
Porac, Slovakia

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Looking for information on my family from Porac, Slovakia. Does anyone have information on the Vrabel/Bakoss family living around 1800. Thanks,



Dorothy Pohmurski no longer lives at the address listed on this site.
Wish I had the new address

I saw her address on line. Sent her a letter. Let us hope she will respond to me.
Thanks You, Marilyn


By chance have you done a search of the surname database? There is a former CGSI member by the name of Dorothy Pohmurski who was researching the Vrabel family from Porac…

Best regards,
Tony Kadlec

In reply to by anthony.kadlec

Do you know of anyone working on these surnames – Vrabel, Bakoss, Hanusczak, Kalafut, Olsauszky, Wanszacs?
These ancestors lived in Porac Slovakia. My research shows these ancestors lived in house 104, 60, 50 and 52 in Porac. Still no response from Dorothy Pohmurski, it was a very old post. Trying to develop a good draft of my data. I was doing other family research, but now the focus will return to my Slovakian roots. This is the most complicated. I needed a break. It is best to look at the research with fresh eyes.
Thank you,
Marilyn Schulte