter(s)Lisa A. Alzo
TitleBridging the Century Gap—Finding Living Relatives
Presenter(s)Jim Hudec
TitleCemeteries in the Czech Republic Viewed by a Genealogist
Presenter(s)Miroslav Koudelka
TitleCensus Records and City Directories:Looking Beyond the Address
Presenter(s)Cathy A. Dailey
TitleChristmas Crafts and Traditions—Workshop
Presenter(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
TitleChronicle of František Vavák’s Paměti (Memoirs),Written 1770-1816
Presenter(s)Míla Saskova-Pierce
TitleCreate a Free Map Collection in Google Earth Customized for Your Genealogy Research
Presenter(s)Lisa Louise Cooke
TitleCzech and Slovak Genealogy Research
Presenter(s)Iveta Blahútová
TitleCzech Cadastral Maps online and How to Use Them in Your Research
Presenter(s)Blanka Lednická
TitleCzech Material at History Nebraska
Presenter(s)Cindy S. Drake
TitleCzech Mini Language Lesson for Families
Presenter(s)Mila Saskova-Pierce
TitleCzech Wikipedia
Presenter(s)Kate Challis and Marek Blahuš
TitleDeath in 19th Century East Bohemia
Presenter(s)Diana Bigelow
TitleEarly History of the Czech Lands and Slovakia
Presenter(s)Jan Dus
TitleEast European Genealogy Research
Presenter(s)Iveta Blahútová
TitleEaster Traditions and Egg Decorating in the Czech Republic
Presenter(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
TitleGenealogical Proof for the Everyday Genealogist
Presenter(s)Annette Burke Lyttle
TitleGetting to Know Your Ancestral Hometown
Presenter(s)Diana Bigelow
TitleGoogle Books Is the Google Tool You Should Be Using Every Day
Presenter(s)Lisa Louise Cooke
TitleHandwritten Text Recognition Software for Czech Genealogy Research
Presenter(s)Kate Vasicek Challis
TitleHistory of the Austrian Empire
Presenter(s)Jan Dus
TitleHomes of Our Czech Ancestors in the Old Fatherland
Presenter(s)Miroslav Koudelka
TitleHomestead Record Discovery
Presenter(s)Jonathan Fairchild
TitleHow Advertising Brought Our Ancestors to the Midwest
Presenter(s)Annette Burke Lyttle
TitleHow to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet: A Practical Approach
Presenter(s)Miroslav Koudelka
TitleHow to Use Czech Land Records
Presenter(s)Kate Vasicek Challis
TitleImmigration and the Homestead Act
Presenter(s)Jonathan Fairchild
TitleIndustrialization in Slovakia before and after the Great War
Presenter(s)Michael Kopanic, Jr.
TitleInterpreting Key Czech Terms in Vital Records
Presenter(s)Layne Pierce
TitleInterpreting Key Czech Terms in Vital Records
Presenter(s)Layne Pierce
TitleLife of Nobility and Peasants in the 19th Century
Presenter(s)Michal Razus
TitleMaking Your Own Fashion Jewelry from Czech Glass Beads
Presenter(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
TitleModern History of the Czech Lands and Slovakia
Presenter(s)Jan Dus
TitleMoravians of Butler County—Using the Brno Archives, Actapublica
Presenter(s)Mary Sramek Levesque
TitleOld Czech Maps Online
Presenter(s)Blanka Lednická
TitlePreserving Cultural Crafts in Our Communities: “Teach the Teacher Concept”
Presenter(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
TitlePrinciples of Autosomal DNA Testing with Regard to Czech Ancestry
Presenter(s)Marek Blahuš
TitlePrinciples of Y-DNA Testing with Regard to Czech Ancestry
Presenter(s)Marek Blahuš
TitleProfile of Czech Migrants to the Midwest
Presenter(s)Jan Dus
TitleProperty Records: Discovering the Hidden Gems
Presenter(s)Cathy A. Dailey
TitleReconstructing the Lives of Your Farming Ancestors
Presenter(s)Annette Burke Lyttle
TitleResearching at the Midwest Genealogy Center
Presenter(s)Cheryl Lang
TitleResearching Czech Census Records
Presenter(s)Greg Nelson
TitleSilent Voices: Telling the Stories of Your Female Immigrant Ancestors
Presenter(s)Lisa A. Alzo
TitleSlovak Folklore in Photography, Music and Fairy Tales
Presenter(s)Michal Razus
TitleSlovak Land Records and Maps
Presenter(s)Michal Razus
TitleSlovak Traditional Crafts and Professions
Presenter(s)Michal Razus
TitleSlovaks Settled Here, Too: A Look at Slovak Chain Migration to the Midwest
Presenter(s)Lisa A. Alzo
TitleThe Civil Code of Austria and Why it Matters for Czech Researchers
Presenter(s)Kate Vasicek Challis
TitleThe Google Search Methodology for Genealogy
Presenter(s)Lisa Louise Cooke
TitleThose Who Left, Those Who Stayed: Looking at Immigration, Emigration, and Connection from Both Sides of the Pond
Presenter(s)Lisa A. Alzo
TitleTraditional Glass Bead Ornament Workshop
Presenter(s)Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
TitleTraps of Czech Spelling
Presenter(s)Blanka Lednická
TitleTurn Family History Facts into Stories You Can Share
Presenter(s)Annette Burke Lyttle
TitleUnlocking the Secrets of the Czech Parish Archives:You Can Find Your Ancestors
Presenter(s)Jim Hudec
TitleUsing Google Earth Pro for Genealogy
Presenter(s)Lisa Louise Cooke
TitleWhat a Czech-American Genealogist Should Know about the History of the Czech Lands
Presenter(s)Miroslav Koudelka
TitleWhere to Look for On-Line Photos, Postcards,and Maps of your Ancestral Village
Presenter(s)Marek Blahuš
TitleYour DNA—Clues to Your Heritage
Presenter(s)Phyllis A. Ericson
TitleYour DNA—Clues to Your Relatives
Presenter(s)Phyllis A. Ericson
Title Presenter(s)
‘People of a Very Superior Type:’ Willa Cather’s Portrayal of the Bohemian-American Character Evelyn Funda
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918 Steven G. Potach
Accessing and Acquiring the Records of the Czech Republic and Slovakia: FamilySearch’s Efforts 2009-2019 Greg Nelson
After the Roof—Specifics of Czech Surnames Blanka Lednická
Beginning Slovak Genealogy Lisa A. Alzo
Bridging the Century Gap—Finding Living Relatives Jim Hudec
Cemeteries in the Czech Republic Viewed by a Genealogist Miroslav Koudelka
Census Records and City Directories:Looking Beyond the Address Cathy A. Dailey
Christmas Crafts and Traditions—Workshop Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Chronicle of František Vavák’s Paměti (Memoirs),Written 1770-1816 Míla Saskova-Pierce
Create a Free Map Collection in Google Earth Customized for Your Genealogy Research Lisa Louise Cooke
Czech and Slovak Genealogy Research Iveta Blahútová
Czech Cadastral Maps online and How to Use Them in Your Research Blanka Lednická
Czech Material at History Nebraska Cindy S. Drake
Czech Mini Language Lesson for Families Mila Saskova-Pierce
Czech Wikipedia Kate Challis and Marek Blahuš
Death in 19th Century East Bohemia Diana Bigelow
Early History of the Czech Lands and Slovakia Jan Dus
East European Genealogy Research Iveta Blahútová
Easter Traditions and Egg Decorating in the Czech Republic Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Genealogical Proof for the Everyday Genealogist Annette Burke Lyttle
Getting to Know Your Ancestral Hometown Diana Bigelow
Google Books Is the Google Tool You Should Be Using Every Day Lisa Louise Cooke
Handwritten Text Recognition Software for Czech Genealogy Research Kate Vasicek Challis
History of the Austrian Empire Jan Dus
Homes of Our Czech Ancestors in the Old Fatherland Miroslav Koudelka
Homestead Record Discovery Jonathan Fairchild
How Advertising Brought Our Ancestors to the Midwest Annette Burke Lyttle
How to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet: A Practical Approach Miroslav Koudelka
How to Use Czech Land Records Kate Vasicek Challis
Immigration and the Homestead Act Jonathan Fairchild
Industrialization in Slovakia before and after the Great War Michael Kopanic, Jr.
Interpreting Key Czech Terms in Vital Records Layne Pierce
Interpreting Key Czech Terms in Vital Records Layne Pierce
Life of Nobility and Peasants in the 19th Century Michal Razus
Making Your Own Fashion Jewelry from Czech Glass Beads Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Modern History of the Czech Lands and Slovakia Jan Dus
Moravians of Butler County—Using the Brno Archives, Actapublica Mary Sramek Levesque
Old Czech Maps Online Blanka Lednická
Preserving Cultural Crafts in Our Communities: “Teach the Teacher Concept” Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Principles of Autosomal DNA Testing with Regard to Czech Ancestry Marek Blahuš
Principles of Y-DNA Testing with Regard to Czech Ancestry Marek Blahuš
Profile of Czech Migrants to the Midwest Jan Dus
Property Records: Discovering the Hidden Gems Cathy A. Dailey
Reconstructing the Lives of Your Farming Ancestors Annette Burke Lyttle
Researching at the Midwest Genealogy Center Cheryl Lang
Researching Czech Census Records Greg Nelson
Silent Voices: Telling the Stories of Your Female Immigrant Ancestors Lisa A. Alzo
Slovak Folklore in Photography, Music and Fairy Tales Michal Razus
Slovak Land Records and Maps Michal Razus
Slovak Traditional Crafts and Professions Michal Razus
Slovaks Settled Here, Too: A Look at Slovak Chain Migration to the Midwest Lisa A. Alzo
The Civil Code of Austria and Why it Matters for Czech Researchers Kate Vasicek Challis
The Google Search Methodology for Genealogy Lisa Louise Cooke
Those Who Left, Those Who Stayed: Looking at Immigration, Emigration, and Connection from Both Sides of the Pond Lisa A. Alzo
Traditional Glass Bead Ornament Workshop Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Traps of Czech Spelling Blanka Lednická
Turn Family History Facts into Stories You Can Share Annette Burke Lyttle
Unlocking the Secrets of the Czech Parish Archives:You Can Find Your Ancestors Jim Hudec
Using Google Earth Pro for Genealogy Lisa Louise Cooke
What a Czech-American Genealogist Should Know about the History of the Czech Lands Miroslav Koudelka
Where to Look for On-Line Photos, Postcards,and Maps of your Ancestral Village Marek Blahuš
Your DNA—Clues to Your Heritage Phyllis A. Ericson
Your DNA—Clues to Your Relatives Phyllis A. Ericson
2017 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2017 CGSI Conference (Pittsburgh, PA)

