


The CGSI Blog shares stories and photos on various topics related to heritage, culture, and family history. Blog posts are from a variety of contributors.


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Iveta visit 4

Presidential Chandelier

As the summer encapsulates us with its hot temperatures here in the Midwest, it may be a good
 Nova Petrópolis

First Czech Festival in Brazil

1st Czech Festival in Brazil and 12th Festival of Czech and Slovak Culture in Latin America, taking place on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of November 2023
candles in cemetery

Visiting Graves This Time of Year

As Halloween arrives in the US, I think of a tradition practiced in Slovakia and Czech Republic. And that is the visitation of the gravesites of our deceased loved ones and ancestors. The first day…
Hospodar advertisement

Little Pearls from Hospodář

Let’s start with the power of the Hospodář - Farmer eats at the table, reads the Hospodář while eating, and in there is a question,“ Farmer, do you have all your tools already…
Tags: Hospodář
1950 Census Form

Get Ready for the 1950 Census Release

The National Archives (NARA) will be releasing a digitized version of the 1950 census on April 1, 2022. Ancestry will create an initial searchable index using artificial intelligence and handwriting…
Tags: US Census
Slovak, Arkansas

Reflection on My Summer Trip to Slovak, Arkansas

This summer, our family decided to explore Arkansas and its natural and cultural beauty including a town named Slovak.
large format family tree

Print A Large Format Family Tree

I recently shared a story of how I try to connect attendees at our annual family reunion with our shared genealogy. One way I do this is by printing a family tree that measures two feet high and…
Tags: software
Map of Austria-Hungary military regions

A Memoir from World War I's Eastern Front

Learn more on Saturday, May 15 at noon Central Time as Kawczak’s grandson Andrew Kavchak of Canada talks about a new English translation of his grandfather’s book Dying Echos: Memoirs of the War 1914…
Tags: History, Czech
Vedute Karlovy Vary, 1652

Czech and Slovak Vedute

Are you as fascinated by vedute as I am? Did you know the Czech and Slovak Archives have an impressive collection of the vedute up until 1850? Vedute (in Czech, pl.

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  • Any Length. There are no wordcount requirements.
  • Any Style. You may write in whatever style you wish, though because it should be understandable, it should lean towards a more informal style.
  • Original. We want to hear from you, but if you do include information from another source please include attribution.

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Prague Praha 5 cobblestone street