Family Histories
CGSI has a collection of over 300 family histories that have been donated to the physical library holdings since the early 1990's. To provide members the opportunity to view these works, we have undertaken the project of scanning and creating ebooks that are posted within this website's Digital Library page.
Every effort has been made to contact the original authors or their descendants to gain direct permission to post these books in our Digital Library which is viewed as an extension of our physical library where they reside. In some cases we are not able to locate the author or their descendants. We have erred on side that if the author contributed this work to our library they would want it to be viewed by our members. If you are a descendant or know the whereabouts of a descendant we would appreciate your assistance in helping us make contact to ensure compliance to the author's wishes.
You can read more about these family histories and the effort to collect and preserve them in this article.
If you would like to donate your family history, we will include it in this collection. Please contact us at
To access these family histories, you must be a current CGSI member and logged into the website. |
Title | Author(s) | Year Published | Description | Surname(s) |
Bayers (Bajer) Family History | Lewis Kalka | 1996 | This work is a series of Family Group Worksheets with many details of each generation documented. The family originally came from the Zdenice, Prachatice area of Bohemia and settled in and around Shiner, Texas. This is followed by a Descendancy report with additional notes and details. | Bajer |
The Baloun Family History | Sr Dorothy Ann Barloon OSF | 1998 | Jan Krtitel Balaun was born in 1827 in Hrobska Zahradka, parish of Pacov in Bohemia. He married Anna Adams in 1850 and they immigrated to to Quebec, Canada. They traveled inland and settled on a 9 acre fruit farm south of Hamilton, Ontario. In 1866, they joined other family members in Spillville, Iowa, and by 1873 purchased a farm just west of Fort Atkinson, Iowa. This family history traces the descendants of the family from those early days through the publishing in 1996. | Baloun |
Family Stories: Barosko | James Barosko | 1996 | "This oral history is designed to provide more than mere genealogical information. Folksingers wrote and performed folk songs both to preserve and teach their customs and history-their culture-to the people. In the same fashion, it is my hope that these stories become the first strands of a quilt of Barosko "folk-stories" which can be passed down to our children and grandchildren, with each generation adding stories of our 'customs' and events to those already here. This, then, is the hopeful beginning of a family tradition. My thanks to the many people who contributed directly and indirectly to this volume." - James Barosko, December, 1996 | Barosko |
The Bohemian Ancestry of Frank Kenneth Barta | Rev Canon F. Kenneth Barta | 1995 | This 110-page genealogy explores the paternal and maternal lineages of Frank Kenneth Barta. Beginning with the paternal side, the author provides standard genealogical data, along with family history, photos and maps. He begins with the Barta family ca. 1775 and the Sticha family ca. 1780 both from the geographic area of Bohemia. He then covers the Barta family in Bohemia ca. 1611, then continues with the Nerud and Sticha families beginning early 1600’s. He concludes the paternal section with the Pomije, Jansa and Langer connections. The second section begins with the maternal family of Prince Borivoj ca. 870 through King/Emperor Ferdinand ca. 1526. He covers King George of Bohemia and his descendants ca. 1471 and concludes with some histories of Bohemian & Moravian Lords. This family history is rich in maps of Bohemia and Moravia and Royal history text & photos. | Barta |
The Family of Frank & Anna (Sticha) Barta - Volume 3 | Rev. Frank Kenneth Barta | 1989 | This 41-page genealogical summary was written in 1989, and covers the Barta family’s lineage via a conventional charting summary. It appears to cover most, if not all, the Barta and related families covered in both Volumes 1 & 2 and in his “Bohemian Ancestry of Frank Kenneth Barta” book as well. This is a must read for those researching the Barta family from a lineage perspective. | Barta Sticha |
The Family of Frank & Anna (Sticha) Barta - Volume 2 | Rev. Frank Kenneth Barta | 1989 | This 270-page genealogy written in 1989, explores the paternal and maternal lineages and family history of the Barta family. It is the second of three volumes and is a concentration of the Barta families found in Minnesota and Montana, United States. This volume specifically targets the Barta families in Douglas & Roseau Counties, Minnesota and in Missoula and Big Fork, Montana. There are six families highlighted in this volume: 1) Michael & Katherine (Kroneck) Barta/Barto; 2) Frank & Catherine (Klouda) & Augusta (Schrader) Barta; 3) Joseph & Katherine (Barta) Friet; 4) Frank & Josephine (Barta) Pexsa; 5) Jacub & Mary (David) Barta; 6) Josef & Henrietta (Montgomery) Barta. Much of this second volume reflects events recorded in the 19th and 20th centuries and contains copies of related documents and family photos. | Barta Sticha |
The Family of Frank & Anna (Sticha) Barta - Volume 1 | Rev. Frank Kenneth Barta | 1989 | This 389-page genealogy written in 1988, explores the paternal and maternal lineages and family history of the Barta family. It is the first of three volumes and is a concentration of the Barta families found in the United States. This volume specifically targets the Barta families in LeSuer county, Minnesota and is rich with photos, documents, family history and lineages dating to the early 1800’s. Mr. Barta’s work does again reach back in time and connects to families in Bohemia. The first section deals with the Barta family and their early years in Minnesota, and then goes on to highlight four Barta related families: 1) Joseph & Anna (Barta) Stehlik & Mathias Janacek, 2) Families of John & Anna (Pomije) Barta of Heidelberg, 3) Families of Wenceslaus & Mary Smisek, 4) Families of John & Rose (Barta) Frank. | Barta Sticha |
Becicka Family History | Sandra Hofmaster Becicka | 1996 | The Becicka Family History is in a notebook, rather than having it bound, and also has page numbers missing in each section so this First Edition could be expanded over time. The story begins with Wesley and Anna (Horak) Becicka who were born in about the 1840's. Wesley died of pneumonia before the family came to America settling in Iowa. They were from the villages in the area of Litomysl, Bohemia. This is the story of their children and subsequent generations. | Becicka |
Biography of Johan Benischek | Sylvester Benishek | 1968 | Sylvester Benischek details life in Bohemia in the late 1800s and the Benischek family emigration to Iowa. | Benischek |
The Bernhardt Schwab Family in Moravia | Ray and Reny Passon | 2004 | This book begins with a Forward that states that this 41-page book was written as a background for the history of the Schwab family. It is more of a history, including culture of the locations covered, world events, etc. There are many family photos, some minor lineage charting and a section on Frederick William Schwab. | Bernhardt |
The Bickner-Pichner Family 1800-1985 | Ralph and Maxine Bickner | 1985 | This 66-page genealogical work was written in 1985 by the authors listed above, and covers the period ca. 1790 to present (1985). The authors have divided their work into three parts: 1. A general history of the Joseph and Catherine Pichner family and their descendants [31 pages]; 2) A listing of the family genealogy with names, dates and places [Appendix A – 24 pages]; and, 3) The Pichner family lineage charts [Appendix B – 6 pages]. | Bickner Pichner |
The Road to Girnic | Jim and Judy Blaha | 2002 | Jim and Judy Blaha reveal the encounters they experienced in traveling through the countryside tracing the history and lives of their Blaha ancestors. | Blaha |
Interface, a family genealogy | Joseph E. Calek | 2000 | This 190-page genealogical work was compiled by the author and copywritten in 2000. It begins with a Table of Contents, and after ten pages of introductory history it is followed by 82-pages of family history made up of four main families: Blaha, Calek, Cizek, Rajdl & Raydl. It is generously sprinkled with family photos, maps and documents and offers a five-page summation, again with the family genealogy. He concludes with a 25-page appendix containing additional family photos. | Blaha Calek Cizek Rajdl & Raydl |
James Aaron Bolles Genealogy | James Aaron Bolles | 2007 | This brief Bolles family history centers primarily on its Norwegian ancestry, but it also contains the descendants of Frank Gabriel and Anna Doerfler who were of "Czechoslovak" descent who were born in Sheboygan and Appleton Wisconsin in the mid 1800's. | Bolles |
Bonchonsky Family Bio Register | Irene Bonchonsky Lanza, Valerie Andrejko Walton, John Bonn | 1996 | The originál Family Record Book was prepared and published in June 1976 by Irene Bonchonsky Lanza. This was followed with the 1996 Bonchonsky Genealogy published in April of 1996 and prepared by Ladis Bonchonsky, Faith Bonchonsky, Katie Bonchonsky Kelly and John Bonn. This issue was developed by Irene Bonchonsky Lanza, Valerie Andrejko Walton, John Bonn and a host of coordinators incorporating a simplified formát consistent with a “Who’s - Who” Register. The register will be maintained on line in the Bonchonsky Family Web Site. This will permit annual updating to accommodate growth and new information as we progress. The intent is for our own use and information provided was voluntary. Each member edited their own information for accuracy and completeness. This includes the Nuclear Genealogy Listing and Family Tree Flow Charts. | Bonchonsky |
