
Seigniorial Registers for Central Bohemian Region

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Does anyone have a link to, or instructions for, getting to the serf records for the Central Bohemian Region? In the South Bohemian Region, they are called Seigniorial Registers, but I'm not sure what they are called or how to get to these records in the Central Bohemian Region (outside of Prague). Thank you!

Jim Zeman - 16591 Trinity Loop, , Broomfield, CO 80023


Hello Jim. These may be various manorial records helping in administration of the manor or domain. Check the Soupisy poddaných podle víry (Serf registers according to their faith). The CGSI Library has many of these books in the book format (check their Catalog). The National Archives of the CR has the books online available for download You can also check the Státní oblastní archív (SOA) Praha under Archival records for other similar records, for example under Velkostatky, Pozemkové knihy and similar Let us know if you need more help. Thank you. IB