The presentations below were part of the 2017 CGSI Conference held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2017 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech Surnames“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech Surnames
Blanka LednickáBlanka Lednická
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesA Crash Course in Slovak: Useful Slovak Words and Phrases for Travel and Genealogy
Blanka LednickáMichael J. Kopanic, Jr.
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesA Village-Based Reframing of the Historical Narrative of Carpatho-Rusyns in the United States
Blanka LednickáRichard D. Custer
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesAndy and the Rusyns
Blanka LednickáElaine Rusinko
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesAndy Warhol’s Mother: A Work in Progress
Blanka LednickáElaine Rusinko
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesBeginning Slovak Genealogy
Blanka LednickáLisa A. Alzo
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesBeyond Kolaches: Cuisine as a Reflection of Historical Changes in the Czech Nation
Blanka LednickáGabriela Jiskrova & Albert Ksinan
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesBeyond Žatkovich and the Pittsburgh Agreement: American Ethnoreligious Influences on Czechoslovakia (1890–1939)
Blanka LednickáJoel Brady
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesChanged by Thalerhof
Blanka LednickáJohn Righetti
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesCoal Mine Culture—A World of Its Own
Blanka LednickáJohn J. Righetti
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesCollections of the Heinz History Center
Blanka LednickáSierra Green
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesCourthouse Research in Pennsylvania: In The Realm of the Prothonotary
Blanka LednickáMarilyn Cocchiola Holt
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesCreating a Family Archive
Blanka LednickáRebecca Kichta Miller
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesCzech Family Name Sources: A Lesson for Foreign Genealogists
Blanka LednickáMiroslav Koudelka
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesCzecho-Slovak Legion: Historic Significance
Blanka LednickáKevin McNamara
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesEmigration from Slovakia
Blanka LednickáMichal Razus
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesFrom the Carpathians to the Alleghenies: Carpatho-Rusyn Immigrants in the Greater Johnstown, Pennsylvania Area
Blanka LednickáRichard D. Custer
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesGenealogical Resources In Western Pennsylvania
Blanka LednickáMarilyn Cocchiola Holt
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesGetting and Staying Organized
Blanka LednickáRebecca Kichta Miller
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesHomes of Our Czech Ancestors in the Old Fatherland
Blanka LednickáMiroslav Koudelka
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesHow to locate House(s)on a Current (Katastr) map of the Czech Republic
Blanka LednickáHelmuth Schneider
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesHow to Locate Those Elusive Military Records for Ancestors Who Served in the Austro-Hungarian Army
Blanka LednickáCarl Kotlarchik
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesHow to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet: A Practical Lesson
Blanka LednickáMiroslav Koudelka
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesIdentification of Alias Names in Slovak Records—Two Case Studies
Blanka LednickáMargaret Nasta
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesIdentifying Pittsburgh’s Slovak Cluster Communities and Their Role in Preserving Slovak Heritage
Blanka LednickáLisa A. Alzo
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesKurrent Workshop
Blanka LednickáBlanka Lednická
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesLife in Bohemia and Moravia in the 18th Century
Blanka LednickáBlanka Lednická
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesOvercoming Brick Walls in Eastern European Research
Blanka LednickáLisa A. Alzo
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesPennsylvania Vital Records
Blanka LednickáMarilyn Cocchiola Holt
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesRoma in Central Europe: Past and Present
Blanka LednickáStepanka Korytova
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesRusyn, Russian Slovak, Ukrainian—the Quest for Rusyn Identity among Carpatho-Rusyns
Blanka LednickáJohn J. Righetti
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesRusyns—The Story of Survival
Blanka LednickáMichal Razus
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesSights of the Czech Republic and Their Stories
Blanka LednickáMiroslav Koudelka
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesSlovak Land Records and Maps
Blanka LednickáMichal Razus
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesSlovakia—Land of Miners
Blanka LednickáMichal Razus
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesSlovakia—Wealth Center of Old Hungary
Blanka LednickáRonald Matviyak
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesSlovaks and Rusyns Seen through the Eyes of Travelers 1795–1915
Blanka LednickáRonald Matviyak
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesStable Cadastral Maps of the Czech Republic
Blanka LednickáHelmuth Schneider
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesThe Aliens Are Coming: USCIS Record Sets
Blanka LednickáRich Venezia
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesThe American Slovaks and the Start of the Great War
Blanka LednickáGregory C. Ference
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesThe Cycle of Life in Czech and Slovak Villages
Blanka LednickáHelene Baine Cincebeaux
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesThe Czechs of Bohemian Hill
Blanka LednickáCarol Hochman
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesThe Making of a State: The American Creation of Czecho-Slovakia with the Cleveland Agreement and the Pittsburgh Pact
Blanka LednickáGregory C. Ference
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesTraditional Slovak Customs during the Year
Blanka LednickáMichael Kopanic, Jr.
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesTying the Knot! Betrothal and Wedding Rituals and Customs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with Clues for Genealogists
Blanka LednickáHelene Cincebeaux
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesUnlocking the Secrets of the Czech Parish Archives:You Can Find Your Ancestors
Blanka LednickáJim Hudec
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesWhat was it like in 1969,1989, and 1993
Blanka LednickáHelene Cincebeaux
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesWho are the Rusyns?
Blanka LednickáJohn J. Righetti
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech SurnamesWW I on Slovak Lands
Blanka LednickáRonald Matviyak
“After the Roof”—Specifics of Czech Surnames Blanka Lednická
A Crash Course in Slovak: Useful Slovak Words and Phrases for Travel and Genealogy Michael J. Kopanic, Jr.
A Village-Based Reframing of the Historical Narrative of Carpatho-Rusyns in the United States Richard D. Custer
Andy and the Rusyns Elaine Rusinko
Andy Warhol’s Mother: A Work in Progress Elaine Rusinko
Beginning Slovak Genealogy Lisa A. Alzo
Beyond Kolaches: Cuisine as a Reflection of Historical Changes in the Czech Nation Gabriela Jiskrova & Albert Ksinan
Beyond Žatkovich and the Pittsburgh Agreement: American Ethnoreligious Influences on Czechoslovakia (1890–1939) Joel Brady
Changed by Thalerhof John Righetti
Coal Mine Culture—A World of Its Own John J. Righetti
Collections of the Heinz History Center Sierra Green
Courthouse Research in Pennsylvania: In The Realm of the Prothonotary Marilyn Cocchiola Holt
Creating a Family Archive Rebecca Kichta Miller
Czech Family Name Sources: A Lesson for Foreign Genealogists Miroslav Koudelka
Czecho-Slovak Legion: Historic Significance Kevin McNamara
Emigration from Slovakia Michal Razus
From the Carpathians to the Alleghenies: Carpatho-Rusyn Immigrants in the Greater Johnstown, Pennsylvania Area Richard D. Custer
Genealogical Resources In Western Pennsylvania Marilyn Cocchiola Holt
Getting and Staying Organized Rebecca Kichta Miller
Homes of Our Czech Ancestors in the Old Fatherland Miroslav Koudelka
How to locate House(s)on a Current (Katastr) map of the Czech Republic Helmuth Schneider
How to Locate Those Elusive Military Records for Ancestors Who Served in the Austro-Hungarian Army Carl Kotlarchik
How to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet: A Practical Lesson Miroslav Koudelka
Identification of Alias Names in Slovak Records—Two Case Studies Margaret Nasta
Identifying Pittsburgh’s Slovak Cluster Communities and Their Role in Preserving Slovak Heritage Lisa A. Alzo
Kurrent Workshop Blanka Lednická
Life in Bohemia and Moravia in the 18th Century Blanka Lednická
Overcoming Brick Walls in Eastern European Research Lisa A. Alzo
Pennsylvania Vital Records Marilyn Cocchiola Holt
Roma in Central Europe: Past and Present Stepanka Korytova
Rusyn, Russian Slovak, Ukrainian—the Quest for Rusyn Identity among Carpatho-Rusyns John J. Righetti
Rusyns—The Story of Survival Michal Razus
Sights of the Czech Republic and Their Stories Miroslav Koudelka
Slovak Land Records and Maps Michal Razus
Slovakia—Land of Miners Michal Razus
Slovakia—Wealth Center of Old Hungary Ronald Matviyak
Slovaks and Rusyns Seen through the Eyes of Travelers 1795–1915 Ronald Matviyak
Stable Cadastral Maps of the Czech Republic Helmuth Schneider
The Aliens Are Coming: USCIS Record Sets Rich Venezia
The American Slovaks and the Start of the Great War Gregory C. Ference
The Cycle of Life in Czech and Slovak Villages Helene Baine Cincebeaux
The Czechs of Bohemian Hill Carol Hochman
The Making of a State: The American Creation of Czecho-Slovakia with the Cleveland Agreement and the Pittsburgh Pact Gregory C. Ference
Traditional Slovak Customs during the Year Michael Kopanic, Jr.
Tying the Knot! Betrothal and Wedding Rituals and Customs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with Clues for Genealogists Helene Cincebeaux
Unlocking the Secrets of the Czech Parish Archives:You Can Find Your Ancestors Jim Hudec
What was it like in 1969,1989, and 1993 Helene Cincebeaux
Who are the Rusyns? John J. Righetti
WW I on Slovak Lands Ronald Matviyak
2015 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2015 CGSI Conference (Cedar Rapids, IA)

The presentations below were part of the 2015 CGSI Conference held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2015 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

A Cross on the HillA Cross on the Hill
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMarian Vavra and Rose Hill
A Cross on the HillA Poppy Flower Bookmark and Greeting Card
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMarian Vavra and Rose Hill
A Cross on the HillA Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918
Marian Vavra and Rose HillSteven Potach
A Cross on the HillBest Online Resources for Finding Czech and Slovak Ancestors
Marian Vavra and Rose HillLisa Alzo
A Cross on the HillCemeteries in Slovakia-Czech Republic Viewed by a Genealogist
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMichal Razus
A Cross on the HillCzech DNA Project: Applying Genetic Genealogy
Marian Vavra and Rose HillLeo Baca
A Cross on the HillCzechs in Iowa
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMike Prohaska
A Cross on the HillCzechs, Rusins and Slovaks in WWII
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMichal Razus
A Cross on the HillDiscover Gem of Slovak Folk Music: Queen of Flutes-Fujara and other Slovak Overtone Flutes
Marian Vavra and Rose HillBohuslav "Bob" Rychlik
A Cross on the HillDiscovering Your Czech and Slovak Roots
Marian Vavra and Rose HillLisa Alzo
A Cross on the HillEarly Czech Farmers/Agriculture in Iowa and the Midwest in the 19th Century
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMike Prohuska
A Cross on the HillEmigration from the Policka Region to the United States
Marian Vavra and Rose HillJan Dus
A Cross on the HillEthnic Germans from Bohemia: History, Culture and Where They Originated
Marian Vavra and Rose HillWade Olsen
A Cross on the HillExploring Czech and Slovak Culture Through Song
Marian Vavra and Rose HillAnita Smisek
A Cross on the HillFamily History Writing Made Easier: Cloud-Based Tools Every Genealogist Can Use
Marian Vavra and Rose HillLisa Alzo
A Cross on the HillFind It Yourself - Genealogical Resources Available On-line
Marian Vavra and Rose HillJan Dus
A Cross on the HillFrantisek Matous (Ladimir) Klacel (1808-1882) Philosopher, Patriot and Freethinker
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMargaret Hermanek Peaslee
A Cross on the HillGenealogical Resources and Services in Cedar Rapids
Marian Vavra and Rose HillDavid Muhlena and Mark Stoffer-Hunter and Judi Pohorsky
A Cross on the HillGenealogy as Reading Between the Lines
Marian Vavra and Rose HillJan Dus
A Cross on the HillGerman Bohemian Migration from Bukovina to the Americas: The Ellis, Kansas, Settlement and Others
Marian Vavra and Rose HillSteve Parke
A Cross on the HillGerman-Bohemians: Why They Left Their Homeland and Where They Settled in the United States
Marian Vavra and Rose HillWade Olsen
A Cross on the HillIntroduction to Czech Words and Grammar in Genealogy
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMila Saskova-Pierce
A Cross on the HillJan Hus - the Legend
Marian Vavra and Rose HillJan Dus
A Cross on the HillMagnificent Moravia 25,000 Years of History & Rich Artistic Culture
Marian Vavra and Rose HillHelene Baine Cincebeaux
A Cross on the HillNational Czech & Slovak Museum & Library: Collections, Culture and Connections
Marian Vavra and Rose HillStefanie Kohn
A Cross on the HillReligions in Slovakia - History, Traditions and Relationships
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMichal Razus
A Cross on the HillSedlak, Pasekar, Fleishhacker, or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMiroslav Koudelka
A Cross on the HillSlovak Online Genealogy Resources
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMichal Razus
A Cross on the HillSurrounded by Beauty - Czech and Slovak Folk Dress... What Our Ancestors Wore, Why They Wore It and What It Meant
Marian Vavra and Rose HillHelene Baine Cincebeaux
A Cross on the HillTen Ways to Jumpstart Your Eastern European Research
Marian Vavra and Rose HillLisa Alzo
A Cross on the HillThe Art of Making Peroutky (Feather Pastry Baster)
Marian Vavra and Rose HillMarjorie Lala Stone
A Cross on the HillThe Untold Story: Hidden Hussites during the Counter-Reformation (1620-1781)
Marian Vavra and Rose HillJohn Kotouc
A Cross on the HillTips on Organizing and Conducting a Community Oral History Project
Marian Vavra and Rose HillDave Muhlena
A Cross on the HillUnlocking the Secrets of the Czech Parish Archives: You Can Find Your Ancestors
Marian Vavra and Rose HillJim Hudec
A Cross on the HillWestward Ethnic Expansion: The Historic Czech and Slovak Settlements of Kansas
Marian Vavra and Rose HillSteve Parke
A Cross on the Hill Marian Vavra and Rose Hill
A Poppy Flower Bookmark and Greeting Card Marian Vavra and Rose Hill
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918 Steven Potach
Best Online Resources for Finding Czech and Slovak Ancestors Lisa Alzo
Cemeteries in Slovakia-Czech Republic Viewed by a Genealogist Michal Razus
Czech DNA Project: Applying Genetic Genealogy Leo Baca
Czechs in Iowa Mike Prohaska
Czechs, Rusins and Slovaks in WWII Michal Razus
Discover Gem of Slovak Folk Music: Queen of Flutes-Fujara and other Slovak Overtone Flutes Bohuslav "Bob" Rychlik
Discovering Your Czech and Slovak Roots Lisa Alzo
Early Czech Farmers/Agriculture in Iowa and the Midwest in the 19th Century Mike Prohuska
Emigration from the Policka Region to the United States Jan Dus
Ethnic Germans from Bohemia: History, Culture and Where They Originated Wade Olsen
Exploring Czech and Slovak Culture Through Song Anita Smisek
Family History Writing Made Easier: Cloud-Based Tools Every Genealogist Can Use Lisa Alzo
Find It Yourself - Genealogical Resources Available On-line Jan Dus
Frantisek Matous (Ladimir) Klacel (1808-1882) Philosopher, Patriot and Freethinker Margaret Hermanek Peaslee
Genealogical Resources and Services in Cedar Rapids David Muhlena and Mark Stoffer-Hunter and Judi Pohorsky
Genealogy as Reading Between the Lines Jan Dus
German Bohemian Migration from Bukovina to the Americas: The Ellis, Kansas, Settlement and Others Steve Parke
German-Bohemians: Why They Left Their Homeland and Where They Settled in the United States Wade Olsen
Introduction to Czech Words and Grammar in Genealogy Mila Saskova-Pierce
Jan Hus - the Legend Jan Dus
Magnificent Moravia 25,000 Years of History & Rich Artistic Culture Helene Baine Cincebeaux
National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library: Collections, Culture and Connections Stefanie Kohn
Religions in Slovakia - History, Traditions and Relationships Michal Razus
Sedlak, Pasekar, Fleishhacker, or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors Miroslav Koudelka
Slovak Online Genealogy Resources Michal Razus
Surrounded by Beauty - Czech and Slovak Folk Dress... What Our Ancestors Wore, Why They Wore It and What It Meant Helene Baine Cincebeaux
Ten Ways to Jumpstart Your Eastern European Research Lisa Alzo
The Art of Making Peroutky (Feather Pastry Baster) Marjorie Lala Stone
The Untold Story: Hidden Hussites during the Counter-Reformation (1620-1781) John Kotouc
Tips on Organizing and Conducting a Community Oral History Project Dave Muhlena
Unlocking the Secrets of the Czech Parish Archives: You Can Find Your Ancestors Jim Hudec
Westward Ethnic Expansion: The Historic Czech and Slovak Settlements of Kansas Steve Parke
2013 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2013 CGSI Conference (Chicago, IL)

