CGSI's online Shop offers a wide range of attractive products relating to Czech and Slovak heritage and traditions, including books, maps, apparel, and more.
“The transplanting of diverse racial and cultural groups from their old world setting into the melee of an expanding America is one of the most important themes of…
Chicago was once the second-largest Bohemian city outside the Czech lands. The Czechs first settled, serendipitously, behind the notorious O'Leary barn.
Daughter of Czech parents, the author, Mary Stretton, spoke Czech before she spoke English. The idea for this book was fueled by Stretton's interest in her Czech origins, her…
When did your Czech or Slovak ancestors immigrate, from where did they leave, why did they leave, how did they get here? These are questions we all hope to find the answers. This…
A Czech classic for children and adults! This book features 14 traditional Czech folk tales by K.J. Erben (6 folk tales) and B. Nemcova (8 folk tales). Illustrations by famed…
The North High Bridge Park is a creative community development project of the Upper Town and Uppertown Triangle neighborhoods of Bohemian Hill. The park and its Sculpture Garden…
Handy Czech-English Genealogical Dictionary (Česko-anglický příručni slovník genealogický)
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Scriptorium (2016)
Language: Czech
This valuable resource book was written by Dr. Jan Habenicht of Chicago, and published in the Czech language as Dějiny Čechův Amerických by the Hlas Publishing company in St.…
This 411 page hardbound book was originally published in the Slovak language in two volumes in 1942. Most of the original photos from the book have been reproduced in this English…
Jan Pankuch was a prominent publisher and activist within the Slovak community of Cleveland, Ohio. He settled in the area in the late nineteenth century and was a part of many…
A reader’s introduction and guide to the dying art of deciphering and interpreting the old documents issued by the Military and Civil authorities of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy…
This book includes an overview of grammar, abbreviations, numerals, and aids for studying Latin texts, especially matrices and church archival records.
The Latin-Czech Genealogy…
This book is a labor of love to honor and remember my grandmother Abbie. She was a wonderful cook who passed down to me a notebook full of her handwritten recipes. I have many…
A two-time refugee from his Slovak homeland—in 1939 from the Nazis and in 1949 from the Communists—John Palka has retained his love for Slovakia and his fluency in the Slovak…
Every issue of CGSI's quarterly journal publication Naše rodina (Our Family) contains multiple articles written by a wide variety of authors covering topics relating to…
Inventory of St. Wenceslaus and Czech National Cemeteries in New Prague, Minnesota.
Prepared by:
New Prague Area Historical Society
Germanic Genealogy Society