
Josef Pekar

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I am trying to get info on Josef Pekar….born in 1867 in Illinois (?)
Josef married Marie Susserova in Chicago in August 1891
He and Marie moved to Baltimore MD where Marie gave birth to a daughter(Elizabeth) in September 1891

Josef then seemed to disappear. A 1898 news article showed Marie as a widow…….but no one seems to know what happened to him . Any information anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated….Bob Dvorak



There were Pekar in Knirov parish, Zamrsk Archive.  Knirov just south of Vysoke Myto.

Hello! I can’t shed light on your Josef Pekar, but thought I’d share that my 2nd great grandfather, Josef Pekar, was born in 1846 in Popudin, Slovakia. My 3rd great grandfather, Josephus Pekar, was born in 1818 in Prieters, Slovakia. My 2nd great Uncle, Joseph Pekar, was born 1892 in Popudin, Slovakia. My great grandmother, Rosalia Pekar (born 1878) immigrated to NY in 1900. Some of her siblings also settled in New York. I’m not aware of any in Illinois, but it was a fairly large family in Slovakia.

I have a lot of Czech folks in Baltimore
Happy to look in St Wenceslaus church records for things
They are online !! At Maryland state archives special collections but hard to find easily
I have a jozefef Pekarz b 1745 in my tree all from Ohrazenice I wonder if same family diff spelling, Dvorak was common name there too – were prob cousins:)