The presentations below were part of the 2013 CGSI Conference held in Chicago, Illinois.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2013 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

Beginning GenealogyBeginning Genealogy
Lisa AlzoLisa Alzo
Beginning GenealogyBeginning Slovak Genealogy
Lisa AlzoLisa Alzo
Beginning GenealogyBohemian National Cemetery in Chicago
Lisa AlzoCarol Jean Smetana
Beginning GenealogyCarpatho-Rusyn Culture— It’s Not Just Blessed Baskets and Stuffed Cabbages
Lisa AlzoJohn Righetti
Beginning GenealogyCarpatho-Rusyn Settlement in Metro Chicago
Lisa AlzoJohn Schweich
Beginning GenealogyCzech DNA Project: Background and Update
Lisa AlzoLeo Baca
Beginning GenealogyDemystifying and Exploiting Print on Demand to Publish Your Family History
Lisa AlzoChris Miksanek
Beginning GenealogyDocumenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals
Lisa AlzoLeo Baca
Beginning GenealogyEarly German-Bohemian Immigrants
Lisa AlzoWade Olsen
Beginning GenealogyEmigration to North America from Czechoslovakia during the Communist Era
Lisa AlzoMichael J. Kopanic
Beginning GenealogyExploring the German-Bohemian Culture: Dudelsack to Knödel
Lisa AlzoWade Olsen
Beginning GenealogyFamily Websites
Lisa AlzoSusan Chapman
Beginning GenealogyFind It Yourself—Genealogical Resources Available On-line
Lisa AlzoJan Dus
Beginning GenealogyFinding Your Chicago Ancestors
Lisa AlzoGrace DuMelle
Beginning GenealogyGenealogy as Reading between the Lines
Lisa AlzoJan Dus
Beginning GenealogyGenealogy Research at the Newberry Library
Lisa AlzoMatt Rutherford
Beginning GenealogyHolidays in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Lisa AlzoDaniela Mahoney
Beginning GenealogyHome of Our Czech Ancestors in the Old Fatherland
Lisa AlzoMiroslav Koudelka
Beginning GenealogyHow I grew to Appreciate Growing Up in a Czech American Household in Chicago
Lisa AlzoJohn Pritasil
Beginning GenealogyHow to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet: A Practical Lesson
Lisa AlzoMiroslav Koudelka
Beginning GenealogyLanguage Handbook for Traveling and Genealogy Research in Slovakia - Searching for Records, Strolling through Cemeteries, Meeting with Relatives
Lisa AlzoMichal Razus
Beginning GenealogyLeveraging Genealogy Skills in Ways You Never Thought Possible
Lisa AlzoChris Miksanek
Beginning GenealogyPolitical Geography of Slovakia
Lisa AlzoMichal Razus
Beginning GenealogyPreserving Cultural Crafts in Our Communities
Lisa AlzoDaniela Mahoney
Beginning GenealogyRusyn and Slovaks: Similarities and Differences
Lisa AlzoJohn Righetti
Beginning GenealogyRusyns as the Third Founding People of Czechoslovakia
Lisa AlzoJohn Righetti
Beginning GenealogyS.S. Eastland - A Conversation
Lisa AlzoAlberta Adamson and Jane Rio
Beginning GenealogySearching for Your Family History on Ancestry.com
Lisa AlzoJuliana Smith
Beginning GenealogySlovak Immigration to the Chicago Area and Illinois before World War II
Lisa AlzoMichael J. Kopanic
Beginning GenealogySources for On-Site Research in Slovak and Czech Family History Research in the Chicago Area
Lisa AlzoMargo L. Smith
Beginning GenealogyThe 21st Century Family Historian Part II - Digital Tools to Make the Process Easier
Lisa AlzoLisa Alzo
Beginning GenealogyThe Art of Bobbin Lace
Lisa AlzoCarol Hosna Hilliger
Beginning GenealogyThe Freethinker Movement in the United States
Lisa AlzoCarol Jean Smetana
Beginning GenealogyTraditional Slovak Folklore and Links to the Contemporary Culture
Lisa AlzoMichal Razus
Beginning GenealogyTweets, Links, Pins and Posts: Social Media and Family History
Lisa AlzoLisa A. Alzo
Beginning GenealogyUsing FamilySearch and Other Online Resources to Find Slovak Ancestors
Lisa AlzoLisa Alzo
Beginning GenealogyVillage Life of Our Ancestors
Lisa AlzoMark Bigaouette
Beginning GenealogyWhat a Czech-American Genealogist Should Know about the History of the Czech Lands
Lisa AlzoMiroslav Koudelka
Beginning GenealogyWhat's New and How Best to Use Ancestry.com
Lisa AlzoLoretto (Lou) Szucs
Beginning GenealogyWhere Else Did They Go?
Lisa AlzoJan Dus
Beginning Genealogy Lisa Alzo
Beginning Slovak Genealogy Lisa Alzo
Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago Carol Jean Smetana
Carpatho-Rusyn Culture— It’s Not Just Blessed Baskets and Stuffed Cabbages John Righetti
Carpatho-Rusyn Settlement in Metro Chicago John Schweich
Czech DNA Project: Background and Update Leo Baca
Demystifying and Exploiting Print on Demand to Publish Your Family History Chris Miksanek
Documenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals Leo Baca
Early German-Bohemian Immigrants Wade Olsen
Emigration to North America from Czechoslovakia during the Communist Era Michael J. Kopanic
Exploring the German-Bohemian Culture: Dudelsack to Knödel Wade Olsen
Family Websites Susan Chapman
Find It Yourself—Genealogical Resources Available On-line Jan Dus
Finding Your Chicago Ancestors Grace DuMelle
Genealogy as Reading between the Lines Jan Dus
Genealogy Research at the Newberry Library Matt Rutherford
Holidays in the Czech Republic and Slovakia Daniela Mahoney
Home of Our Czech Ancestors in the Old Fatherland Miroslav Koudelka
How I grew to Appreciate Growing Up in a Czech American Household in Chicago John Pritasil
How to Research Czech Birth/Marriage/Death Registers on the Internet: A Practical Lesson Miroslav Koudelka
Language Handbook for Traveling and Genealogy Research in Slovakia - Searching for Records, Strolling through Cemeteries, Meeting with Relatives Michal Razus
Leveraging Genealogy Skills in Ways You Never Thought Possible Chris Miksanek
Political Geography of Slovakia Michal Razus
Preserving Cultural Crafts in Our Communities Daniela Mahoney
Rusyn and Slovaks: Similarities and Differences John Righetti
Rusyns as the Third Founding People of Czechoslovakia John Righetti
S.S. Eastland - A Conversation Alberta Adamson and Jane Rio
Searching for Your Family History on Ancestry.com Juliana Smith
Slovak Immigration to the Chicago Area and Illinois before World War II Michael J. Kopanic
Sources for On-Site Research in Slovak and Czech Family History Research in the Chicago Area Margo L. Smith
The 21st Century Family Historian Part II - Digital Tools to Make the Process Easier Lisa Alzo
The Art of Bobbin Lace Carol Hosna Hilliger
The Freethinker Movement in the United States Carol Jean Smetana
Traditional Slovak Folklore and Links to the Contemporary Culture Michal Razus
Tweets, Links, Pins and Posts: Social Media and Family History Lisa A. Alzo
Using FamilySearch and Other Online Resources to Find Slovak Ancestors Lisa Alzo
Village Life of Our Ancestors Mark Bigaouette
What a Czech-American Genealogist Should Know about the History of the Czech Lands Miroslav Koudelka
What's New and How Best to Use Ancestry.com Loretto (Lou) Szucs
Where Else Did They Go? Jan Dus
2011 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2011 (St. Louis, MO)

