
Vaclav Cikanek

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I am looking for information on Vaclav Cikanek. He is my 2nd great grandfather. This is an much information as I have:

Born – about 1857 somewhere in Bohemia … my understanding is he was Czech, not Slovak or German

Came to the US in 1875, settled in Chicago until the early 1890s when he moved to Louisville, KY. He died in Louisville in 1913.

He married Jozefa Janicek in 1878

He is related to Anna Cikanek b.1863 (who married Josef Turek) -ended up in Kansas
He is related to (I believe) John Cikanek b. 1844 (married to Anna Parkos) – ended up in Kansas

I can’t find the common relative for Vaclav, Anna, and John. I have tried various versions of the name Vaclav (including Wencenlas and James .. which my research suggests could be variations for Vaclav in certain circumstances).



Hi, Maria. Just curious. If you believe he is related to Anna and John, are you able to find the village where they were born? Most archive records are online these days and easy to search once you find the village.