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I am looking for info about Andrew Fetcho aka Andro. Andrew was born in Slovakia in 1849. He was m in 1873 to Annie Tkach. On his MN Death Certificate Andrew’s fa’s name is as John. I would like to know more about John. Did he come to the United States? Where and when was he born? Info about Andrew’s mo would be appreciated.Info about their Annie and Andrew’ s life in Slovakia or Illinois would be appreciated. Annie was probably the bro of Mike Tkach. Confirmation of this would be appreciated. I would also like to know know more of her mo and fa. On her MN Death Certificate John Hudak was listed as her fa. Was it possible he was her step-father or Mike Tkach was her stepbrother? Gathering this information is difficult for me as I do not know the home villages of any of these people.
I will be deeply gratified if you can give me any of this information.
Elizabeth (Fetcho) Stoffel

Elizabeth Stoffel - 9414 North Weather Hill Drive, , Tucson, Arizona 85743