The presentations below were part of the 2011 CGSI Conference held in St. Louis, Missouri.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2011 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitAustrian Glass and Ceramic Exhibit
Deborah TruittDeborah Truitt
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitAustrian, Bohemian, Czechoslovakian - The ABCs of Glass Collecting
Deborah TruittDeborah Truitt
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitBeginning Genealogy
Deborah TruittLisa Alzo
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitBeginning Slovak Genealogy
Deborah TruittLisa Alzo
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitBohemian Jews in Saint Louis
Deborah TruittDon Makovsky
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitCzechoslovak Embroideries: A Visual Language
Deborah TruittSidonka Wadina
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitCzechoslovak Ethnic Foods
Deborah TruittSidonka Wadina
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitDocumenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals
Deborah TruittLeo Baca
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitEarly History of Christians and Jews in the Czech Lands and Slovakia
Deborah TruittJan Dus
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitGenealogical Research at the Missouri History Museum Library and Research Center
Deborah TruittDennis Northcott
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitHistory of the St. Lucas Slovak Evangelical Church in St. Louis
Deborah TruittSteven Kulifay
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitImmigrant Steamships 1890-1950
Deborah TruittPaul S. Valasek
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitImmigrating and Growing Up In A St. Louis Slovak Lutheran Community
Deborah TruittWilliam Sam Kolnik and Joyce Ochodnicky Kolnik
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitKeys to American Records of Our Czech Ancestors: Tools for Genealogists Who Don't Speak Czech - Part I
Deborah TruittCarol Jean Smetana
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitMeet Me in Historic St. Louis Keynote Address
Deborah TruittJoan Huisinga
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitPort of Dreams: BallinStadt - Hamburg Immigration Museum
Deborah TruittRebekka Geitner
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitReconstruct Your Ancestral Village
Deborah TruittMargo Smith
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitResources for Czech and Slovak Research at St. Louis County Library
Deborah TruittLarry Franke
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitSedlák, Pasekář, Fleischhacker or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors
Deborah TruittMiroslav Koudelka
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitSillers Pamatnik and What We Learn About the First Czech Protestants in the USA
Deborah TruittJan Dus
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitSlovak Lutheran Villages in Western Slovakia
Deborah TruittJoyce Ochodnicky Kolnik
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitSlovakia in the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Century
Deborah TruittMichal Razus
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitSt. Louis Czech History: CSPS and Sokol Lead the Way
Deborah TruittDeborah Zeman and Mary Ann Sulz
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitThe Altar of Our Freedom: Czech Service and Sacrifice in the American Civil War
Deborah TruittTom Pearson
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitTracking St. Louis Land Ownership and Occupancy (For Use in Genealogy)
Deborah TruittDan Vornberg
Austrian Glass and Ceramic ExhibitWhat A Czech-American Genealogist Should Know About the History of the Czech Lands
Deborah TruittMiroslav Koudelka
Austrian Glass and Ceramic Exhibit Deborah Truitt
Austrian, Bohemian, Czechoslovakian - The ABCs of Glass Collecting Deborah Truitt
Beginning Genealogy Lisa Alzo
Beginning Slovak Genealogy Lisa Alzo
Bohemian Jews in Saint Louis Don Makovsky
Czechoslovak Embroideries: A Visual Language Sidonka Wadina
Czechoslovak Ethnic Foods Sidonka Wadina
Documenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals Leo Baca
Early History of Christians and Jews in the Czech Lands and Slovakia Jan Dus
Genealogical Research at the Missouri History Museum Library and Research Center Dennis Northcott
History of the St. Lucas Slovak Evangelical Church in St. Louis Steven Kulifay
Immigrant Steamships 1890-1950 Paul S. Valasek
Immigrating and Growing Up In A St. Louis Slovak Lutheran Community William Sam Kolnik and Joyce Ochodnicky Kolnik
Keys to American Records of Our Czech Ancestors: Tools for Genealogists Who Don't Speak Czech - Part I Carol Jean Smetana
Meet Me in Historic St. Louis Keynote Address Joan Huisinga
Port of Dreams: BallinStadt - Hamburg Immigration Museum Rebekka Geitner
Reconstruct Your Ancestral Village Margo Smith
Resources for Czech and Slovak Research at St. Louis County Library Larry Franke
Sedlák, Pasekář, Fleischhacker or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors Miroslav Koudelka
Sillers Pamatnik and What We Learn About the First Czech Protestants in the USA Jan Dus
Slovak Lutheran Villages in Western Slovakia Joyce Ochodnicky Kolnik
Slovakia in the 19th and Beginning of the 20th Century Michal Razus
St. Louis Czech History: CSPS and Sokol Lead the Way Deborah Zeman and Mary Ann Sulz
The Altar of Our Freedom: Czech Service and Sacrifice in the American Civil War Tom Pearson
Tracking St. Louis Land Ownership and Occupancy (For Use in Genealogy) Dan Vornberg
What A Czech-American Genealogist Should Know About the History of the Czech Lands Miroslav Koudelka
2009 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2009 CGSI Conference (Cleveland, OH)

The presentations below were part of the 2009 CGSI Conference held in Cleveland, Ohio.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2009 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”
Rudy BachnaRudy Bachna
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Applicability of Feudal Tax Lists to Slovak Family History Research
Rudy BachnaMargo L. Smith
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Archives Getting Digital: What Can I Do Myself? When Do I Need Help?
Rudy BachnaJan Dus
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Beginning Slovak Genealogy
Rudy BachnaLisa Alzo
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Cuyahoga County Archives Genealogical Resoures
Rudy BachnaDon Kozlowski
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Czech, Slovak and Rusyn Folk Dress ...Costume...Kroj
Rudy BachnaHelene Baine Cincebeaux
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Deciphering the Old German Documents
Rudy BachnaFranz “Frank” Gerhard Soural
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Demystifying Eastern European Research
Rudy BachnaLisa A. Alzo
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Eastern Canadian Ports of Entry for Immigrants As the multitude of Europeans experienced them in the 19th Century
Rudy BachnaFranz Gerhard Soural
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Egg Decorating in Slovakia and the Czech Lands
Rudy BachnaDaniela Sipkova-Mahoney
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Finding the Ancestor’s Regiment
Rudy BachnaKaren Hobbs
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Genealogical History of Christians and Jews in the Czech Lands and Slovakia
Rudy BachnaJan Dus
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”High Impact Slovak Pioneers to America, Those Known to Have Shaped Communities and Other Frontiers
Rudy BachnaJoseph J. Hornack
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”History of the Chod – Guardians of Bohemia
Rudy BachnaRoy Rushka
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Mass Migration from Slovakia to the USA: Causes, Course and Useful Documents for Family Research (1870 – 1918)
Rudy BachnaMilan Belej
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”National Orientation and Identity of Carpatho-Rusyns in Cleveland
Rudy BachnaRichard D. Custer
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Register Books in Slovakia – the Most Important Source for Genealogical Research
Rudy BachnaMilan Belej
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Rusyn and Slovaks: Similarities and Differences
Rudy BachnaJohn J. Righetti
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Rusyn Superstitions and Folk Customs
Rudy BachnaJohn J. Righetti
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Sedlák, Pasekář, Fleischhacker or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors
Rudy BachnaMiroslav Koudelka
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Slovak Immigrant Neighborhoods in the Cleveland Area
Rudy BachnaMichael Kopanic, Jr.
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Slovak-Hungarian Relations in Cleveland before World War I
Rudy BachnaMichael Kopanic, Jr.
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Strategies in the Use of Parish Records in Slovak Family History Research
Rudy BachnaMargo L. Smith
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”The 1914 Memorandum of the Slovak League of America
Rudy BachnaGregory C. Ference
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”The Czechoslovak Legion in France and Russia (WW I)
Rudy BachnaKaren Hobbs
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”The Range of Czech Ancestors Given Names, Their Origins and Language Forms
Rudy BachnaMiroslav Koudelka
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”The Roadblocks a Czech Genealogist May Encounter and Ways to Resolve Them
Rudy BachnaMiroslav Koudelka
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”The Settlements, Movements and Characteristics of the Czechs and Their Institutions in Cleveland, Ohio
Rudy BachnaStephen J. Sebesta
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”The Slovak Quest for Equality in Hungary Before World War Iwith Special Emphasis on the Slovaks in the United States
Rudy BachnaGregory C. Ference
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”The Story of the Cleveland Czechoslovak Legionnaires
Rudy BachnaStephen J. Sebesta
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”The Sudeten German Expulsion (Odsun)
Rudy BachnaFranz Gerhard Soural
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”They Settled Here: The Role of Chain Migration in the US, and its Importance in Family History Research
Rudy BachnaLisa A. Alzo
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Understanding the Names and Records of Our Czech Ancestors:Tools For Genealogists Who Don’t Speak Czech
Rudy BachnaCarol Jean Smetana
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Useful Sources for Genealogical Research in the Slovak Archives
Rudy BachnaMilan Belej
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Using LDS Austrian Military Records
Rudy BachnaKaren Hobbs
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Visual Anthropological Perspectives on the Turiec and Váh River Valleys, Slovakia, 2003-2009
Rudy BachnaMargo L. Smith
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”What Was Everyday Life Like for Our Ancestors in the Middle Ages
Rudy BachnaMark Bigaouette
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music”Write Your Family History Step by Step
Rudy BachnaLisa Alzo
A Musical Travelogue from Bohemia through Moravia to Slovakia “My 75 years of love for all types of Czechoslovak music” Rudy Bachna
Applicability of Feudal Tax Lists to Slovak Family History Research Margo L. Smith
Archives Getting Digital: What Can I Do Myself? When Do I Need Help? Jan Dus
Beginning Slovak Genealogy Lisa Alzo
Cuyahoga County Archives Genealogical Resoures Don Kozlowski
Czech, Slovak and Rusyn Folk Dress ...Costume...Kroj Helene Baine Cincebeaux
Deciphering the Old German Documents Franz “Frank” Gerhard Soural
Demystifying Eastern European Research Lisa A. Alzo
Eastern Canadian Ports of Entry for Immigrants As the multitude of Europeans experienced them in the 19th Century Franz Gerhard Soural
Egg Decorating in Slovakia and the Czech Lands Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
Finding the Ancestor’s Regiment Karen Hobbs
Genealogical History of Christians and Jews in the Czech Lands and Slovakia Jan Dus
High Impact Slovak Pioneers to America, Those Known to Have Shaped Communities and Other Frontiers Joseph J. Hornack
History of the Chod – Guardians of Bohemia Roy Rushka
Mass Migration from Slovakia to the USA: Causes, Course and Useful Documents for Family Research (1870 – 1918) Milan Belej
National Orientation and Identity of Carpatho-Rusyns in Cleveland Richard D. Custer
Register Books in Slovakia – the Most Important Source for Genealogical Research Milan Belej
Rusyn and Slovaks: Similarities and Differences John J. Righetti
Rusyn Superstitions and Folk Customs John J. Righetti
Sedlák, Pasekář, Fleischhacker or Inquilinus? Let Us Get Acquainted with the Professions of Our Czech Ancestors Miroslav Koudelka
Slovak Immigrant Neighborhoods in the Cleveland Area Michael Kopanic, Jr.
Slovak-Hungarian Relations in Cleveland before World War I Michael Kopanic, Jr.
Strategies in the Use of Parish Records in Slovak Family History Research Margo L. Smith
The 1914 Memorandum of the Slovak League of America Gregory C. Ference
The Czechoslovak Legion in France and Russia (WW I) Karen Hobbs
The Range of Czech Ancestors Given Names, Their Origins and Language Forms Miroslav Koudelka
The Roadblocks a Czech Genealogist May Encounter and Ways to Resolve Them Miroslav Koudelka
The Settlements, Movements and Characteristics of the Czechs and Their Institutions in Cleveland, Ohio Stephen J. Sebesta
The Slovak Quest for Equality in Hungary Before World War Iwith Special Emphasis on the Slovaks in the United States Gregory C. Ference
The Story of the Cleveland Czechoslovak Legionnaires Stephen J. Sebesta
The Sudeten German Expulsion (Odsun) Franz Gerhard Soural
They Settled Here: The Role of Chain Migration in the US, and its Importance in Family History Research Lisa A. Alzo
Understanding the Names and Records of Our Czech Ancestors:Tools For Genealogists Who Don’t Speak Czech Carol Jean Smetana
Useful Sources for Genealogical Research in the Slovak Archives Milan Belej
Using LDS Austrian Military Records Karen Hobbs
Visual Anthropological Perspectives on the Turiec and Váh River Valleys, Slovakia, 2003-2009 Margo L. Smith
What Was Everyday Life Like for Our Ancestors in the Middle Ages Mark Bigaouette
Write Your Family History Step by Step Lisa Alzo
2007 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2007 CGSI Conference (Madison, WI)

The presentations below were part of the 2007 CGSI Conference held in Madison, Wisconsin.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2007 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

