
Looking for info on Pisek area orphanages or childrens homes

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I have been tearing into the Czech records in the South Trebon online archives like a madman. I have found so much info I should be satisfied. But two things bug me. My Great Grandmother Paulina Marik was born in 1886 in Kostelec Nad Vltavou. She was one of 17 children born to Adolf Marik and Marie Raab. The puzzling thing to me is that when the father (1900) and mother (1899) passed away, it looks as if all the younger children were left out of the census page for that house. That whole town and whole parish area are missing them. My great grandmother was 14. Where might she have gone? Has anyone encountered this? I am betting they were placed in an orphanage or boarding school when the eldest son took charge of the household. If anyone knows of such a home for children in the Kostelec nad Vltavou area around Pisek. Please let me know. (Another thing…I cant seem to find her mother, Marie Raab’s birth/ Christening record. She was born in the central region town of Kutna Hora. No birth records are available for the 1840s yet? Maybe elsewhere? Not sure) The second more


Look for Paulina’s Godparents. That’s the purpose of Godparents, to take the child if the parents died.
A gen. researcher in Pisek is Jiri Souhrada. He might know about an orphanage.