
Need help figuring out village of origin from handwritten record

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I have been trying to find the origins of my Dvorak ancestors in Bohemia. The family arrived in the U.S in 1854. My best clue is an 1849 birth/baptismal record for an ancestor of a DNA match. The record is from Milotice, Pelhrimov. However, the DNA connection would be earlier so I’m trying to track his father. The father’s origin is given as “Wacic na Precioka” if I’m reading it right. I’ve tried various combinations in the GenTeam Gazetteer, but can find nothing so far. Any leads would be much appreciated. I’m happy to share the original record if that’s helpful. The handwriting is very clear. I’m just having trouble discerning what it means.




There are church records for Milotice in Pelhrimov. I could not find Wacic, but W’s and V’s are often interchangeable. There is a Vacice ( also as Vadcice) in Pelhrimov What is your ancestors name ? I can attempt to find some info for you ? And a copy of that record would help too. My Name is Rick, and my email is