Beginning GenealogyBeginning Genealogy
Lisa A. AlzoLisa A. Alzo
Beginning GenealogyBeginning Slovak Genealogy
Lisa A. AlzoLisa A. Alzo
Beginning GenealogyBorder People: The Böhmish (German-Bohemians) in Wisconsin and Minnesota
Lisa A. AlzoRobert Paulson
Beginning GenealogyCzech and Slovak Cinema - A Reflection of History and Culture
Lisa A. AlzoSusan Marcinkus
Beginning GenealogyCzech DNA Project: Background and Update
Lisa A. AlzoLeo Baca
Beginning GenealogyDocumenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals
Lisa A. AlzoLeo Baca
Beginning GenealogyDoing Genealogy Over There
Lisa A. AlzoMisa Plickova and Jiri Kaminek
Beginning GenealogyFinding Family in Slovakia: Uncovering the Roots and Adding Branches to the Family Tree
Lisa A. AlzoMark Lencho
Beginning GenealogyFinding Genealogical Information in the WHS Library and Archives Catalogs
Lisa A. AlzoDee Anna Grimsrud
Beginning GenealogyFrom Daguerreotype to Digital File: Organizing and Caring for Family and Personal Photographs
Lisa A. AlzoDavid Benjamin
Beginning GenealogyGerman and Czech Emigration from Landskron/Lanškroun, Bohemia to the Midwest
Lisa A. AlzoEdward G. Langer
Beginning GenealogyHistorical Sources for Bohemia from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Lisa A. AlzoLenka Matušíková
Beginning GenealogyHistorical Sources for Bohemia from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
Lisa A. AlzoLenka Matušíkov
Beginning GenealogyIdentifying Grandpa's Regiment in the Austrian Imperial Army
Lisa A. AlzoKaren Hobbs
Beginning GenealogyIt's All Online! Or Is It?
Lisa A. AlzoLori B. Bessler
Beginning GenealogyMore Computer Genealogy: The Latest and What's to Offer
Lisa A. AlzoJohn Kracha
Beginning GenealogyPractical Czech for Genealogists
Lisa A. AlzoLudmila Mikulašová Rao
Beginning GenealogySlovak Immigrants Came to Wisconsin, Too
Lisa A. AlzoJohn J. Hosmanek
Beginning GenealogyThat’s How The Clerk (or Minister or Indexer) Spelled It. How To Trace Your Ancestors When No One Knew How To Spell
Lisa A. AlzoJames L. Hansen
Beginning GenealogyThe American Geographical Society Library: A “World” of Resources for Genealogists
Lisa A. AlzoJovanka R. Ristić
Beginning GenealogyThe Czech Archival System
Lisa A. AlzoLenka Matušíková
Beginning GenealogyThe Rhythm of Life in Czech & Slovak Villages in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Lisa A. AlzoHelene Cincebeaux
Beginning GenealogyUsing Austrian Military Records on Films in the LDS Library
Lisa A. AlzoKaren Hobbs
Beginning Genealogy Lisa A. Alzo
Beginning Slovak Genealogy Lisa A. Alzo
Border People: The Böhmish (German-Bohemians) in Wisconsin and Minnesota Robert Paulson
Czech and Slovak Cinema - A Reflection of History and Culture Susan Marcinkus
Czech DNA Project: Background and Update Leo Baca
Documenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals Leo Baca
Doing Genealogy Over There Misa Plickova and Jiri Kaminek
Finding Family in Slovakia: Uncovering the Roots and Adding Branches to the Family Tree Mark Lencho
Finding Genealogical Information in the WHS Library and Archives Catalogs Dee Anna Grimsrud
From Daguerreotype to Digital File: Organizing and Caring for Family and Personal Photographs David Benjamin
German and Czech Emigration from Landskron/Lanškroun, Bohemia to the Midwest Edward G. Langer
Historical Sources for Bohemia from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Lenka Matušíková
Historical Sources for Bohemia from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Lenka Matušíkov
Identifying Grandpa's Regiment in the Austrian Imperial Army Karen Hobbs
It's All Online! Or Is It? Lori B. Bessler
More Computer Genealogy: The Latest and What's to Offer John Kracha
Practical Czech for Genealogists Ludmila Mikulašová Rao
Slovak Immigrants Came to Wisconsin, Too John J. Hosmanek
That’s How The Clerk (or Minister or Indexer) Spelled It. How To Trace Your Ancestors When No One Knew How To Spell James L. Hansen
The American Geographical Society Library: A “World” of Resources for Genealogists Jovanka R. Ristić
The Czech Archival System Lenka Matušíková
The Rhythm of Life in Czech & Slovak Villages in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries Helene Cincebeaux
Using Austrian Military Records on Films in the LDS Library Karen Hobbs
2005 CGSI Conference Syllabus


2005 CGSI Conference (Bratislava, SK and Prague, CR)

The presentations below were part of the 2005 CGSI Conference held in Bratislava, Slovakia, and Prague, Czech Republic.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2005 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

Presentation1918 – The Creation of Czechoslovakia
Speaker(s)Stepanka Magstadtova
PresentationCensus Registers and Land Registers as Resources for Genealogy
Speaker(s)Martin Pytr
PresentationCzech & Slovak Family Name Sources – A Lesson for Foreign Genealogists
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka
PresentationFamily Forms in Slovakia
Speaker(s)Marta Botíková
PresentationGenealogical Sources from Eastern Bohemia
Speaker(s)Milan Novotný
PresentationHistory of Silesia and Northern Moravia in 18th and 19th century
Speaker(s)Zdenek Kravar
PresentationHow to Recognize Professional Research from Amateur Research
Speaker(s)Jan Pařez
PresentationLand Books: A Unique Source for Learning about the Everyday Life of Early Czech People
Speaker(s)Jan Pařez
PresentationPossibilities for Genealogical Research at the State Regional Archive in Třeboň
Speaker(s)Laděna Plucarová
PresentationThe Austrian War Archives in Vienna and Its Records Pertaining to Personnel
Speaker(s)Christoph Tepperberg
PresentationThe People of Slovakia and Their Identity
Speaker(s)Vladimir Bohinc
PresentationThe Possibilities of Usage Archive Records of the Olomouc Branch of The Regional Archives in Opava to Study Personal and Global Emigration and Genealogy on the North Moravia
Speaker(s)Jan Štěpán
PresentationThe Regional State Archives in Prague and Genealogy
Speaker(s)Jiří Vichta
PresentationTreasures of Folk Art in Bohemia and Moravia
Speaker(s)Hana Mařiková
Presentation Speaker(s)
1918 – The Creation of Czechoslovakia Stepanka Magstadtova
Census Registers and Land Registers as Resources for Genealogy Martin Pytr
Czech & Slovak Family Name Sources – A Lesson for Foreign Genealogists Miroslav Koudelka
Family Forms in Slovakia Marta Botíková
Genealogical Sources from Eastern Bohemia Milan Novotný
History of Silesia and Northern Moravia in 18th and 19th century Zdenek Kravar
How to Recognize Professional Research from Amateur Research Jan Pařez
Land Books: A Unique Source for Learning about the Everyday Life of Early Czech People Jan Pařez
Possibilities for Genealogical Research at the State Regional Archive in Třeboň Laděna Plucarová
The Austrian War Archives in Vienna and Its Records Pertaining to Personnel Christoph Tepperberg
The People of Slovakia and Their Identity Vladimir Bohinc
The Possibilities of Usage Archive Records of the Olomouc Branch of The Regional Archives in Opava to Study Personal and Global Emigration and Genealogy on the North Moravia Jan Štěpán
The Regional State Archives in Prague and Genealogy Jiří Vichta
Treasures of Folk Art in Bohemia and Moravia Hana Mařiková
2003 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2003 CGSI Conference (Houston, TX)

The presentations below were part of the 2003 CGSI Conference held in Houston, Texas.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2003 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

PresentationBohemian, Moravian, Slovak and Jewish Folk Tales
Speaker(s)Nadia Grosser Nagarajan
PresentationCensus and Land Registers as Sources for Genealogists
Speaker(s)Martin Pytr
PresentationConditions in Slovakia During the Era of Mass Immigration to America
Speaker(s)Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.
PresentationCzech and Slovak Folksongs and Hymnody
Speaker(s)Anita Smisek
PresentationCzech and Slovak Immigration Trends in America
Speaker(s)Joan McGuire Mohr
PresentationCzech Genealogical Research
Speaker(s)Duncan B. Gardiner
PresentationCzech Immigration to Texas in the Nineteenth Century: An Overview and a Case Study from the 1870s
Speaker(s)Clinton Machann
PresentationCzech Protestant Settlements in the United States
Speaker(s)Daniel Necas
PresentationDemographic and Social Structure of the South-West Policka Region Before the First Emigration Wave to the USA in the 1850s
Speaker(s)Karel Kysilka
PresentationDocumenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals
Speaker(s)Leo Baca
PresentationEmigration From the Area of Czech Silesia in the 19th Century
Speaker(s)Martin Pytr
PresentationEmigration From Vizovice and Zlin Counties to Texas Before World War I
Speaker(s)Karel Kysilka
PresentationEthnic Identity Among the Czechs and Moravians of Texas
Speaker(s)Kevin Hannan and Clinton Machann
PresentationExperience Using Austrian Military Records and Regimential Histories: Following and Austrian Soldier Through His Service in Two Wars, 1864-1866
Speaker(s)Karen Hobbs
PresentationExperiencing Czech and Slovak Christmas Music
Speaker(s)Anita Smisek
PresentationFamily Connections and the Roots of the Unity of the Brethren in Texas
Speaker(s)Kathy Horak Smith
PresentationGenetics and Genealogy
Speaker(s)Leo Baca
PresentationHistorical Geography of the Moravian Population in Texas
Speaker(s)Karel Kysilka
PresentationHistory and Czech Genealogical Sources
Speaker(s)Duncan B. Gardiner
PresentationIn Search of a Homeland: The Czech and Slovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920
Speaker(s)Joan McGuire Mohr
PresentationIntroduction to Slovak-American Folk Songs
Speaker(s)Michael J. Kopanic, Jr.
PresentationLDS Records on Film for Czechoslovakia
Speaker(s)Karen Hobbs
PresentationLet Us Prevent You From the "Cultural Shock"
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka
PresentationMaking "Census" of Your Family History in 1930
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationMilitary Records at the LDS
Speaker(s)Karen Hobbs
PresentationMoravian Folk Dress and Folk Art
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationMoravia's Ancient Ride of Kings & Other Folklore
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationOrigin of Moravians in the Valassko Region
Speaker(s)Gary Kocurek
PresentationOrigin of the Valachs (Wolochs, Wallachians, Gorals) of Moravia, Silesia and Other Parts of the Carpathians
Speaker(s)Kevin Hannan
PresentationPreserving Our Slavic Roots in the 21st Century
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationResearch of Birth, Marriage and Death Registers in Czech Republic - My Experiences
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka
PresentationSelected Aspects of the Slovak Immigration to the United States
Speaker(s)Daniel Necas
PresentationSlovak Genealogy
Speaker(s)Duncan B. Gardiner
PresentationSokol Movement From Bohemia to the United States
Speaker(s)Larry Laznovsky
PresentationSome Favorite Czech, Moravian, and Slovak Children's Stories
Speaker(s)Nadia Grosser Nagarajan
PresentationThe Early German Settlements of North Eastern Moravia and What The Pied Piper of Hamelin Had To Do With It
Speaker(s)Frank Soural
PresentationThe Limb Begins With Me - Starting My Family Tree
Speaker(s)Sandra K. Hynek
PresentationThe Lost Colony of Krajina, Lavaca County, Texas
Speaker(s)Doug Kubicek
PresentationThe Rhythm of Life in Slovak Villages 100 Years Ago
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationThere Goes the Neighborhood
Speaker(s)Doug Kubicek
PresentationTravel in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Speaker(s)Mark Vasko Bigaouette
PresentationUnpuzzle Your Past: Write Your Family's Story
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationVirtual Family Reunion: Connect Your Family Online
Speaker(s)Lisa A. Alzo
PresentationVirtual Tour of Moravia
Speaker(s)Miroslav Koudelka
PresentationWhat Is Unique About Czech and Slovak Folk Music?
Speaker(s)Anita Smisek
Presentation Speaker(s)
Bohemian, Moravian, Slovak and Jewish Folk Tales Nadia Grosser Nagarajan
Census and Land Registers as Sources for Genealogists Martin Pytr
Conditions in Slovakia During the Era of Mass Immigration to America Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.
Czech and Slovak Folksongs and Hymnody Anita Smisek
Czech and Slovak Immigration Trends in America Joan McGuire Mohr
Czech Genealogical Research Duncan B. Gardiner
Czech Immigration to Texas in the Nineteenth Century: An Overview and a Case Study from the 1870s Clinton Machann
Czech Protestant Settlements in the United States Daniel Necas
Demographic and Social Structure of the South-West Policka Region Before the First Emigration Wave to the USA in the 1850s Karel Kysilka
Documenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals Leo Baca
Emigration From the Area of Czech Silesia in the 19th Century Martin Pytr
Emigration From Vizovice and Zlin Counties to Texas Before World War I Karel Kysilka
Ethnic Identity Among the Czechs and Moravians of Texas Kevin Hannan and Clinton Machann
Experience Using Austrian Military Records and Regimential Histories: Following and Austrian Soldier Through His Service in Two Wars, 1864-1866 Karen Hobbs
Experiencing Czech and Slovak Christmas Music Anita Smisek
Family Connections and the Roots of the Unity of the Brethren in Texas Kathy Horak Smith
Genetics and Genealogy Leo Baca
Historical Geography of the Moravian Population in Texas Karel Kysilka
History and Czech Genealogical Sources Duncan B. Gardiner
In Search of a Homeland: The Czech and Slovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920 Joan McGuire Mohr
Introduction to Slovak-American Folk Songs Michael J. Kopanic, Jr.
LDS Records on Film for Czechoslovakia Karen Hobbs
Let Us Prevent You From the "Cultural Shock" Miroslav Koudelka
Making "Census" of Your Family History in 1930 Lisa A. Alzo
Military Records at the LDS Karen Hobbs
Moravian Folk Dress and Folk Art Helene Cincebeaux
Moravia's Ancient Ride of Kings & Other Folklore Helene Cincebeaux
Origin of Moravians in the Valassko Region Gary Kocurek
Origin of the Valachs (Wolochs, Wallachians, Gorals) of Moravia, Silesia and Other Parts of the Carpathians Kevin Hannan
Preserving Our Slavic Roots in the 21st Century Lisa A. Alzo
Research of Birth, Marriage and Death Registers in Czech Republic - My Experiences Miroslav Koudelka
Selected Aspects of the Slovak Immigration to the United States Daniel Necas
Slovak Genealogy Duncan B. Gardiner
Sokol Movement From Bohemia to the United States Larry Laznovsky
Some Favorite Czech, Moravian, and Slovak Children's Stories Nadia Grosser Nagarajan
The Early German Settlements of North Eastern Moravia and What The Pied Piper of Hamelin Had To Do With It Frank Soural
The Limb Begins With Me - Starting My Family Tree Sandra K. Hynek
The Lost Colony of Krajina, Lavaca County, Texas Doug Kubicek
The Rhythm of Life in Slovak Villages 100 Years Ago Helene Cincebeaux
There Goes the Neighborhood Doug Kubicek
Travel in the Czech Republic and Slovakia Mark Vasko Bigaouette
Unpuzzle Your Past: Write Your Family's Story Lisa A. Alzo
Virtual Family Reunion: Connect Your Family Online Lisa A. Alzo
Virtual Tour of Moravia Miroslav Koudelka
What Is Unique About Czech and Slovak Folk Music? Anita Smisek
2001 CGSI Conference Syllabus

