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Gift Membership



Gifting a membership

When purchasing a gift membership, you will be asked to enter the name and email of the gift recipient during checkout. The recipient will receive an email with a promotional code and instructions on obtaining their membership.

What are CGSI Individual, Household and Sponsor Memberships?

Individual Membership — A membership for one person. The annual benefits include four quarterly issues of the Naše rodina, a new member welcome packet, and admission to CGSI events at the member rate. Members who visit the CGSI library collection at the Minnesota Genealogical Society library are entitled to free admission (otherwise $10 per visit). Members are allowed access to the “Member Home” section of the CGSI website and may add queries or post research questions. An individual member is entitled to one vote at CGSI’s Annual Elections.

Household Membership — A membership defined as a maximum of two named adults residing at the same address. The benefits include four quarterly issues of the Naše rodina, a new member welcome packet, and admission for two to CGSI events at the reduced member rate. Members who visit the CGSI library collection at the Minnesota Genealogical Society library are entitled to free admission (otherwise $10 per visit). Members are allowed access to the members-only Section of the CGSI website and may add queries or post research questions. A Household Membership entitles each of the two members to one vote at CGSI’s Annual Elections.

Sponsor Membership — A membership for either an individual or household that pays a higher Sponsor Level fee, with the incremental fee currently used to help support our expanded education efforts. The applicant needs to make clear whether the membership is for an individual only or a household. The individual Sponsor benefits then follow the Individual Member benefits above and the household Sponsor benefits follow the Household Membership benefits above. The Sponsor Member(s) are recognized by having their name(s) published in an issue of CGSI’s quarterly publication, Naše rodina.

International members: Due to the cost of international postage, we regret that we are unable to mail Naše rodina internationally other than Canada. All members have access to all issues in the CGSI Digital Library.
