
Parihuzovce, Slovakia


Current name: Parihuzovce

Village website: https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parihuzovce

Submitted by Jeanne Zulick

Jeanne Zulick in Parihuzovce

While teaching English in then-Czechoslovakia in 1991, I had the opportunity to visit Parihuzovce in Eastern Slovakia. Parihuzovce dates back to 1567 and is in the Snina district of Slovakia.

My grandfather, Andrej Zozulič, was from Parihuzovce and some of his family, including my father's first cousin, still lived there. I had the great honor of touring this beautiful village with my new-found cousins. I remember passing a field where they were plowing with horses. It felt like traveling into the past and I could imagine my grandfather here with his siblings and parents, farming this land that always remained in his heart.