2001 CGSI Conference (Pittsburgh, PA)

The presentations below were part of the 2001 CGSI Conference held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 2001 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

An Outline of Slovak HistoryAn Outline of Slovak History
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.
An Outline of Slovak HistoryCzech and Slovak Genealogical Research
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Duncan B. Gardiner
An Outline of Slovak HistoryDemographic Aspects of Emigration From Slovakia to the U.S.A. From Circa 1900 to World War II
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Milan Belej
An Outline of Slovak HistoryFounding Fathers: The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Joan McGuire Mohr
An Outline of Slovak HistoryImmigrant Steamships 1890-1950
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Paul S. Valasek
An Outline of Slovak HistoryIntrodution to Reading and Deciphering of Genealogy Documents
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Frank Soural
An Outline of Slovak HistoryOverview of Folk Dress In Bohemia, Moravia & Slovakia
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Helene Cincebeaux
An Outline of Slovak HistoryPower & Protection: The Motifs & Beliefs That Embellished Our Ancestor's Lives
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Helene Cincebeaux
An Outline of Slovak HistoryResearch of Birth, Marriage and Death Registers in Czech Republic - My Experiences
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Miroslav Koudelka
An Outline of Slovak HistorySelected Data From Czech History That A Genealogist Should Know
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Miroslav Koudelka
An Outline of Slovak HistorySlovak Genealogical Records on LDS (Mormon) Microfilm in the U.S.: A Practical Guide to Reading and Interpreting Them
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Duncan B. Cardiner
An Outline of Slovak HistorySources for Genealogical Research In The Slovak Archives And Potential For Their Use
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Milan Belej
An Outline of Slovak HistoryThe Cleveland Agreement and Pittsburgh Pact
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Gregory Ference
An Outline of Slovak HistoryThe People From 'No Man's Land': The Carpatho-Rusyns of Austria Hungary Part I History
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Tom Peters
An Outline of Slovak HistoryThe People From 'No Man's Land': The Carpatho-Rusyns of Austria Hungary Part II Genealogy
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Tom Peters
An Outline of Slovak HistoryTravel Before and After the Arrival of the Iron Horse
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Frank Soural
An Outline of Slovak HistoryWhich Way, E-J?
Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.Helene Cincebeaux
An Outline of Slovak History Michael J. Kopanic. Jr.
Czech and Slovak Genealogical Research Duncan B. Gardiner
Demographic Aspects of Emigration From Slovakia to the U.S.A. From Circa 1900 to World War II Milan Belej
Founding Fathers: The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920 Joan McGuire Mohr
Immigrant Steamships 1890-1950 Paul S. Valasek
Introdution to Reading and Deciphering of Genealogy Documents Frank Soural
Overview of Folk Dress In Bohemia, Moravia & Slovakia Helene Cincebeaux
Power & Protection: The Motifs & Beliefs That Embellished Our Ancestor's Lives Helene Cincebeaux
Research of Birth, Marriage and Death Registers in Czech Republic - My Experiences Miroslav Koudelka
Selected Data From Czech History That A Genealogist Should Know Miroslav Koudelka
Slovak Genealogical Records on LDS (Mormon) Microfilm in the U.S.: A Practical Guide to Reading and Interpreting Them Duncan B. Cardiner
Sources for Genealogical Research In The Slovak Archives And Potential For Their Use Milan Belej
The Cleveland Agreement and Pittsburgh Pact Gregory Ference
The People From 'No Man's Land': The Carpatho-Rusyns of Austria Hungary Part I History Tom Peters
The People From 'No Man's Land': The Carpatho-Rusyns of Austria Hungary Part II Genealogy Tom Peters
Travel Before and After the Arrival of the Iron Horse Frank Soural
Which Way, E-J? Helene Cincebeaux
1999 CGSI Conference Syllabus

1999 CGSI Conference (Lincoln, NE)

The presentations below were part of the 1999 CGSI Conference held in Lincoln, Nebraska.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 1999 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

A Brief History of Czech LiteratureA Brief History of Czech Literature
Eve Chybova BockEve Chybova Bock
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureA Czech Renaissance
Eve Chybova BockJoe T. Vosoba
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureAn Outline of Czech Sources For Genealogy Research on the Internet
Eve Chybova BockMiroslav Koudelka
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureBetrothal and Wedding Rituals and Customs in Slovakia and Moravia with Implications for Genealogists
Eve Chybova BockHelene Cincebeaux
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureBozena Nemcova's Influences on Willa Cather's My Antonia
Eve Chybova BockMila Saskova-Pierce
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureCensuses In Bohemia and Moravia as Genealogy Research Resources
Eve Chybova BockMiroslav Koudelka
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureCzech and Slovak Genealogical Research: The Basics
Eve Chybova BockDuncan B. Gardiner
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureCzech and Slovak Genealogical Research: The Basics
Eve Chybova BockDuncan B. Gardiner
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureCzech Rural Folklore and Traditions
Eve Chybova BockMila Saskova-Pierce
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureCzech Society of the 19th Century: Social and Professional Structure
Eve Chybova BockIvan Dubovicky
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureCzech-American Freethinkers
Eve Chybova BockBruce Garvet
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureDocumenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals
Eve Chybova BockLeo Baca
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureEfficient Ways to Conduct Vital Statistics Research - My Experiences
Eve Chybova BockMiroslav Koudelka
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureEveryday Life In Slovakia and Moravia Over A Century Ago
Eve Chybova BockHelene Cincebeaux
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureFounding Fathers: The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920
Eve Chybova BockJoan McGuire Mohr
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureFounding Fathers: The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920
Eve Chybova BockJoan McGuire Mohr
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureGrowing Up In South Omaha: A Czech-American Heritage In Poems and Stories
Eve Chybova BockLorraine Duggin
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureIdentifying and Interpreting Czech and German-Bohemian Records and Military Photos
Eve Chybova BockKaren Hobbs and Frank Soural
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureIntroduction to Computer Genealogy
Eve Chybova BockChris Miksanek
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureMaintaining A Home Page on the World Wide Web
Eve Chybova BockChris Miksanek
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureMigration Patterns of Czech Immigrants Into and Out of Nebraska
Eve Chybova BockMargie Sobotka
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureModern Czech Art, 1890 to 1938
Eve Chybova BockBruce Garver
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureOld Country Roots: The Czech-American Landscape
Eve Chybova BockDavid Murphy
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureOld Country Roots: The Czech-American Landscape
Eve Chybova BockDavid Murphy
A Brief History of Czech LiteraturePictures From The Old Country A Screening of the Documentary Film Followed By A Discussion With The Filmmaker
Eve Chybova BockSusan A. Marcinkus
A Brief History of Czech LiteraturePractical Czech: Conversation and Vocabulary for Visiting Your Relatives and Ancestral Village
Eve Chybova BockMaria Hoffman and Steve Schoening
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureRecruitment Practices and the Lives of Recruits Under Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Eve Chybova BockKaren Hobbs and Frank Soural
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureSlovak Immigration to America and Life in the U.S. to 1920
Eve Chybova BockGregory Ference
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureSources For Researching Your Nebraska Czech Ancestors
Eve Chybova BockMargie Sobotka
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureThe Course of History and How It Influenced the Creation of Genealogical Records
Eve Chybova BockDuncan B. Gardiner
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureThe Influence of Czech Musicians Upon the Common Practice Period
Eve Chybova BockJohn Svagera
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureThe Limb Begins With Me - Starting My Family Tree
Eve Chybova BockSandra K. Hynek
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureThe Struggle for the Heart of Europe: Conflicts That Shaped The Lives Of Our Czech and Slovak Ancestors
Eve Chybova BockSteven G. Potach
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureWhat To Expect WHile Traveling In The Czech and Slovak Republics
Eve Chybova BockMark Bigaouette
A Brief History of Czech LiteratureYour Czech and Slovak Family History: Writing and Publishing Family Chronicles
Eve Chybova BockDuncan B. Gardiner
A Brief History of Czech Literature Eve Chybova Bock
A Czech Renaissance Joe T. Vosoba
An Outline of Czech Sources For Genealogy Research on the Internet Miroslav Koudelka
Betrothal and Wedding Rituals and Customs in Slovakia and Moravia with Implications for Genealogists Helene Cincebeaux
Bozena Nemcova's Influences on Willa Cather's My Antonia Mila Saskova-Pierce
Censuses In Bohemia and Moravia as Genealogy Research Resources Miroslav Koudelka
Czech and Slovak Genealogical Research: The Basics Duncan B. Gardiner
Czech and Slovak Genealogical Research: The Basics Duncan B. Gardiner
Czech Rural Folklore and Traditions Mila Saskova-Pierce
Czech Society of the 19th Century: Social and Professional Structure Ivan Dubovicky
Czech-American Freethinkers Bruce Garvet
Documenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals Leo Baca
Efficient Ways to Conduct Vital Statistics Research - My Experiences Miroslav Koudelka
Everyday Life In Slovakia and Moravia Over A Century Ago Helene Cincebeaux
Founding Fathers: The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920 Joan McGuire Mohr
Founding Fathers: The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920 Joan McGuire Mohr
Growing Up In South Omaha: A Czech-American Heritage In Poems and Stories Lorraine Duggin
Identifying and Interpreting Czech and German-Bohemian Records and Military Photos Karen Hobbs and Frank Soural
Introduction to Computer Genealogy Chris Miksanek
Maintaining A Home Page on the World Wide Web Chris Miksanek
Migration Patterns of Czech Immigrants Into and Out of Nebraska Margie Sobotka
Modern Czech Art, 1890 to 1938 Bruce Garver
Old Country Roots: The Czech-American Landscape David Murphy
Old Country Roots: The Czech-American Landscape David Murphy
Pictures From The Old Country A Screening of the Documentary Film Followed By A Discussion With The Filmmaker Susan A. Marcinkus
Practical Czech: Conversation and Vocabulary for Visiting Your Relatives and Ancestral Village Maria Hoffman and Steve Schoening
Recruitment Practices and the Lives of Recruits Under Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Karen Hobbs and Frank Soural
Slovak Immigration to America and Life in the U.S. to 1920 Gregory Ference
Sources For Researching Your Nebraska Czech Ancestors Margie Sobotka
The Course of History and How It Influenced the Creation of Genealogical Records Duncan B. Gardiner
The Influence of Czech Musicians Upon the Common Practice Period John Svagera
The Limb Begins With Me - Starting My Family Tree Sandra K. Hynek
The Struggle for the Heart of Europe: Conflicts That Shaped The Lives Of Our Czech and Slovak Ancestors Steven G. Potach
What To Expect WHile Traveling In The Czech and Slovak Republics Mark Bigaouette
Your Czech and Slovak Family History: Writing and Publishing Family Chronicles Duncan B. Gardiner
1997 CGSI Conference Syllabus

