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Trying to find the last “brick” in the genealogy search of my husbands grandfather. I have been told that we were Gayers from Mirovicku (actually Orlicke in Mysline) in 1759. Around 1780 Paul Gayer settled in Mirovice. We knew the grandfather as Victor- but he also used Vitor and if the boat records I found are correct Weitzel. I have records of what I have been told are his parents/grandparents.
His parents were Venzl Kajer, a master weaver, of Mirovice. Son of deceased Pavel Kajer and mother Teresia Schvarcbekova of #108. The bride was Barbora, daughter of Vojtecky-a citizen and master- in Mirovice #45 and Salomena Padoveova from Mirovice # 24.
They were married 5/7/1844. How many total children they had, I don’t know. They did have Fosch, Terelie, Appolonia, Barbora(born 1846 or 1847), Josef (born 3/17/1853) Stanislav, Vaclav, and maybe a Terinka. Victor was born October 1862.
When he arrived in America he had a wife-Mary/Marie and daughter-Maary/Marie/Mammie.
Any idea were to go for information?
ANY help will be appriciated.
