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During a trip to my ancestral villages for research and meeting distant cousins, I was given a number of documents entitled “Gerburts- und Taufschein/Rodny a krestni list” that they had somehow obtained in advance of my visit. I would like to know the correct way to cite the source of these documents in my database so that anyone interested in finding these documents would know where to look or apply. Here are some of the identifying info from the documents, which are printed in both German and Czech, but completed in Czech. I will use the Czech wording:

Okresni urad larntho uradu: Nove Mesto na Morava
Okresni soud mista narozeni: Bystrice na Pernstejn
Diocese: Brno
Dekanstvi: Bystrice n/Pern.
Fara: Lhota
Gerburts- und Taufschein/Rodny a krestni list

What follows is the date and place of birth, infant’s name, religion, etc. along with name and some data of father and mother, sponsors and midwife. Here is a link to one on my website:

I guess the answer would be some particular Archive, but which one(s)? Thanks for your help!

