Janota & Cadra Families Chicago-area and Shamrock TX
I have been researching my family history for several years. 3/4 of my grandparents were 1st generation Americans of Slovak descent. In other words, nearly all my great-grandparents were born in Slovakia and came to the US around the turn of the century. My father's side of the family has the surnames KITCHELL (orig. KISCA) and BURON. My mother's side of the family has JANOTA and CADRA, from Mijava Slovakia.
My parents were raised in NW Indiana, outside Chicago. As children in the 1950s, my mother and uncle would travel to visit their grandmother in Shamrock TX. There was a Slovak community near there which apparently formed in the early 1900's by Sam PAKAN. He convinced a number of families to move there from the Chicago-area as well as Slovakia. My great-grandmother was Elizabeth CADRA. She married Rudolph JANOTA and lived in Whiting IN for many years. She was widowed relatively young, and re-married John HRNCIAR then moved (back?) to Shamrock TX.
If anyone has knowledge of these surnames or PAKAN/Shamrock TX in general, I'd love to hear from you.
Thank you
Peggy Tipton
Joyce Kolnik, from St. Louis, Missouri, wrote the following book in 2017:
Kolnik, Joyce Ochodnicky. St. Lukas Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church in St. Louis, Missouri and affiliated Slovak Lutherans in Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas and Texas. Translations by William Kolnik. St. Louis, Missouri: By the Author, 2017.
The St. Lukas Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church was the parent church for several small Slovak Lutheran missions fotmed throughout the Midwest, including Texas. Two Texas Slovak Lutheran Churches are discussed in this book: 1. Dr. Martin Luther Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pakan, Wheeler, Texas 2. Trinity Lutheran Church, Shamrock, Wheeler, Texas
I don't know if your family surnames are mentioned in this book or not. To see which libraries hold a copy of this book, go to https://search.worldcat.org/title/992170525 There is also a copy in the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Joyce Kolnik is still a member of St. Lucas Evangelical Lutheran Church, 7100 Morgan Ford Rd, St. Louis, MO 63116. If you contact the church, they could connect you with Joyce. Their website is https://www.stlucaslcms.org/