The Borek Family: Our Czech Heritage | Helen Borek Campbell | 1996 | This 70-page genealogical and history work begins with a Table of Contents to help the reader/researcher navigate through three families: Borek, Mach, and Puskas. it contains lineage charting, maps, copies of documents with both Czech and English examples. Many family history's and photos. Some focus on Louis Borek. | Borek |
Frantisek and Barbora Bouril | Gladys C Boril | 1990 | This 333-page genealogical work was written circa 1990. Following a brief introduction and instructions on how to read this work, it contains a very thorough history of the Bouril family including seven generations. The pages begin with a written history enriched with many family photos, maps and records. Beginning on page 8, the reader will find a Table of Contents which gives organization to the ten Bouril families covered. At the end of the work, pages 325 to 333, you will find a 9-page index. | Bouril |
Our Czech Ancestors - Anna Bouska and Frantisek Stehno | Margo Ellen Widner Wilson | 2010 | Immigration was not always easy or direct. Follow the various parts of these families from their homelands to Crimea and Germany and eventually to Chicago and on to Kansas. | Bouska Stehno |
The Brens: That Noble Tribe Among the Hills | 1982 | This is a family history of Joseph S Bren and Emilie Rejman Bren and their descendants. The Bren family came to the US from Moravia in 1880 seven years after their marriage and settled near the Minnetonka area of Minnesota. | Bren Rejman | |
Brisky (or Brichca) Family Report | Frank D. Stekel | 2020 | The Brisky (or Brichca) family immigrated to Vernon County, Wisconsin from Svépravice, a small village south of Prague. Details of their lives and documenting images are included. | Brisky |
Bromell-Pyke Family History and Genealogy | Ann Promell Sachse, William S Davidson, Patricia Davidson Clayton | 1983 | This family history book evolved from the idea to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Bromell family grandparents and seven of their children's emigration from England to America in 1883. It began with a collection of genealogy data and expanded to include narratives about the Bromell family, letters, and other items of interest to us. | Bromell |
Descendants of Josef Buresh and Anna Kulhnova | Elma Wisnieski Carpenter | 1996 | This 90-page genealogical work was compiled by the author and published in 1996. It includes a Table of Contents at the beginning of the book, and after a brief introduction and instructions on how to navigate the genealogy, the author begins with a brief mentioning of Josef Buresh, his wife Anna Kulhnova [ca. 1850], and their son, Joseph Buresh. She then takes the reader through an additional six generations of the Buresh family ending with generation six, Randy Schlautman family, ca. 1995. This work has many maps, documents and family photos and concludes with an 8-page Name Index. | Buresh Kulhnova |
One Branch of The John Burianek and Frank Stepanek Families | Karen Stepanek Swanson | 2001 | Jan Burianek was born in Nova Sidla, Litomysl, Bohemia in 1830 to Frantisek Buryanek and Anna Skranka. He married Sofia Deml who was born in Cerekvice, Chrudim, Bohemia in 1835, the daughter of Jan Deml and Sofia Rehor. Jan/John and Sofia were married in 1856 and started their family there before coming to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The Stepanek family was from Holescovice, Chrudim Bohemia and also immigrated to Iowa. This is the story of their family and descendants. | Burianek Stepanek |
The Ancestors of Emil Joseph Burnisky | David L Burnisky | 1995 | Emil Joseph Burnisky was born in 1918 in Phelps, Ontario County, New York to Gregor (Rehr) Bursky and Katerina Kollar. The Bursky family has it's origins in Brodske, Slovakia. This brief family history traces the family back through 4 generations in the Slovak lands. | Burnisky Kollar |
Family Tree of Cêrný from Mokrouše | Oldricha Cêrný | 1980 | This 42-page genealogical work was written in 1980. It is a genealogy of the Cerny family who were from Mokrouše. Mokrouše is a village and municipality in Plzeň-City District in the Plzeň Region of the Czech Republic. It begins with a ‘Forward’ in the Czech language but also has an English translation. The genealogy and charts begin with the family of Jakub Cerny and Anna Hájková, again in both Czech and English translation. It then covers Jakub and Anna’s son, Václav, his wife, Woršila Pawauczkova and their family proceeding into the 1700’s covering Ludmila Cêrna. The author moves into the 1800’s beginning with the Family of Jakub Cêrna and his wife, Marie Tikorová. There is a sprinkling of family photos and other illustrations. | Cêrný Hájková Cêrna Tikorová |
My Czech Cousins | Leighton Kaloupek | 2016 | This 244-page genealogy and family history was completed as recently as 2016 after 17 years of research and centers around the author's paternal grandmother and her ancestors. The first 48 pages are general in nature, but provide a view of the environment that the Cerveny and associated families experienced first-hand. The family genealogies are presented in a standard format and comprise about 80% of this book. | Cerveny |
The Chaloupeks of Kopidlo | Leighton Kaloupek | 2012 | This 115-page genealogical work was written in 2012 and is the history and documentation of the Chaloupek and related familes, the Czechs and their culture and the life in the 20th century. This work begins with a list of maps and photos, followed by a history of Bohemia and Czech Republic. A family history begins on page 11 and continues through page 17, and then follows with a brief piece on their Jewish connection. Pages 22 – 37 cover the history of Tama County, Iowa, followed by genealogical data, obituaries, maps, documents, family photos and other illustrations. This book contains a Table of contents for ease of navigation. | Chaloupek |
Dearie's People: The Chladeks and the Kabrnas of the Czech Lands and Chicago, USA c 1620-1920 | Delsa Spencer Smith | 1998 | The Chladek family is traced to the area of Rychnov nad Kneznou, north of Prague and the Kabrna families are from the Velnik area in the northeast corner of Bohemia. This book is divided into five parts. Part One begins with the earliest known Chladek and Kabrna in the Czech Lands, and ends with the birth of the immigrants. Part Two continues with the immigrants, Anton Hugo Chladek and Frantisek Kabrna, and concludes with their children's families. Part Three is about Dearie's parents, her siblings and their families. Part Four is focused on Dearie and the man she married, much of it in a daughter's own words. Part Five contains charts and family group records. Contains updates made in 2000. | Chladek Kabma |
Chmelik Genealogy | David K Eiteman | 2018 | This 48-page genealogical work was last edited in February of 2018 and is the Czech genealogy of Florence (Chmelik) Saxe and her sister, Sylvia (Chmelik) Eiteman, daughters of Jacob Chmelik and his wife, Anna Prochízková ca. 1900. A five generation lineage chart follows. The next section contains bibliographies of family members including nice photographs from various time periods. Lastly, there are four appendices: 1. Czech language and Names; 2. Czech towns; 3. Other Chmelik’s; 4. An autobiography by Sylvia (Chmelik) Eiteman. | Chmelik |
Matej Chmelka Family History | Rosalyn Marie Chmelka | 1992 | This 358-page genealogical work was researched and written between 1960 and 1992 and begins with a two-page genealogical name index followed by several pages of photos and documents. Beginning on page 21 is the history and genealogy of Matej Chmelka, and his wife, Teresia Slavik, ca. 1870, followed by more charts and documents. On page 43 we find the beginning of the history and genealogy of Jan (John) Chmelka, his wife, Anna Kasa and a child, Mary, ca. 1871. This work covers several generations and plenty of family photos and copies of relative documents. There is a generous amount of lineage charts, all neatly hand-written, as well as newspaper clippings relating to weddings, obit’s and other family events. This format continues through the remainder of the book. | Chmelka |
Jan Chott Sr. 1812-1876 A Family History | Rhonda Chott Baker | 1999 | The Chott Family History reviews the family's history from Cizkov, Bohemia in the 1700's to their migration to Rock Creek, Missouri. | Chott |
In Memory of Anton and Katerina (Macek) Dobes | Deborah J Freitas | 1995 | Anton Dobes was born in Moravia in 1856 and his wife, Katerina Macek was born in 1859. They were married in 1878 in Prague, and following the birth of their first two children, Frank and Anton, they immigrated to the US and settled in Chicago in 1880. Anton worked in a coal mine in a suburb of Chicago for five years and they then homesteaded in Sanders County, Nebraska. | Dobes Macek |
Dobrozemský Genealogy | David K Eiteman | 2018 | This 108-page genealogical work was compiled in 2018 with some information given to the author by his mother, Sylvia Chmelik Eiteman around 1970. Sylvia was the step-daughter of Frank Dobry/Frantisek Dobrozemsky. Pages 7 – 11 contain a table of persons covered in this book. There are two major parts to this work: Part one consists of 23 lineage charts covering four generations [pgs. 12 – 34]. The second part is made up of detailed information intertwined with photos of family members and memorabilia [pgs. 35 – 65]. | Dobrozemský |
Douda Genealogy | Jack Mracek | 1997 | This 244-page genealogical work was begun in 1997 by Dr. Jiří Maršá, Třeboň, Czech Republic. The author/compiler put together this book which contains the genealogy of the Mracek, Svoboda, Marsa, Machacek, Malecha, and other families in addition to both the Douda and Zeiskovsky families from Dr. Maršá's work. Each section is organized the same with genealogical information, history, photos, and documents. There is a section on family memories and descriptions of towns where the families lived. | Douda Zeiskovsky Mracek Svoboda Marsa Machacek Malecha |