1997 CGSI Conference (Bloomington, MN)

The presentations below were part of the 1997 CGSI Conference held in Bloomington, Minnesota.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 1997 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918
Steven G. PotachSteven G. Potach
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918An Overview of the Czechoslovakian/Bohemian Decorative Arts from 1900 to 1938
Steven G. PotachWes Nedblake and Kathy H. Foster
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Austria-Hungary: A Primer for Genealogists
Steven G. PotachDuncan B. Gardiner
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Bohemia: The Crossroads of Europe
Steven G. PotachKen Meter
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Cleveland, Ohio and Cuyahoga County, 1880 to the Present and Its Slovak Identification
Steven G. PotachJoseph Hornack
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Czech and Slovak Genealogical Research in America and the Czech and Slovak Republics
Steven G. PotachDuncan B. Gardiner
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Czech Genealogical Sources in Light of Czech and Moravian History
Steven G. PotachDuncan B. Gardiner
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Do You Hear What I Hear? The Sounds of Unique Czechoslovak Instruments
Steven G. PotachJoel Blahnik and Anita Smisek
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Documenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals
Steven G. PotachLeo Baca
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Experiences with Obtaining and Analyzing Vienna Military and Archive Records
Steven G. PotachKaren Hobbs
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Founding Fathers: The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920
Steven G. PotachJoan McGuire Mohr
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918German and Czech Emigration From Landskron, Bohemia to the Midwest
Steven G. PotachEdward G. Langer
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Getting the Most Mileage from Genealogical Research Trips
Steven G. PotachPaula Stuart Warren
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Holidays in the Czech and Slovak Republics
Steven G. PotachDaniela Sipkova-Mahoney
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918How to Obtain Genealogical Information From the Czech and Slovak Republics
Steven G. Potach 
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Introduction to Computer Genealogy
Steven G. PotachChris Miksanek
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Origin and Meaning of Czech Town and Village Names
Steven G. PotachMiroslav Koudelka
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Recruitment Practices and the Lives of Recruits Under the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Steven G. PotachKaren Hobbs
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Regional (Provincial) Archives in the Czech Republic as Sources for Genealogical Research
Steven G. PotachMiroslav Koudelka
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Researching at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Steven G. PotachJames W. Warren
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Researching Coast to Coast From the Midwest
Steven G. PotachJames W. Warren
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Resources to Obtain On the Spot, A Visit to the Ancestral Area
Steven G. PotachMiroslav Koudelka
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Saved by an Angel
Steven G. PotachLeo Baca
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Sing an Old Song! A Czech-Slovak Pronunciation Guide to Folk Songs and Poetry
Steven G. PotachAnita Smisek
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Sources for Czech, Slovak and Rusin Family History at the Immigration History Research Center
Steven G. PotachJoel Wurl
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918The Bohemian Settlement - St. Paul's First Czech Community
Steven G. PotachJames Sazevich
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918The Ethnic Composition of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Steven G. PotachKen Meter
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918The Migration of Germans From the Hills of Bohemia to the Plains of the Upper Midwest
Steven G. PotachRobert Paulson
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Tracing the History of a House
Steven G. PotachJames A. Sazevich
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Twenty Five Years of Providing Service to North Americans About Slovakia
Steven G. PotachJoseph Hornack
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Twin Cities Area Research Facilities
Steven G. PotachPaula Stuart Warren
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Unique Minnesota Ancestral Research Resources
Steven G. PotachPaula Stuart Warren
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918Writing Your Family History in Small, Manageable Pieces
Steven G. PotachJames W. Warren
A Time of Passage: The History of the Czechs and Slovaks, 1781–1918 Steven G. Potach
An Overview of the Czechoslovakian/Bohemian Decorative Arts from 1900 to 1938 Wes Nedblake and Kathy H. Foster
Austria-Hungary: A Primer for Genealogists Duncan B. Gardiner
Bohemia: The Crossroads of Europe Ken Meter
Cleveland, Ohio and Cuyahoga County, 1880 to the Present and Its Slovak Identification Joseph Hornack
Czech and Slovak Genealogical Research in America and the Czech and Slovak Republics Duncan B. Gardiner
Czech Genealogical Sources in Light of Czech and Moravian History Duncan B. Gardiner
Do You Hear What I Hear? The Sounds of Unique Czechoslovak Instruments Joel Blahnik and Anita Smisek
Documenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals Leo Baca
Experiences with Obtaining and Analyzing Vienna Military and Archive Records Karen Hobbs
Founding Fathers: The Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia, 1917 to 1920 Joan McGuire Mohr
German and Czech Emigration From Landskron, Bohemia to the Midwest Edward G. Langer
Getting the Most Mileage from Genealogical Research Trips Paula Stuart Warren
Holidays in the Czech and Slovak Republics Daniela Sipkova-Mahoney
How to Obtain Genealogical Information From the Czech and Slovak Republics  
Introduction to Computer Genealogy Chris Miksanek
Origin and Meaning of Czech Town and Village Names Miroslav Koudelka
Recruitment Practices and the Lives of Recruits Under the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Karen Hobbs
Regional (Provincial) Archives in the Czech Republic as Sources for Genealogical Research Miroslav Koudelka
Researching at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin James W. Warren
Researching Coast to Coast From the Midwest James W. Warren
Resources to Obtain On the Spot, A Visit to the Ancestral Area Miroslav Koudelka
Saved by an Angel Leo Baca
Sing an Old Song! A Czech-Slovak Pronunciation Guide to Folk Songs and Poetry Anita Smisek
Sources for Czech, Slovak and Rusin Family History at the Immigration History Research Center Joel Wurl
The Bohemian Settlement - St. Paul's First Czech Community James Sazevich
The Ethnic Composition of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Ken Meter
The Migration of Germans From the Hills of Bohemia to the Plains of the Upper Midwest Robert Paulson
Tracing the History of a House James A. Sazevich
Twenty Five Years of Providing Service to North Americans About Slovakia Joseph Hornack
Twin Cities Area Research Facilities Paula Stuart Warren
Unique Minnesota Ancestral Research Resources Paula Stuart Warren
Writing Your Family History in Small, Manageable Pieces James W. Warren
1995 CGSI Conference Syllabus

1995 CGSI Conference (Chicago, IL)

The presentations below were part of the 1995 CGSI Conference held in Chicago, Illinois.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 1995 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

Case Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry ResearchCase Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry Research
Duncan GardinerDuncan Gardiner
Case Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry ResearchCzech and Slovak Family Names and Their Origin
Duncan GardinerMiroslav Koudelka
Case Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry ResearchCzech Settlements in America at the End of the 19th Century
Duncan GardinerMiroslav Koudelka
Case Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry ResearchCzech Word Beginnings and Endings for Genealogists
Duncan GardinerRobert Baumruk
Case Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry ResearchDocumenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals
Duncan GardinerLeo Baca
Case Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry ResearchKarel Andera: Maker of Grave Marker Crosses
Duncan GardinerLoren N. Horton
Case Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry ResearchThe Struggle for the Heart of Europe: Conflicts That Shaped the Lives of Our Czech and Slovak Ancestors
Duncan GardinerSteven G. Potach
Case Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry ResearchThree Centuries of Czechs in America
Duncan GardinerZdenek Hruban
Case Studies in Czech and Slovak Ancestry Research Duncan Gardiner
Czech and Slovak Family Names and Their Origin Miroslav Koudelka
Czech Settlements in America at the End of the 19th Century Miroslav Koudelka
Czech Word Beginnings and Endings for Genealogists Robert Baumruk
Documenting Czech Immigrant Arrivals Leo Baca
Karel Andera: Maker of Grave Marker Crosses Loren N. Horton
The Struggle for the Heart of Europe: Conflicts That Shaped the Lives of Our Czech and Slovak Ancestors Steven G. Potach
Three Centuries of Czechs in America Zdenek Hruban
CGSI logo

1994 CGSI Conference (Green Bay, WI)

The presentations below were part of the 1994 CGSI Conference held in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 1994 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

