Submit Articles for Naše rodina
Naše rodina (Our Family) [ISSN 1045-8190] is published quarterly by CGSI. Naše rodina promotes genealogical research of the ethnic groups that comprised Czechoslovakia at the time of its founding in 1918.
CGSI welcomes submissions of potential articles, from members and non-members, about history and culture that have substantial genealogical significance. All articles selected for publication are subject to editing. To submit an article for a future issue, please view the Naše rodina Submission Guidelines for Authors or email the Editor with any questions about the submission process.
The deadlines for submitting potential articles to Naše rodina for consideration are:
January 15 | January 15 |
March issue | March issue |
January 15 | April 15 |
March issue | June issue |
January 15 | July 15 |
March issue | September issue |
January 15 | October 15 |
March issue | December issue |
January 15 | March issue |
April 15 | June issue |
July 15 | September issue |
October 15 | December issue |
CGSI also encourages suggestions for future themes of Naše rodina. Themes for issues are chosen one year in advance to provide time to solicit and review appropriate articles. View the list of upcoming issues of Naše rodina.
You can review all previous themes and articles on the Naše rodina & Ročenka Index.
Send your ideas for future themes via email to the Editor, or via postal mail to:
Paul Makousky, Editor
8582 Timberwood Road
Woodbury, MN 55125-7620