The Dubas of Dušejov & Opatov, Bohemia, Grant County, WI, and Brule County, SD | Doreen E. Duba | 2010 | Eight generations of the Duba family of Dušejov are portrayed in this extensive family history beginning in the mid-1600's and proceeding to the current day | Duba |
Jakub Duba Family Tree | Ann Bryan Mills | Jakub Duba and Katerina Vasickova were married in 1812. This family history follows their descendants who immigrated to America and settled in various locations in the midwest. | Duba Vasickova | |
The Dvoraks of Minnetonka Township Minnesota | Albert James Kranz, Helen Mary Vavra | 1988 | This book is divided into three sections. The first section contains twelve chapters which record the family history of Václav and Anna (Popelka) Dvořák. The second section contains six chapters (XIII-XVIII) which include families who are peripheral to the Václav and Anna (Popelka) Dvořák family. These chapters include not only Dvoráks but also Kocoureks, Petráks, Popelkas, and Típals. The third section contains five chapters (XIX-XXUI) which include other Dvořák families who are not related to the Václav and Anna (Popelka) Dvořák family. These Dvoráks are included because their ancestors also immigrated to the Minnetonka-Eden Prairie-Hopkins area in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. | Dvorak Kocourek Petrák Popelka Típal |
A Family 'Histree' of the Ancestors and Descendants of František and Ján Dvorský | Dr. Richard G. Long | 2004 | The Dvorsky family history begins about 1665 in the area northwest of Prague including Radotín and Stodulký and follows the family to their settling in Johnson Countz, Iowa in the 1860's and to current days. | Dvorsky |
Dyekiss | Kerry Dyekiss | 2000 | Dyekis vs Gyekis. Budapest vs Banska Bela. Hungary vs Slovakia. This account of linking families is a fun read and brings together families separated by an ocean and a century. | Dyekis |
The Faltejsek Family and the Czech-Catholic Home for the Aged in Hillje, Texas | Marvin Marek | 2004 | Theresa Marek, who became the mother of Mary (Marie), Joseph and Peter Faltejsek, the initial, large financial contributors to the Czech Catholic Home for the Aged in Hillje, Texas, was born on January 17, 1841. She was the daughter of Joseph and Theresa Richter Marek and born in the village of Petrovice near Čermná in eastern Bohemia.2 She was the fourth born of five children. All were born in Cottage No. 42, the home that her father Joseph had purchased in 1830. Theresas mother was a Sudeten or German-Bohemian born in Dolní Třešňovec near Lanškroun. | Faltejsek |
The Fiala Family History: From Czechoslovakia to America | Harvey E Fiala | 1991 | This book contains information on 13 generations of Fialas beginning with Jacob and Catharina born in the late 1600's in Mysliborice, Moravia. The emigration to America began with Frank John Fiala, born in 1831 and his wife Katherine Fruehauf and their children in 1880. Similar to many other families, they lived in Chicago for several months before moving to Nebraska. | Fiala |
Fillipi/Phillipe Family History 1752-2009 | Jim Phillipe | 2009 | This 151-page genealogical work was completed in 2009 and describes the Filipi family, Bohemia (Austrian Empire), ca. 1700’s up to the present, ca. 2009. This book contains geographic history, maps and documents with genealogical information in standard genealogy presentation format including a collection of Family Group Sheets which can be a very important find to those researching this and associated families. There are many newspaper clippings of family weddings, obituaries and general articles. It also contains a section on the family emigration to the United States ca. 1800’s. | Filipi |
The Forman Family Who Came from Opatov, Bohemia | Doreen E. Duba | 2003 | This 453-page genealogy and family history is a professionally bound book compiled between 1969 and 2003. It has a Table of Contents and at the end an 18 page index of names of the Jan Evangelista Forman family. It contains sections dealing with background information, family stories and letters, church information, statistics and biographical sketches. Several sections in standard genealogical format for the Vaclav Forman, Jan Forman, Josefa Forman, and Maria Formanova families. Finally, there is a section devoted to families related to Forman and a translation of documents. There are photos, some vintage and copies of numerous documents. | Forman |
The Fries Family History | Michael McTiernan | 2000 | The Fries Family History follows the family from origins in Strüth, Würzburg, Bavaria, to Illinois in the United States. Additional content is found on the family website. | Fries |
The 1999 Frnka Family Address Book | Trey Nelson | 1999 | A unique family address book presented as the descendants of Josef Frnka and Jan Kyncak. The descendants are listed family by family including dates and location information beginning in the mid 1800's with their birth locations in Europe. | Frnka |
Frolik Genealogy | Robert Frolik | 1998 | Robert Frolick created his family history in two parts: the first part presents the genealogical information and the second part add all the character in the form of stories, photos and other records of the past. | Frolik |
Fuxa Ancestral Lines | James R Fuxa | 1999 | This 399-page genealogical work was completed in 1999 and is an extensive genealogical text with the focus on 16 families related to the Fuxa family. There is a table of contents outlining the different families (names are listed below in “Sample Surnames” plus sections on the meanings of surnames and medical histories. Each family section contains a mixture of lineage charts, family history, photos, maps and in the back of the book is a 26-page Index to Names found in this book. | Fuxa |
Goldsmith (Kottsmid) Family History | Various | 2020 | This work traces the descendants of František (Kottsmid) Goldsmith from his birth in 1808 through the lives of 11 children. It is a compilation of various works by descendants in the family. The family in 1808 lived in the village of Bojenice and Frantisek and family later immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio. Compiled through the efforts of Bill Dees, Barbara Kochmit, and Ken Kochmit. | Goldsmith Kottsmid |
Haban-Sevcik Family Book | Elizabeth B. Haban | 1990 | The 154 page history of the Haban and Sevcik families includes their genealogy along with many personal experiences and remembrances of life in the early 1900s. | Haban Sevcik |
Hakl Roots and Branches | Arthur A. Hakel | 1981 | Art Hakel does a masterful job of describing the facts and possible feelings of the Hakl family contemplating their move to America and creating a picture of daily life in their Hluboka home. Next he provides us images of the South Dakota and Minnesota territories and the families settling on a Silver Lake farmsite. Lifestyles of the family once settled in the community are expanded upon as well as very personal stories about each of the descending families. | Hakl |
Elsie Stephanie Hartl Kratochvil | Arnelle Kratochvil Gorton Snell | 1978 | Anton Hartl and Katerina Kvitek were married in the Domazlice area of Bohemia. After their children were born, they emigrated to a farm near North Bend, Nebraska for several years and later moved to Stanton County where they lived out their lives. | Hartl Kvitek |
Frank Havran and Anna (1864-1952) Immigrant Family History | Dennis Havran | Frantisek Havran was born in 1821 in Budislav, Bohemia. He and his family immigrated to Tama County, Iowa. The author gives details of the family along with information about their early years settling in Iowa and the subsequent generations. | Havran | |
Descendants of Jan Heidenreich 1815-1894 | Frank D Stekel | 2020 | The Heidenreich (Hajnerach) family is researched in the area of Plzen for the lifespan of Jan from 1815-1894 and his children who immigrated to the United States. | Heidenreich |
Amongst Our Own in Bohemia | Harold D Hengl | 2008 | Amongst Our Own in Bohemia, The Hengl family history, extensively covers the history of that family along with the related Seda and Vanek families. In addition to the genealogical information provided this history has extensive information on the history of Bohemia and many pioneer stories of families after arriving in the US. | Hengl |
A Trip to Bohemia | Harold Hengl | 1997 | Billie and Harold Hengl documented in photos their trip to Czechia in 1997. The photos help document the Hengl Family History also published in the CGSI Digital Library. | Hengl |
The Hoelzel Family | Marjorie Hoelzel | 1983 | In October of 1983, Mrs. Marjorie P. Hoelzel received a response to a request for assistance in the genealogy of the parents and grandparents of a Mr. Vincent Hölzl born on July 18, 1832. This handwritten genealogy was a translation of the response that was sent from the Director of the State Regional Archives in Prague to Mrs. Hoelzel. In this document the reader/researcher will find the original typed genealogy in the Czechoslovakian language and an English translation. There is also a related obituary from a newspaper. This genealogy includes the birth and named parents of Vincent [Vincenc] Hölzl along with detailed information of his marriage in 1863 to Maria Vurmové. It continues with detailed Birth information of Maria Vurmové including parent’s names, dates and other information. It then covers Vincent’s parents born ca. 1795 and their marriage in 1820; again, with much detail. It proceeds into a third generation covering in more detail Maria Vurmové’s parents and grandparents. It then concludes with a brief description of Vincent’s grandparents, Dominyk Hölzl and his wife, Johanna Piceti from Vienna. This document also contains an eight-generation lineage chart showing a line of descendants of Dominyk Hölzl and a map showing some of the Czechoslovakian towns associated with this genealogy. | Hoelzel |