PresentationAdvanced Topics in Czech and Slovak Genealogical Computing Applications
Speaker(s)Chris Miksanek
PresentationBohemia: The Crossroads of Europe
Speaker(s)Ken Meter
PresentationCGSI Library Resources and How They Can Benefit You
Speaker(s)Paul Makousky
PresentationFolk Art Demonstration
PresentationFolk Dance History & Traditions with Demonstrations
Speaker(s)Donald & Jeanette Pafko
PresentationFundamentals of Czech Language and Its Usage for Genealogists
Speaker(s)Charles Sindelar
PresentationGenealogy Research Resources in Northeastern Wisconsin
Speaker(s)Otnie Dechert, Timothy Cary, Ella Kaster and Debbie Anderson
PresentationHistoric Trades of Our Ancestors
Speaker(s)Ivan Dubovicky
PresentationIf You Wish to Know a Culture, Go To Its Music
Speaker(s)Anita Smisek and Joel Blahnik
PresentationImmigration Patterns and Immigrant Experiences of Czechs & Slovaks
Speaker(s)Ivan Dubovicky
PresentationInformation on Securing Family History From Czechoslovakia
PresentationSlovak Settlement and Their Life in Wisconsin
Speaker(s)Kathy Deyl and John Hosmanek
PresentationThe Art of Making Kolace
Speaker(s)Dolores Kupsh
PresentationThe Border People: German Bohemian Settlements in the Upper Midwest
Speaker(s)Bob Paulson and Ken Meter
PresentationThe Care and Feeding of Czech and Slovak Kroj
Speaker(s)Darinka Mojko Kohl
PresentationThe Past Remembered: Traveling Plants
Speaker(s)Eugene Krejcarek
PresentationTraveling in the Czech & Slovak Republics: Diverse Experiences
Speaker(s)Panel of 1994 Travelers
PresentationU.S. Sources for Czech & Slovak Research: Finding Your Ancestral Village
Speaker(s)Duncan Gardiner
PresentationUsing Research Sources in the Czech and Slovak Republics
Speaker(s)Duncan Gardiner
Presentation Speaker(s)
Advanced Topics in Czech and Slovak Genealogical Computing Applications Chris Miksanek
Bohemia: The Crossroads of Europe Ken Meter
CGSI Library Resources and How They Can Benefit You Paul Makousky
Folk Art Demonstration Various
Folk Dance History & Traditions with Demonstrations Donald & Jeanette Pafko
Fundamentals of Czech Language and Its Usage for Genealogists Charles Sindelar
Genealogy Research Resources in Northeastern Wisconsin Otnie Dechert, Timothy Cary, Ella Kaster and Debbie Anderson
Historic Trades of Our Ancestors Ivan Dubovicky
If You Wish to Know a Culture, Go To Its Music Anita Smisek and Joel Blahnik
Immigration Patterns and Immigrant Experiences of Czechs & Slovaks Ivan Dubovicky
Information on Securing Family History From Czechoslovakia  
Slovak Settlement and Their Life in Wisconsin Kathy Deyl and John Hosmanek
The Art of Making Kolace Dolores Kupsh
The Border People: German Bohemian Settlements in the Upper Midwest Bob Paulson and Ken Meter
The Care and Feeding of Czech and Slovak Kroj Darinka Mojko Kohl
The Past Remembered: Traveling Plants Eugene Krejcarek
Traveling in the Czech & Slovak Republics: Diverse Experiences Panel of 1994 Travelers
U.S. Sources for Czech & Slovak Research: Finding Your Ancestral Village Duncan Gardiner
Using Research Sources in the Czech and Slovak Republics Duncan Gardiner
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1993 CGSI Conference (Cedar Rapids, IA)

The presentations below were part of the 1993 CGSI Conference held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 1993 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

PresentationAncestry Research in Slovak, Moravian and Czech Archives
Speaker(s)Duncan Gardiner
PresentationBorder People: German-Bohemian (Bohmisch) Settlements in America's Midwest
Speaker(s)Ken Meter & Robert Paulson
PresentationComputers in Genealogy: An Introduction
Speaker(s)Chris Miksanek
PresentationCustoms, Crafts and Folklore of Bohemia, Moravia & Slovakia
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationCzech Rural Settlements West of the Mississippi River
Speaker(s)Stepanka Korytova-Magstack
PresentationCzech Settlement and Sources for Research in St. Louis
Speaker(s)June Sommer
PresentationCzech, Slovak, Moravian Sources of Information in the United States
Speaker(s)Duncan Gardiner
PresentationCzechs and Slovaks in Racine, Wisconsin: A Sesquicentennial Perspective
Speaker(s)John D. Buenker
PresentationEthnic Resources in the Linn County Genealogy Society Research Center
Speaker(s)Marilyn Walsh
PresentationExplanation of Czech & Slovak Given and Surnames
Speaker(s)Ivan Dubovicky
PresentationIf You Wish To Know A Culture, Go To Its Music
Speaker(s)Anita Smisek
PresentationImmigration in the Mississippt River Valley
Speaker(s)Edwin L. Hill
PresentationMaking the Most of Records in the LDS Family History Branch Library
Speaker(s)Kacy Novak
PresentationMigration Patterns of Czechs Into and Out Of Nebraska
Speaker(s)Marjorie Sobotka
PresentationMy Search for My Husband's Relatives in Backroad Bohemia
Speaker(s)Marilyn Miller Sychra
PresentationPrague and the Arts Through the Eyes of the Masaryk Family
Speaker(s)Charlotta Kotik
PresentationThe Push To Go, The Pull To Stay: An Immigrant's Dilemma
Speaker(s)Stepanka Korytova-Magstack
PresentationTreasures of Bohemia, Moravia & Slovakia
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationUnusual Facts About Our Heritage Discovered During Museum Research
Speaker(s)Felix S. Gula
Presentation Speaker(s)
Ancestry Research in Slovak, Moravian and Czech Archives Duncan Gardiner
Border People: German-Bohemian (Bohmisch) Settlements in America's Midwest Ken Meter & Robert Paulson
Computers in Genealogy: An Introduction Chris Miksanek
Customs, Crafts and Folklore of Bohemia, Moravia & Slovakia Helene Cincebeaux
Czech Rural Settlements West of the Mississippi River Stepanka Korytova-Magstack
Czech Settlement and Sources for Research in St. Louis June Sommer
Czech, Slovak, Moravian Sources of Information in the United States Duncan Gardiner
Czechs and Slovaks in Racine, Wisconsin: A Sesquicentennial Perspective John D. Buenker
Ethnic Resources in the Linn County Genealogy Society Research Center Marilyn Walsh
Explanation of Czech & Slovak Given and Surnames Ivan Dubovicky
If You Wish To Know A Culture, Go To Its Music Anita Smisek
Immigration in the Mississippt River Valley Edwin L. Hill
Making the Most of Records in the LDS Family History Branch Library Kacy Novak
Migration Patterns of Czechs Into and Out Of Nebraska Marjorie Sobotka
My Search for My Husband's Relatives in Backroad Bohemia Marilyn Miller Sychra
Prague and the Arts Through the Eyes of the Masaryk Family Charlotta Kotik
The Push To Go, The Pull To Stay: An Immigrant's Dilemma Stepanka Korytova-Magstack
Treasures of Bohemia, Moravia & Slovakia Helene Cincebeaux
Unusual Facts About Our Heritage Discovered During Museum Research Felix S. Gula
1991 CGSI Conference Syllabus

1991 CGSI Conference (St. Paul, MN)

The presentations below were part of the 1999 CGSI Conference held in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

For more information on the presentations and speakers, view the 1991 CGSI Conference Syllabus.

PresentationAdvanced Czechoslovak Genealogy - Effective Genealogical Research in Person and by Mail
Speaker(s)Daniel Schlyter
PresentationAdvanced Czechoslovak Genealogy - How to Locate the Ancestral Home/Village
Speaker(s)Daniel Schlyter
PresentationAdvanced Czechoslovak Genealogy - Sources for Genealogical Research, the CSFR
Speaker(s)Daniel Schlyter
PresentationAntonin Dvorak's American Sojourn: 1892-1895
Speaker(s)Jaroslav Mracek
PresentationCentral & Eastern European Holdings of the Immigration History Research Center
Speaker(s)Joel Wurl
PresentationCzech and Slovak Christmas Traditions
Speaker(s)Ivan Dubovicky
PresentationCzech and Slovak Museum of Cedar Rapids
Speaker(s)Patricia Hikiji
PresentationCzech and Slovak Musicians of the United States 1848-1938
Speaker(s)Jaroslav Mracek
PresentationCzech Language in America - Influence of Old Dialects and English
Speaker(s)Steve Wencl
PresentationCzechoslovak Genealogy - Resources in the Czechoslovak Heritage Museum, Library and Archives
Speaker(s)Lillian Chorvat
PresentationCzechoslovak Heritage Museum
Speaker(s)Lillian Chorvat
PresentationCzechoslovakia's Archival Hierarchy
Speaker(s)Milan Coupek
PresentationDocumenting Czech Immigration Arrivals
Speaker(s)Leo Baca
PresentationEmigration Patterns of Czechs to America
Speaker(s)Ivan Dubovicky
PresentationFrom Crewel to Kroje
Speaker(s)John H. Marvin
PresentationGerman-Bohemian Immigration to the Upper Midwest
Speaker(s)Robert Paulson
PresentationHistory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Speaker(s)Jan Neumann
PresentationHistory of the Czech Composer - Bohuslav Martinu
Speaker(s)Boris Rybka
PresentationMigration of Germanic Peoples Into Czechoslovakia
Speaker(s)Jan J. Neumann
PresentationOpen Forum of Travel Experiences in CSFR 1991
Speaker(s)Panel of Travelers
PresentationOrganizing Ethnic Events in Your Community
Speaker(s)John H. Marvin
PresentationPanel Discussion - Life in Czechoslovakia Before and After the 1989 Revolution
PresentationResearching in Czech-American Newspapers 1870-1970
Speaker(s)Bruce Garver
PresentationResearching in Czech-American Newspapers 1870-1970
Speaker(s)Bruce Garver
PresentationResearching Your Ancestors in Germany and Poland
Speaker(s)Daniel M. Schlyter and Edward Luft
PresentationResearching Your Jewish Ancestors in Bohemia
Speaker(s)Edward Luft
PresentationResearching Your Jewish Ancestors In Poland and Germany
Speaker(s)Edward Luft
PresentationSlovak & Moravian Folk Customs & Wedding Traditions
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationSlovak Easter Eggs and Their Cultural Significance
Speaker(s)Veronika Ratica Hipp
PresentationSlovak Genealogy Research Insights
Speaker(s)Ray Plutko
PresentationTeaching Ethnic Culture in the Schools
Speaker(s)John H. Marvin
PresentationTexas Czech Experiences
Speaker(s)Leo Baca
PresentationThe Making of Slovak Easter Eggs
Speaker(s)Veronica Ratica Hipp
PresentationTreasures of Slovakia - Castles,  Cathedrals, Historic Sites
Speaker(s)Helene Cincebeaux
PresentationUnderstanding Your Ancestors Through Their Folksongs
Speaker(s)Anita Smisek
Presentation Speaker(s)
Advanced Czechoslovak Genealogy - Effective Genealogical Research in Person and by Mail Daniel Schlyter
Advanced Czechoslovak Genealogy - How to Locate the Ancestral Home/Village Daniel Schlyter
Advanced Czechoslovak Genealogy - Sources for Genealogical Research, the CSFR Daniel Schlyter
Antonin Dvorak's American Sojourn: 1892-1895 Jaroslav Mracek
Central & Eastern European Holdings of the Immigration History Research Center Joel Wurl
Czech and Slovak Christmas Traditions Ivan Dubovicky
Czech and Slovak Museum of Cedar Rapids Patricia Hikiji
Czech and Slovak Musicians of the United States 1848-1938 Jaroslav Mracek
Czech Language in America - Influence of Old Dialects and English Steve Wencl
Czechoslovak Genealogy - Resources in the Czechoslovak Heritage Museum, Library and Archives Lillian Chorvat
Czechoslovak Heritage Museum Lillian Chorvat
Czechoslovakia's Archival Hierarchy Milan Coupek
Documenting Czech Immigration Arrivals Leo Baca
Emigration Patterns of Czechs to America Ivan Dubovicky
From Crewel to Kroje John H. Marvin
German-Bohemian Immigration to the Upper Midwest Robert Paulson
History of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Jan Neumann
History of the Czech Composer - Bohuslav Martinu Boris Rybka
Migration of Germanic Peoples Into Czechoslovakia Jan J. Neumann
Open Forum of Travel Experiences in CSFR 1991 Panel of Travelers
Organizing Ethnic Events in Your Community John H. Marvin
Panel Discussion - Life in Czechoslovakia Before and After the 1989 Revolution  
Researching in Czech-American Newspapers 1870-1970 Bruce Garver
Researching in Czech-American Newspapers 1870-1970 Bruce Garver
Researching Your Ancestors in Germany and Poland Daniel M. Schlyter and Edward Luft
Researching Your Jewish Ancestors in Bohemia Edward Luft
Researching Your Jewish Ancestors In Poland and Germany Edward Luft
Slovak & Moravian Folk Customs & Wedding Traditions Helene Cincebeaux
Slovak Easter Eggs and Their Cultural Significance Veronika Ratica Hipp
Slovak Genealogy Research Insights Ray Plutko
Teaching Ethnic Culture in the Schools John H. Marvin
Texas Czech Experiences Leo Baca
The Making of Slovak Easter Eggs Veronica Ratica Hipp
Treasures of Slovakia - Castles,  Cathedrals, Historic Sites Helene Cincebeaux
Understanding Your Ancestors Through Their Folksongs Anita Smisek