Polna 254
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I have found something new (to me), entered on a passenger list form an ancestor filled out in 1913. On the Name and Address line, she writes:
"Polna 254-Bohemia". Her point of origin was Polna, Bohemia-that much is understood to me, but what does the "254" indicate?
Is it a designation of the 254th house in Polna, Some kind of grid location?
Any help with this would be appreciated.
Kevin Korotev
It's a house number. Go to and put polna in the search bar there. House numbers were established 200-300 years ago. Use your scroll wheel to get "lower, more detail) in the map. Eventually you will see outlines of the structures with the numbers. The 1913 house has probably been replaced. Sometime if a small house is removed, the number will be used in a new location.