The Houdeks from Paseky | Merle Houdek | 2014 | This 283-page genealogical work was completed in 2014 and is divided into two major sections as outlined in the Table of Contents. Section one contains family histories in text format with a sprinkling of photos and maps. It is preceded by a brief history of Bohemia and Moravia and a history of Paseky, a town in Bohemia. The second section is devoted to descendent charts of the Houdek family which the author has color coded for added clarity. The book does contain a very detailed 18-page Index in the back of the book. | Houdek |
Rodina Houfkova: A History of the Houfek Family of Colfax County | Dennis F Houfek | 1997 | Frantisek Houfek/Housek was born in 1843 in Stuparovice, Bohemia. He was drafted in 1866 to fight in the Prussian war, and in 1871 joined a contingent of friends and relatives destined for America. Frantiska Duda was born in 1843 in Soustov, Bohemia. She came to America "when a young lady in her twenties." The two were married in 1872 in Omaha, Nebraska, and this is their story. | Houfek |
Hovorka Family History II | Dolores (Hovorka) Cortis | 1988 | This book represents an attempt to integrate pictorial, graphic and factual material about the descendants of Jacob and Mary Hovorka of Veseli, Bohemia, with special emphasis on their five known children: Thomas, John H., Jacob II, Elizabeth, and Eva from the mid-nineteenth century when they ventured across the ocean to the farmlands of New Prague, Minnesota. | Hovorka |
Hovorka Family Tree III | Dolores (Hovorka) Cortis | The Hovorka Family History III brings the families of Thomas Hovorka (Volume I) and Jacob Hovorka (Volume II) together with all additional materials that have been received since the publication of the first two volumes. | Hovorka | |
Huggard Family History | Virginia Kay Huggard | 2020 | The Huggard/Hughart family comes to the states of Missouri and Oklahoma from the area of Dusejov and Opatov in the Czech Republic. This family history takes an interesting twist by starting with the author and moving back generation by generation through her ancestors. | Huggard |
Humlicek Family History | Evelyn Humlicek | 1988 | This 200 page history of the Humlicek family begins in the 1700's in Slovakia and traces their immigration to Nebraska and includes notes by the author of her personal trip to her ancestral villages. | Humlicek |
Úbreža Hvižďáka | Jan Serbak | 1999 | In Czech. The history of the Hvižďáka family traces it's recorded origins back to Juraj Hvižďák who lived from 768 to 1824. The history focuses on his great grandaughter, Zuzana who was born in 1849 and follows her descendants through multiple generations. | Hvižďáka |
Ubrezski Hvizdakovci (Úbrežski Hvižďákovci) | Ján Serbák | 1999 | The Hvižďákov family came from Vyšné Hrušová near Humennom. In the first half of the 19 century, several Hviždákov families lived in Vyšno Hrušová. Hrušov at that time belonged to the Greek Catholic parish of Maškovec. The oldest known Hvižďák is Juraj, born in 1768, most likely Michal Hvižďák's grandfather born 10.8.1823, founders of the Úbrežská branch of the Hviždákov family. Contained is information on 826 direct descendants of Michal. Approximately 1/4 of his descendants are abroad, especially in the USA. This work focuses primarily on the Slovakia descendants until about 1999. | Hvižďákov |
Your James and Wood Ancestors | Lee Allyn James | 2005 | This preliminary draft of the history book, Your James and Wood Ancestors, was provided to CGSI in the hope that the contents would be of benefit to other CGSI members. The complete work was later added to CGSI's Library, however, these pages focus on the Czech ancestors researched. | James Wood |
Jelen Family History | The Jelen family history begins the mid 1700's in Bucina, Kladno, Bohemia. Multiple lines of the family are documented through their emigration to USA and settling in Nebraska in the mid 1800's and to the current time. Many other family lines are included in this well documented family history. | Jelen | ||
Jenik Family Tree | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2012 | Jenik Family Tree, Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, May 2006, May 2012, Fairbury, Nebraska, 80 pages. Part I. Includes nine generations of the Jenik Family Tree from abt. 1800 in Tisova in east central Bohemia to 2012 in Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado in 2012. Part II. Includes nine generation of the Pavlicek Family Tree family in the Czech Republic from abt. 1696 to 1993. Includes villages of Voderady and Oucmanice and surrounding area in east central Bohemia. Part III. Includes the Zalesky Family Tree genealogical information from early 1800s to late 1800s in the village of Horky, Bohemia . Part IV. Includes the Ludvicek Family Tree genealogical information from the early 1800s to mid 1800s in the village of Horky, Bohemia. Park V. Includes the Zabokrtsky Family Tree genealogical information from abt. 1600 in Slemeno, Bohemia to 2012 in Washington County, Kansas and Jefferson County, Nebraska. Book includes photos from Slemeno and Tisova, Bohemia. Surname index includes: Aaron, Kucera, Winkler, Ludvicek, Zalesky, Oliverius, Zabokrtsky, Jueneman, Svoboda, Jankovsky. | Jenik |
Our Czech Family History (Jerousek) | Kathryn Betlach Dankowski | 1987 | The Jirousek (Jerousek) family history traces back to the forests of Spaleniste in the 1840's. A son, Vaclav, was a master tailor in Jetitice who along with his wife, Anna born Vondrich of Hodusin, and children, emigrated to Chicago. Other family members apparently were already in the US. This family history has many personal stories written by family members along with letters, news clippings, genealogical charts, photos and more. | Jirousek |
The Caledonia Kadlec Family | Robert H. Kadlec | 2019 | This is the history of the Robert H. Kadlec family. It is a collection of genealogical facts, stories, and photos that reflect the European origins and American history of the family. The two branches are the Kadlec family (paternal side) and the Chernohorsky family (maternal side). The geographical setting is the eastern part of Caledonia Township in Racine County, Wisconsin. | Kadlec |
The Kadlec Family Homelands | Robert H. Kadlec | 2022 | This book is a sequel to the 2019 Caledonia Kadlec Book: Rodina Caledonia Kadlec (The Caledonia Kadlec Family): Genealogical and Historical Notes and Photos. | Kadlec |
Family History of Otto J Rabstejnek and Mary Kadrle | Susan Harp | 2018 | Ancestry and photos of the Kadrle and Rabštejnek families | Kadrle Rabštejnek |
Descendants of the Master Blacksmith, Matěj Kaiser, of Svaté Pole | Naomi Harnagel | 1998 | The descendants of the Kaiser and Žalud families date back to the early 1700s and contain descendant charts with dates and locations along with early family photographs following their journey to Nebraska. It also provides information on the Kordule family dating to the early 1600's. | Kaiser |
A History of the Kaisler Family | George A. Kaisler | The Kaisler family story begins with the birth of Josef Kaisler in 1852. The first descendant of the family to emigrate to the United States was Rudolf Kaisler in 1903, settling in Wisconsin. This 450 page history provides information on the associated families in Europe and the United States. | Kaisler | |
Kalal Family History 1699-1999: Bohemian Ancestors & North American Descendants | James Joseph Kallal & Robert John Kallal | 2000 | The earliest Kalal in Bohemia would have been born about 1645. He lived in the village of Jetetice, near Milevsko, in southern Bohemia. Generations came and with the marriage of Frantisek Kalal born in 1813 in the nearby village of Krenovice to Marie, this strong family made the trek to Chicago in 1853. The Kalal name also made the journey to Canada. This well documented work follows the family from those early beginnings to the present date. | Kalal |
Kalal Family History 1699 – 1999 | James Joseph & Robert John Kalal | 2000 | This 564-page genealogical work was completed in 2000 and is a very extensive history of the Kalal and related families. Besides a clear Table of Contents which guides the researcher through many generations of the family it provides a generous amount of family photos, maps and documents. It has a 13-page Index of Photos with a condensed description of each indexed photo, and as well a 45-page name index in the back of the book. A standard genealogical format is used throughout. | Kalal |
Bohemia and Beyond: The Kantorik Family History | Kimberly D Kantorik | 2000 | Jan Nepomuk Kantorik, the father of the first generation of Kantorik emigrants, as well as all his children were born in the village of Osek in house #93. Tax records show that Jan was a farmer and coal miner. The family's journey brought them to a new life in Pennsylvania. | Kantorik |
Karasek Families of Wisconsin and Texas | Doreen E. Duba | 1980 | This 23-page genealogy and family history was compiled ca. 1980’s. Included in this brief but very thorough four-generation lineage of both the Franiseck and Joseph Karasek families. It includes standard genealogy format, genealogical charts, and photos both vintage and late. Information was collected from various sources including Bible extracts, obituaries and extensive research of births, marriages, deaths, censuses and immigration documentation. | Karasek |
Families Related to Rost Klabzuba | 1978 | Wesley Klabzuba was bon at Tuklaty #35, Ceske Brod, near Prague, in Bohemia. His father was Wesley Klabzuba, a farmer and Katharine daughter of Jacob Burghart, a farmer of Tuklaty. His mother was Rosalie Oberland, the daughter of Jan Oberland, a farmer of Cernickach. The family emigrated to the US in 1864 arriving in New York. From there they settled in Cleveland, Ohio, and later moved to Buchanon County, Missouri. Subsequently they laid claim to land in Kansas. | Klabzuba | |
