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MGC returned to normal operating hours as of September 1. All patrons are required to wear a mask in the MGC effective October 18.
Please join CGSI at 10 AM CDT on Saturday, August 28, 2021 for "A Guide to Czech and Slovak Heritage Resources at the Midwest Genealogy…
Enjoy this podcast with Kevin Hurbanis, CGSI President, interviewed by Michal Razus, about his Slovak roots, journey of family re-connection, and CGSI's activities, seminars, conferences, and Slovak & Czech heritage.
Join us on Monday, June 28 at 7:00pm CDT for an informal discussion focused on the 2021 CGSI Conference.
Please join CGSI at 10 AM CDT on Saturday, May 22, 2021 to learn more about what happened after the Communists came to power and how families and cultures were divided.
Join us for CGSI's first quarterly program of 2021, and learn about three giants of Czech and Slovak architecture around the world.
MGC is now reopened to all members and visitors, with limited hours, on Thursdays from 4pm to 8pm and Saturdays from 10am to 4pm (CST).
CGSI Bylaw Amendment proposed for Annual Membership Meeting on October 24, 2020.
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