
Johan Ditz

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I am looking for information of the family of John Ditz, from Schmolau, Bela nad Raduzovec, Pilsen. He was born February 29, 1864 and emigrated to the US in 1881.
I am hoping to find out who his parents were and if he had siblings. Thanks



Hello. I looked at the records for the village of Schmolau in the parish Bela nad Raduzovec and I did find a Johan/Jan/John Dietz/Ditz but the birthdate is a bit different (which happened a fair amount) This individual was born on 26 Aug 1860. He was born in house #6 to Josef Dietz and Barbara last name something like Bazer…need to look for other records to figure that out for sure. Any chance this could be your person? What else can you provide that might prove or disprove that this is the correct person? If you want to contact me at we can discuss this in more detail. — another benefit of belonging to CGSI.