Ancestors of Lewis Edward Klapka | Lewis Klapka & Dana Palmer | 2021 | The ancestry of Lewis Edward Klapka reviews families originating in the areas of Chrudim and Rakovnik in the Czech Republic and Abauj-Torna, Hungary. The story is highlighted personal experiences and family tales along with many photos of family through the generations and the documents that bring the families together. | Klapka |
The Family of Frank and Mary Klima | Allen D Cavell | 1988 | The author chose to focus on the details of a specific family, that of Frank and Mary (Babinec) Klima who were married in Chelsea, Iowa on April 12, 1877. Additional narratives are given about their five children. | Klima Babinec |
Knechtl Family History | Scott Phillips | This is the genealogy of the Knechtl and Moucha families from Hyskov, Nenacovice, and Zloutkovice in the Beround district of the Czech Republic. Vaclav Knechtl and Marie Moucha were married in 1862 and immigrated to the USA in 1867 with their daughter Marie who was born 17 Nov 1865 in the village of Hyskov. | Knechtl Moucha | |
The Kohel Family 1800-2000 | David, Michael, and Jim Kohel | 2000 | Joseph Kohel was born about 1812 in Eckstein, Austria (Bohemia) and married Ursula Thomei prior to the births of their first two sons, John in 1845 and Frank in 1847. The grandfather of our authors, Lewis, was born in 1849. By 1859 the family moved to Manitowoc, Wisconsin soon settled on a property near Two Creeks. This family history documents their lives and that of their descendants up to it's publishing in 2000. | Kohel |
History of Our Family | Dolores Kokes Speidel | 2000 | This chronicle was written by Josef Kokes prior to his death in 1925. It was eventually translated and this copy was donated to the CGSI library. | Kokes |
The Kopriva Family | Phil Kopriva | 1996 | Karl and Theresie (Novak) Kopriva were born and married in the area of southeast of Ceske Budejovice in the early 1800s. This history traces their lives and that of their children and further generations as the family immigrated to the United States and settled in Minnesota. | Kopriva Novak |
The Koryta Family | Rose C Koryta Wolf | 2002 | The Koryta family settled in Ohio after their immigration from the Bosovice area just north of Pisek in Bohemia in 1874. Their story starts with Prokop Koryta who was born about 1774 and married the 26 year old widow, Katerina Hradsky, in 1801. | Koryta |
The Koryta - Hampl Family Lineage | Bill Urbanek | The Hampl family were millers from the area just south of Rakovnik in Bohemia. The Koryta family lived in Kozli, somewhat to the east but still in approximately the same part of Bohemia. Both families emigrated to Nebraska where the two families joined through the marriage of their children. The family history covers some aspects of their lives both in Bohemia and subsequently in Nebraska. | Koryta Hampl | |
Kotras and Masek Families | Frances Kotras Whitecraft | 1999 | The ancestry charts and family group worksheets of this family history were originally researched by Hynek Kotras and provided to Frances Whitcraft when her interest in genealogy was inspired by her desire to complete the family tree chart in her oldest son's baby book dating back to 1946. Follow the family forward from the mid 1700's in Mečhicov and Zborovice across the ocean to Bel Air, Maryland. | Kotras Masek |
The Koukal Family of Rovne | John Eugene Wheeler | 1994 | The earliest documented records of the Koukal family are from the village of Rovne in the 1790's. From that family, John Koukal emigrated to America in 1884 and settled in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. | Koukal |
Kovar Family Story: Bohemia to America | Carol Ann Bachman Schouweiler | 2003 | An in depth look into the Kovar family from the earliest reports in the mid 1700s in Ceska Trebova, Bohemia to their immigration and family life in Steele County, Minnesota and beyond. | Kovar |
Anton Kratochvil & Ann Schauer: A Short History and Genealogy | Arnelle Kratochvil Gorton Snell | 1976 | This brief history provides some initial information on the family of the Karel Kratochvil family of Buonov, Moravia and John Schauer of Nedoshin, Bohemia. | Kratochvil |
A Czech Family Heritage: Krch & Maly | Jewel Beck Lansing | 1996 | Jiri (George) Maly was born in 1787 and practiced as a veterinarian. He married Alzbeta (Elizabeth) Petrzelkin in 1809. Two of their children, Josef and Anna emigrated to the US settling in Mischicott, Wisconsin area. Subsequently other descendants settled in the Schulyer, Nebraska area. The Pavel Krch family story begins in Hlasivo in the early 1600s. Ludmilla Krch who was born in 1812 married John Hubenka and they also moved to the Two Rivers, Wisconsin area in 1857 accompanied by their four children. This is the story of the two families detailing some of their lives in Bohemia as well as their subsequent move and settling in the United States. | Krch Maly |
Krenik Family History | Joseph Krenik | 1993 | Provided is a simple listing of all the descendants of the Divis Krenik family from Dunajovice beginning in about 1673. | Krenik |
Kristufek History: Six Centuries of South Bohemian Genealogy | Derek Hartley | 2020 | The recorded history of the Kristufek family begins in the area near Pisek, Bohemia in the very early 1600's. and travel through time to the current days, following the immigration of family to Chicago, IL and beyond. | Kristufek |
The Kuklis & Oliva Family in Bohemia | Sandra J Breitkreutz | 1994 | Members of the Kuklis and Oliva families came to the US from the area near Hrabesin and Trebonin near Caslav. This booklet shows some correspondence with researchers in the Czech Republic to research the ancestry of the families in the early 1990's. An additional pdf of potential ancestors and documented descendants of the family is also attached. | Kuklis Oliva |
In the Beginning: The Kuře/Straka Family History including Kubeš and Kratína families | Rosemary Loss Bodien | 1994 | This 93-page genealogy and family history was completed in 1994. This is a handwritten book beginning with a Table of Contents, an Introduction followed by a four generation chart of the Straka family. The handwritten history is easy reading and is interspersed with family photos (vintage to modern), maps, documents, newspaper clips. The family group sheets are also hand printed but the information is clear and comes with relative dates and locations. There are several detailed Czech language genealogies from the State Archives in Prague. | Kuře Straka Kubeš Kratina |
Our Family Records: The Langer and Stangel Families | Rose Langer | 1989 | The Langer, Stangel, Vyska and Pelner families were early Czech settlers in the Kewaunee, Wisconsin farmlands. Most of the families came from the southwestern part of Bohemia. Rose Stangel Langer wrote this history for her family in the late 1980's and documents her genealogical work until that time. | Langer Stangel Vyska Pelner |
Liska Family of Paludza, Slovakia | Phyllis Sporven | 2001 | This brief family history provides key elements of the Liška familz from the area of Paludza and Ližne Dechtare, Slovakia in the early 1800's. | Liska |
Lodl | Kay Jensen | 1979 | Petr Lodl was born in 1818 in Prodeslady, Kralovice, Bohemia the son of Vaclav and Marie Lodl. He married Josefa Svoboda who was born in 1823 and they along with four children immigrated eventually to Heun, Nebraska, after arriving in Tisch Mills, Wisconsin in 1857. | Lodl |
The History of the Lucash Family from Manetin, Prague, Bohemia | Michael McTiernan | 2020 | The story of the Lucash family has it origins in the mid 1750's in the village of Manetin, Bohemia. The information provided here can be enhanced by visiting the website. | Lucash |
The Lukáš Family History | Michael McTiernan | 2020 | The Lukáš Family History originates in Manětín in the Plzeň Region of Bohemia in the mid-1700s. The family immigrated to the Freeburg, Illinois area in the mid-1800s. | Lukáš |
"My Life as it was." A Nebraska Memoir: Dodge and Stanton counties 1881-1909 | Dolores (Dot) Kokes Speidel | Barbora Luxa was born in Bohemia and emigrated with her parents to Dodge County, Nebraska in 1881. In 1897, the family moved to Stanton County where Barbara met and married Rudolf Hamsa. For many years Barbara Hamsa kept a diary and upon urging by her family, wrote the early memories recorded here. | Luxa | |
Martinek Families of Chmelna and Studeny | Jerry Martinek | 2020 | The earliest Martinek records in the Chmelna and Studeny area of Bohemia are found in about 1585. The Martinek families of both villages appear to be related and this work reviews the descendancy of both from that timeframe until about the 1900's. This book is a complete listing of the descendancy that has been located in searching the Czech archives through April of 2020. | Martinek |
Mracek Genealogy | Jack Mracek | 1998 | This 134-page genealogy and family history begins with a selection of family photos beginning in 1870 through ca. 1908, and leads into a 10-page standard genealogy of the Mracek family. This is followed with a family journal covering the 3rd through the 9th generations of the family. Then beginning on page 63, the family history continues in Czechoslovakia with photos, Czech customs and a section on “Memories”, again with a selection of photos of related towns and documents. This book concludes with an assortment of family stories. | Mracek |
Mrsny Heritage | 1992 | This book is a chronicled record and story of the Mrsny forbears. It is a story of success, failure, endeavor, and sacrifice. There is joy and sorrow, with a mixing of love and hate." The history begins with Jan (John) Mrstny who was born in 1836 and married Karoline Petrochek who was born in 1832. The Mrsny/Mrstny family was from Prorubi, Kostelec, Bohemia. The American descendants lived for a short time in Indiana and many settled in the Colfax County, Nebraska area. | Mrsny | |
Pavek Family History | Vernon Pavek | 1999 | This Pavek family comes from the area of Albrechtice/Val near Novosedly nad Nežárkou in Southern Bohemia. The family history traces the Pavek name to the very early 1700's and brings it forward to near 2000. Many stories of the various family members are included. | Pavek |
