
Family tree research help

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I am undertaking the project of building the family tree from my grandfather’s side.

The goal is to find out where he was born, where he lived before WW I and ideally visit the town/city and why not connect with distant relatives.

Family tales are that he was the second to youngest of 10+ siblings, became an orphan early in his life and after WW I (where he served) he adopted Austrian citizenship and emigrated to Latin America (Argentina to be specific).

Facts (to which I still have documents, most of them in Czech) are that he was born January 24, 1898 in Oderfurt, Land Maeheren (I guess that nowadays is the district of Privoz, city of Ostrava in the Czech Republic).

Records (to my knowledge and understanding of the papers my family has) are that he was baptized and birth was registered in the church of St. Wenceslaus, in Olomuc Olmutz, Mor.Ostravia under the name of Richard Anton Pravda.

This is particularly confusing as it seems that former Oderfurt (Ostrava Privoz) and Olmuc Olmutz are two different cities

There is a paper of 1912 that states he finishes his studies in the German school for boys in (or named) Wittkowitz.

He served in WW I for the Austrian-Hungarian army and In one passport dated 1920 he listed as address stating: III Kungasse 16, district of Vidan Hrabin Opava Prevoz Mor.Ostravia. – So far I had no luck translating that to an actual address -

Any help making sense of the information I have as well as recommendations of researches that may be able to help me with my project will be highly appreciated.


Ricardo Pravda



Hi, Ricardo, I’m not positive I can help, but if you are willing to email me a copy of the
document showing his 1898 birth, I’ll play with it a little bit and see if I can give you any specific direction to pursue.