Searching for grandmother Anna Tomcsik
Seeking info about Anna Tomcsik :Searching Slovak Church records I found an Anna Tomcsik's death record. It shows 1908, February 20. Her age as 18.Also shows Janos Huszar of Zahor Slovakia. I can't find marriage records. These are the names of my Mother's parents. Told at an early age, grand mother return to Slovakia with my mother and she died there. Finding John Husar Declaration of Intention, show he remarried February 1909. Annie's birth in Norristown PA to 1st wife. March 1913 Immigration records shows my Mother, sister Maria and Anna Kokas coming to NY.
How can I find more information on my grandmother?
Joanne Chvala
I did find a record of an Anna Tomcsik death Feb. 20, 1906 listed with a Janos Huszar.she was about 18. Story we were told Gramma took my mother to Slovakia. Grampa came to get her. On his intention for citizenship, shows he married Anna Kokos and they had a child,Maria. born Dec. 1909.
He came back to the US in 1910. My mother came in 1913 with her sister an stepmother.
Hello Joanne,
Could you attend the CGSI quarterly virtual discussion group on Nov 4, 2023, at 1:00 PM CT, please? We could discuss your research question and give you some suggestions there. If you are interested, watch for the Zoom link under News and Events in a couple of days. Otherwise, also various presentations under CGSI Digital Library (How to..) might help as a guidance and give you some new ideas, as well. Thank you. yvegen