Pecinovsky Genealogy History from Bohemia to America | Gerald G Pecinovsky | 2021 | While researching and writing "Protivín - A Czech Settlement” in 1978,1 found information that ignited my interest in Pecinovsky's ancestry. With passion, I would gather any information that I found. This genealogical search spanned over 30 years. My first trip to Czechoslovakia was on a tour organized by the Friendship Force of Greater Des Moines. President Jimmy Carter founded Friendship Force International to promote world peace, building lasting bonds with the people of other countries. I was an ambassador on the trip to Czechoslovakia from July 20 to August 2,1988. While touring Prague, we passed Old Town Halí with a memoriál plaque listing the names of the 27 men executed in 1621. One of those executed was Jindřich Kozel of Peclinovec. Our tour guide turned to me and stated that Jindřich Kozel was my ancestor. In front of Old Town Halí stood the execution platform. There are 27 crosses in the paving for each person executed. While on tour, Jaroslav Safanda from Protivín met me, and we wentto the villages of Velis and Vosna, where my ancestors lived. In Vosna, We met with people who remembered Pecinovskys living house No. 3. Their last names were Prochaska, Balik, and Vsetecka. It was then I knew I was home. Researching my ancestors was now a commitment. | Pecinovsky |
Barbara Pesek-Tesar Story | Caroline Sobolik | 1908 | This is a story of Barbara Pesek -Tesar as featured in American Kalendar (1908), translated on November 1, 1981, by Caroline Sobolik, and written up by Dolores Ira who received a photostat copy through the generosity of Cyril Klimesh. | Pesak-Tesar |
The Pesek Family of Bohemia and Minnesota | Mary Louise Pesek McRoberts | 2005 | The Pesek family history begins with Jirik Pesek who was born in 1772 in Horni Slovenice, Bohemia. It follows the descendants through subsequent generations eventually to descendants who settled in St Paul and Montgomery, Minnesota. | Pesek |
A Family "Histree" of the Ancestors and Descendants of Matěj Plevka (1816-1904) | Dr. Richard G. Long | 2003 | This 79-page genealogy and family history was written in 2003. It begins with a detailed Table of Contents followed by a list of photos, maps, and documents. A brief description of Bohemia is next leading into an informative introduction and “legend” page, followed by the family tree of Matěj Plevka and family. Standard family genealogy is next interspersed with more family photos, maps, and documents. | Plevka |
Pobuda Family History | John Pobuda | 2019 | John Pobuda gathered information about his Pobuda and Brezina families and did a great job of putting that information into an early version of genealogy software. Luckily he printed out much of the material, as the original computer that contained his information no longer exists, and John is no longer with us to redo his work. This book contains printouts of his material along with other documentation, but it is not organized and a bit repetitive. There is also a pdf of a master family tree that he created at some point. The pages will need to be pieced together to create the full visual. | Pobuda |
The Letters of Anna Fiala Prokupek (1916-1919) | George E Prokupek, Barbara Prokupek Liechti | 2016 | She sat at the dining room table her gnarled fingers slowly leafíng through the black and white photographs in the family album. He sat beside her, his eyes on her face. Her finger lingered on one photograph - that of a young girl about 20, leaning on her arm, her eyes looking confidentiy ahead. I remember that dress" he sald softly, “it was blue." -reminiscence of Barbara Liechti, 1979 | Prokupek Fiala |
Czech and Then Some: Tracing Roots | Ron Pulkrabek | 2022 | This is a series of "Tracing Roots" articles provided by Ron Pulkrabek in the Silver Lake Leader and the McLeod County Chronicle newspapers. The articles cover a range of topics around the history of the Silver Lake, Minnesota community and other United States locations, Czech customs and practices, and the history of the Prokranek family in their native village. | Pulkrabek |
Pumrle Family of Vysokě Myto, Czech Lands | Adela Covey | 1998 | This 57-page family history was completed in 1998. Ms. Covey had commissioned a professional genealogist in Lakewood, OH, to research the Pumerle family and from his research she compiled this work which is mainly made up of family history, documents and their translation into English and many photos. | Pumrle |
Our German-Bohemian Heritage | Robert J Paulson | 2007 | This 117-page genealogy and family history was completed in 2007. It has a Table of Contents that helps navigate the reader through the various sections of the book including Bohemian background, history and culture, along with sections on the history and genealogy of the Rewitzer, Grossmann, Helget and Kiefner families. Each section has a family photo album, maps and documents. | Rewitzer Grossman Helget Kiefner |
Ancestors of Richard Louis Roubik | Ken Roubik | 2021 | From the mid 1700's in the area of Bošilec, Lhota, and Záblatí in Czechia to the modern day across the midwest in the United States, follow the life of the Roubik and numerous other Bohemian families. | Roubik |
Schoenberger Family Tree | Marlene Maresh McGregor | This Schoenberger history covers a period from the early 1700's through June 30, 1969 and was compiled by Mrs Patrick McGregor of Chamberlain, SD. The Schoenbergers of this family originated in Cejkov, Bohemia. | Schoenberger | |
The Blacksmith's Daughter | James E Bridgman | 2022 | "Like Katherine's ancestors, the Schulda family were serfs, but unlike her famly, where the men were blacksmiths, the Schuldas were farmers." Thus begins the story of the Schulda and Ulrich families originally from small villages south of Plzen who like so many other families came to America. They settled in Turners Falls, the largest of five villages in Montague, Massachusetts. | Schulda |
The Václav Šimek Family of Chicago | Virginia (Ginger) Vogel Simek | 2020 | Václav Šimek arrived in New York, New York June 20, 1881 on the ship Suevia. The ship left from Hamburg, Germany on June 5, 1881 with a stop in Le Havre, France. He is listed as 25 years old, and his occupation is stated as “workman”. Follow his journey and descendants as he started his new life in America. | Šimek |
The Sokol Family: From Bohemia to America 1816-1989 | Charlene Posekany and Kathleen Brundage | 1989 | Joseph Sokol was born in 1816 in Sloupnice, Chrudim, Bohemia. In 1840 he married anna Peterka who lived in the same village. In 1866 they came to Tama County, Iowa, with their three of their five children and purchased their first land in 1867. Their other two children later came to the US. This family history traces the family from those historic beginnings to the present day. | Sokol |
The Descendants of Adam Stefl | John D Stefl | 2015 | This 359-page genealogy and family was finished in 2017. It begins with a 2½ page Table of Contents followed by an introduction and description of the numbering system used. This is followed by pictorial genealogy tree of Jozef Steffl (Stefl). Generations beginning in 1700 to 1883 follow for the next fifteen pages and then it continues with a section covering the years 1882 to 1900 with an early Stefl history in the United States. Much of the family history is chronologically presented with a large variety of family photos, maps and documents. Because of the number of pages, it would behoove the reader/researcher to examine both the Table of Contents and the eleven-page Index at the back of the book. | Stefl |
The Family of Karel Stekl (1845-1918) and his wife, Marie (nee Skala) (1846-1932) | Frank D Stekel | 2020 | The Štekl family history begins in Červená Řečice in Czechia and follows the family to Hillsboro, WI. | Stekl Skala |
Sticha Genealogy | Jack Mracek | 1990 | This 171-page genealogy and family history was completed in 1990. This book begins with vintage family photos of the Sticha and Bouska families. These 25± pages bring the reader to the Sticha genealogy beginning ca 1785, followed by more photos of newspaper clippings and obits. Beginning on page 40 there is a presentation of the Sticha genealogy in standard format spanning eight generations. Then begins the Bouska genealogy, again supplemented with family photos, maps, some correspondence, and then the standard format genealogy ending at the seventh generation. The book ends with family memories, brief histories of Czechoslovakia, and other related towns. | Sticha |
Historical Information and Family Genealogy of Wenzel (Wenceslaus) Strnad and Elenora "Lena" (Strnad) Humpal | Gerald G Pecinovsky | 2022 | Strnad and Humpal are the surnames of the author's mother's parents. The Strnad ancestry can be traced back to the villages of Vlastec and Jehnedno, while the Humpal ancestry can be traced to the villages Jamny and Varavzov, all located in Bohemia. The Strnads and Humpals would settle in Sumner Township, Winneshiek County, Iowa. | Strnad Humpal |
Family Nibbles | Mark Jarvis | 2020 | Family Nibbles is an engaging look at the ancestry of the Teply and other families from the areas of Oldřiš and Borová in Czechia. Volume One covers the timeframe of 1600 through 1865. Volume Two picks up and takes the family through 1925. Full of great photos, family stories, maps, supporting historic facts and more. | Teply |
Tomeš Descendants of Česká Třebová: The Life Story of a Midwestern Woman | Ethel M. Stacey | This edition contains the story of the Mary Tomes Wilson family and a descendant chart of the Tomeš family beginning in 1710. | Tomeš | |
Joseph L Uhlik, Bohemia to America | Victor M. Uhlik | 2012 | This 81-page genealogy and family history was completed in 2012. This book was written to document the immigration of the Uhlik families from Bohemia to Detroit, Michigan beginning ca. 1814. Other family members also immigrated to places such as Ohio, Nebraska and Texas. The Table of Contents lists ancestor names and helps navigate the reader to the applicable pages. The book ends with general information such as DNA, Czech language, family photos, end notes and a 3-page name index. | Uhlik |
History of the Joseph Varick Family | Doris Varick Friedl | 2016 | This 22-page genealogy was completed ca. 2016. It contains a brief life history of the author followed by standard genealogical presentations of her family members going back 4 to 6 generations. The information is presented very clearly and concisely. | Varick |
History of the Family of John and Marie Vavrina 1849-1937 | Theodore Vavrina | 1982 | Follow the story of the John and Marie (Bohaty) Vavrina family from the mid 1800's in near Kutna Hora to through their immigration to the United States and settling in the East Grand Forks, Minnesota area. | Vavrina |
The Vlcek Family Story | 2019 | This story of the Vlcek family has its origins in the Central Bohemia village of Senozaty with the birth of Matej Vlcek born in 1716. It follows through subsequent generations until the Vlcek family moved to Chicago ending with the Anton Vlcek and Anna (Pecenka) Vlcek family in the early 1900s. | Vlcek | |
Vrabel Genealogy | Marilyn Schulte & Carl Slaughter | 2018 | This 139-page genealogy and family history was completed in 2018. The Vrabel family history reviews the family’s origins from Porac, Slovakia as members of the Saint Demetrius Greek Catholic Church to the immigration of the family to at least 10 different locations in Illinois, Indiana and New Mexico. This is the story of a Rusyn family who came to the US as coal miners. | Vrabel |
The Wyskocil Family of Dayton Ohio | Gene Baker | 2019 | The Wiskocil family hails from Nadejkov, Bohemia and immigrated the port of Baltimore to settle in Dayton, OH, in the mid 1860's. | Wyskocil |
Zabokrtsky: Grandma and Grandpa Were Homesteaders | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2014 | Zabokrtsky:Grandpa and Grandma Were Homesteaders Carley Y. and Anna Jenik Zabokrtsky(left) 1892-1987and Great-Grandparents Josef and Victoria Pvelicek Jenik (right) 1886 - 1893 by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Fairbury, Summer 2014, 43 pages. Introduction to grandparents and great-grandparents. Book Introduction to Zabokrtsky and Jenik Families. Dedication to Zabokrtsky and Jenik Families. I. Introduction: Homesteading background information. Grandparents background information. Where did they homesteaded. II. Why Homestead? The East was filling Up. The Homestead Act. Land Promotors. Land Agents. III. Beginning the Homesteading Process. A. Daniel Freeman. B. Joseph Jenik Sr., Immigration and Naturalization, Declaration of Intention to become a U. S. Citizen. C. Filing Homestead Papers. Charley Y. Zabokrtsky, Filing Homestead Application papers and Homestead Affidavit. IV. Jenik and Zabokrtsky Families Life on the Homestead, newspaper articles and history book biographical sketches.. V. The Final Process. Becoming a U. S. Citizen. Excerpts from Homestead Claimant's Testimony of improvements on claim, crops planted and harvested. Receiving Homestead Certificate - Land Patent. Land Survey System. Surname index includes: Jankovsky, Oliverius, Zalesky, Ludvicek, Pavlicek, Jenik, Zabokrtsky, Henzl, Winkler. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky Family’s Best Friends: Our Horses 1651-2013 | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2012 | Zabokrtsky Family's Best Friends: Our Horses 1651 - 2013, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky and 19 other horse lovers, Fairbury, Nebraska, August 2013. The only way you can get the flavor and understanding of this book is to read it. Nineteen people contributed their own unique stories and pictures of their special relationship with horses. The book covers the years from the 1651 Bohemian Census to August 2013 Mid Plains Wagon Train Ride. Memories and pictures galore. Surname index. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky Family Tree | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2014 | Zabokrtsky Family Tree, July 2002, May 2004, June 2014, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Fairbury, Nebraska. 176 pages. Thirteen generation of Zabokrtsky family history in Family Tree outline form early 1600s to 2014. The meaning of the Zabokrtsky name. Information includes birth, marriage, death, burial, dates and locations, names of spouses and children and occupations if known. Locations include Kostelecka Lotka, Slemeno, Rychnov nad Kneznou, Kostelec nad Orlici and Castolovice and neighboring communities in northeast Bohemia. Locations in the United States include Cedar Rapids, Iowa and surrounding counties, Marshall and Washington Counties in Kansas and Gage and Jefferson Counties in Nebraska. Surname index includes Cervenka, Raussavy, Truhlicka, Stettnisch, Feyerabend, Shimerda, Svoboda, Sedlacek, Cherney, Vanosek | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky Family in Kansas and Nebraska 1870-1980 | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2000 | Zabokrtsky Family in Kansas and Nebraska 1870 - 1980, June 2000, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Endicott, Nebraska, 128 pages. Excerpts from Washington County, Kansas newspapers covering births, marriages, deaths and family events. Newspapers: Barnes Chief, Fairbury (NE) Journal News, Hanover News, Hanover Democrat, Hanover Democrat Enterprise, Washington Republican, Washington County News, Washington County Register, Washington Palladium, Washington Post Register, Lodgepole (NE) Express, Steele City (NE) Press. Also included is the 2000 Zabokrtsky Family Reunion address mailing list. Surname index. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky Family Album #5: From Bohemia in 1954 to the United States of America | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2010 | Zabokrtsky Family Album #5: Bohemia in 1854 to the United States of America, July 2010, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Endicott, Nebraska. 124 pages. Hundreds of pictures of families and places I visited in the Czech Republic and of Ignac Zabokrtsky's descendants in the United States. I asked 1st, 2nd, 3rd Cousins and my brother and sisters to submit pictures of their families. Pictures submitted represent at least seven generations of the Zabokrtsky family. For family placement, you will need to place each person in the Zabokrtsky Family Tree Book. For younger children, you will need to look for their parents in the family tree book. Surname index includes: Feyerabend, Jenik, Ludvicek, Pavlicek, Stettnisch, Truhlicka. Locations include: Slemeno and Tisova, Bohemia, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records Book 3 | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2008 | Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records Book 3, July 2008, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Endicott, Nebraska, 98 pages. This book contains the following: Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family History Timeline; Ruby Kuhl Zabokrtsky's and Flora Porter Zabokrtsky's Friendship Quilts; Gary Zabokrtsky's Country School Memories; Gary Zabokrtsky's Growing Up On The Farm; Josef Zabokrtsky Czechoslovakian Underground World War II; Victor Zabokrtsky Family Escapes Communism in Czechoslovakia 1948; Zamrsk Regional Archives Research in Czech Republic; Frantisek Joseph Zabokrtsky (Chicago), Joseph Zabokrtsky (Prague) and John Trovojsky and Frances Zabokrtsky (Norway, IA) research; Biographies and Obituaries; Zabokrtsky Family Reunions 1983-2006; Zabokrtsky Family Reunion Notice 2008; Reunion 2008 Mailing List; Surname Index. | Zabokrtsky |
A Chronicle of the farm clan Zabokrtsky from Slemeno, Native of Zabokrky | Vaclav Novak, Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, translated by Pavla Brynda | 2010 | A Chronicle of the farm clan Zabokrtsky from Slemeno, Native of Zabokrky Starts in 1540, by Vaclav Novak, Czechoslovakia, 1952. Translated by Pavla Brynda, U. S. A., 2009-2010. Editor and Additional Information by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Endicott, Nebraska, July 2010. 97 pages. This family history book traces the Zabokrtsky (Žabokrtský) family from the year 1540 to mid-1900s, generation by generation, and house number by house number, in Slemeno, Bohemia. The information includes biographical sketches, family life, family genealogical charts, and photographs. Includes Zabokrtsky families living in the towns of Rychnov nad Knĕžnou, Dlouhá Ves, and Jámy. Zabokrtsky family tree outline genealogical information. Maps. Photographs. Surname index includes: Bartos, Cervenka, Dostal, Dusil, Hovorka, Jelink, Novák, Smid, Thomas, Zahradnik. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky, Jenik, and Pavlicek Families in the Czech Republic: A 400 Year Journey | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2000 | Zabokrtsky, Jenik, and Pavlicek Families in the Czech Republic: A 400 Year Journey, June 2000, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Endicott, Nebraska. 99 pages. Part I. A brief history of Bohemia and the Czech Republic. Part II. Seven generation history of Zabokrtsky family from 1948 history of Slemeno, Bohemia. Research of church records at Zamrsk Archives. Family Tree Maker outline of Zabokrtsky family in Czech Republic 1606-1995. Biographical information of twenty-five Zabokrtsky family immigrants to United States. Part III. Family Tree Maker outline of Jenik family in Czech Republic early 1800s early 1900s. Research of Church records at Zamrsk Archives. Biographical information of eight Jenik family emigrants to United States. Part IV. Family Tree Maker outline of Pavlicek family in Czech Republic from abt. 1696 - 1993. Part V. Journals of my 1993 and 1995 visits of the Czech Republic to visit ancestral villages and families. Photographs. Immigration and Naturalization. Surname index includes: Dusil, Cervinkova, Raussavy, Henzl, Jankovsky, Oliverius, Zalesky, Ludvicek. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky Family’s Best Friends: Our Horses Book Two | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2000 | Zabokrtsky Family's Best Friends: Our Horses Book Two, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Fairbury, Nebraska, October 2014. 23 pages. A collection of horse related sale bills, newspaper articles, census records, history books articles and photographs dating from 1885 - 2014. Interesting topics: Late 1800s memories. Transferring personal property to Communist Farming Cooperative in 1959. Horse show participants. Pony Express Riders carry Olympic Torch. Mid-Plains Wagon Train Rides. Pony Express Re-Rides. Local 4-Hers Qualify for State Competition. Saddle maker. Rodeo rider. Horses lost in snow storm. Photographs. Surname index. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky Biographies and Obituaries | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2004 | This 94-page genealogy and family history was completed in July 2004. It appears to be read in conjunction with his other Zabokrtsky books, in particular Zabokrtsky Family Tree which you will find on this website. This is an alphabetical listing of Zabokrtsky family members/ancestors with a brief description of each followed by a 6-page family contact listing at the end of the book | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records Book 6 - 2018 | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2018 | Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records Book 6, June 2018, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, 95 pages. Part I. Dedication. Part II. Introduction. Part III. Cover Picture. Part IV. Ignatz Zabokrtsky's Declaration to become a citizen in 1855, Passport Application in 1870 (to visit Bohemia), Hamburg Passenger List 1877 (return to United States with new wife and stepson), Suevia Passenger Ship 1877. My Cedar Rapids, IA visit with Jandik Family, Ignatz's stepson's descendants. Part V. Three articles about families in Bohemia. Part VI. Five articles about Czechoslovakia under German and Russian Control. Part VI. Life in Czech Republic in 2004. Part VII. Twenty-three articles about Zabokrtsky descendants in the United States. Human interest stories. VIII. Zabokrtsky Children's Thanksgiving Newspaper Essays. IX. Contacts from Distant Cousins. X. Zabokrtsky Family Reunions 2012, 2014, 2016. XI. Engagements and Marriages. XII. Obituaries and Biographies. Surname Index. Includes families from Bohemia, Eastern Iowa, Northeast Kansas, Southeast Nebraska, Nebraska Panhandle, Northeast Colorado, Wyoming. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records Book 5 – July 2012 | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2012 | Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records Book 5, July 2012, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, 43 Pages. Grandma Zabokrtsky's Birth Certificate. Grandma Zabokrtsky Mince Meat Recipe. 2012 Washington County Rodeo Dedication, Ron and Linda Nutsch. 1942 Husking Bee for Edwin Zabokrtsky. Pictures of Henry Trulicka and Grace Lillibridge Family. Frank Jenik's Homestead Records. Exploring the 1940 U. S. Census. Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Obituaries. This is a collage of family history pieces, including a section on the Homestead Records of Frank Jenik. There is census data but contains mostly family obituary abstracts. Has a Surname Index at the back of the book. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records Book 2 | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2006 | Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records Book 2, July 2006, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Endicott, Nebraska, 93 pages. This book contains the following: Zalesky, Ludvicek, Jenik, Shimerda and Sedlacek Czech Zamrsk Archive Research; Joseph Ludvicek Naturalization Records, Washington County, Kansas; Frank Zabokrtsky Naturalization Records, Cook County, Illinois; Land Records, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado; Census Records, Iowa, Kansas; Newspaper Excerpts, Hanover, Kansas; Church Records, Jones County, Iowa, Washington County, Kansas; Marriage Records, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Colorado; School Records, Bohemia, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota;. Cemetery Records, Kansas, Nebraska; Obituaries; Jankovsky Reminiscences; Jenik Memories; Stettnisch Family Memories; Memories of Grandma Zabokrtsky; Journal of 2004 Czech Tour and Visit with Czech Families. Surname index | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2004 | Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Records, May 2004, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Endicott, Nebraska, 94 pages. This book contains: 1651 Slemeno, Bohemia; State Census and United States Census for Iowa and Kansas from 1856 - 1930; Land Transactions for Jackson County and Johnson County, Iowa, Marshall and Washington County, Kansas and Saline and Gage County, Nebraska; Plat Book and Directories from Iowa and Kansas; Marriage Licenses from Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska; Naturalization and Passenger Ship Records; Social Security Death Index for Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska; Cemetery Tombstone and Burial Lists for Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska; Family information from Sts. Peter and Pauls' Catholic Church 100th Anniversary Book, Morrowville, Kansas; No Surname Index. Includes family information from east central Iowa, northeast Kansas and southeast Nebraska. | Zabokrtsky |
Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Military Veterans | Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky | 2016 | Zabokrtsky and Jenik Family Military Veterans, by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Fairbury, Nebraska, December 2016, 35 pages. Includes Zabokrtsky and Jenik family veterans from the mid 1800s to 2016 in Bohemia and the United States. Also includes an article "Zabokrtsky Family In Czech Legion of World War One & The Trans-Siberian Railroad". Surname index. | Zabokrtsky Jenik |
A Chronicle of the farm clan Zabokrtsky from Slemeno, Native of Zabokrky | Vaclav Novak, Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, translated by Pavla Brynda | 2010 | A Chronicle of the farm clan Zabokrtsky from Slemeno, Native of Zabokrky Starts in 1540, by Vaclav Novak, Czechoslovakia, 1952. Translated by Pavla Brynda, U. S. A., 2009-2010. Editor and Additional Information by Gary Mitchel Zabokrtsky, Endicott, Nebraska, July 2010. 97 pages. This family history book traces the Zabokrtsky (Žabokrtský) family from the year 1540 to mid-1900s, generation by generation, and house number by house number, in Slemeno, Bohemia. The information includes biographical sketches, family life, family genealogical charts, and photographs. Includes Zabokrtsky families living in the towns of Rychnov nad Knĕžnou, Dlouhá Ves, and Jámy. Zabokrtsky family tree outline genealogical information. Maps. Photographs. Surname index includes: Bartos, Cervenka, Dostal, Dusil, Hovorka, Jelink, Novák, Smid, Thomas, Zahradnik. | Zabokrtsky |
The Life Altering Decisions of Joseph Dvorak and Francis Zvolanek | Eric Taylor | 1995 | "Of all the places on Earth, why had I been born in Kansas? The pondering of that question has led me to seek the answer through the study of my family History...Francis Zvolanek and Joseph Dvorak ... came from towns in central Bohemia, within the vicinty of Prague <Sobin, now part of greater Prague>" | Zvolanek |
Prairie Pioneers of Box Butte, Nebraska | Mae Manion | 1975 | The history of Box Butte County was published in 1970 by the historical society. Families contributed stories of the immigration and settling the prairie lands of Nebraska. Great stories contained submitted by the descendants of Czech settlers. | |
Their Trek Ended Here | Jack Sadle | 1996 | This 114-page family history offers an index of family names at the very beginning. Going to the page where each of the indexed names are listed brings the reader to the family history, photos and documents that makes this book an easy read. Lineage charts and Family Group Sheets are provided for each of the families listed. | |
Our Czech Heritage | Dorothy Schwieder and Marlus Svoboda | 1981 | Our Czech Heritage was created from oral interviews of 20 local citizens of Czech ancestry in the Clutier, Iowa, area. Clutier is located in Tama County, an area rich in Czech ancestry. The book covers history, culture, traditions, social life, farming, school experiences and much more. | |
An Informal History of the Czechs in Lincoln County, Missouri | Audrey Kinion | Six Bohemian families immigrated to the area of Lincoln County, Missouri in 1848. By 1850 another 30 families came to the area. This 392 page work reviews the history of these families and the beginnings of their lives in the United States. | ||
Dušejov Rody a Popisná čísla | Jaroslava Paulusova | 1995 | Created in 1995, this book recaps the families who have lived in Dušejova and then provides a house by house history of the ownership of each property. In Czech. | |
Dušejov Photo Journal | Doreen Duba | This photo journal shows pictures of families and houses in the village of Dušejov. | ||
Do Not Forget Me: Czech Settlers in Baldwin County, 1900-1940 | The Alabama Review; Author: Melda Boyd | 2021 | The story of the Czech community of Silver Hill in Baldwin County, Alabama is told through a variety of oral histories and numerous other sources gathered by Melda Boyd, the granddaughter of one of Silver Hill's Czech settlers. This article was originally published in The Alabama Review, vol. 74, no. 2 (April 2021), pp. 129-167. This reprint provided to CGSI courtesy of the Alabama Historical Association. |